Terrorism by these abilities is becoming more sophisticated and more cruel every day.

However, even a talented person who has succeeded in countless crimes and terrorism, if there is one terrorism that is considered extremely probable of success, he or she will say hijacking.

It is because it is so hard to secure a retreat even if you have achieved the goal of hijacking.

Moreover, if the nature of narrow indoor spaces and airplanes flying in the air causes more impact than is necessary, it is a high risk of falling, making it the worst place for talented people to play.

There are very few cases where hijacking has been successful so far, and if it is the only case of success, it can be said that the airplane bombing is the only one.

However, after news of a hijacking with the worst success rates acknowledged by police and villains, counterterrorism officials from the United Nations's peacekeeping forces in China began to mobilize.

Since Across' demilitarization, the United Nations has attracted a dedicated division of counterterrorism experts to combat terrorism.

They had researched and experienced everything related to terrorism, so they were specialists who were good at negotiating with terrorists, conquering them, and from top to bottom were all experienced with terrorism.

"Hijacking? Some of them still do that?"

He was a Chinese-American, and he became a Negotiator in the United States, and he couldn't hide his confusion when he heard the situation that had been negotiated with numerous criminals.

As he had negotiated with numerous criminals, he studied their thoughts and behaviors deeply, hoping that the most troubling situation, not all of them, would be suicide.

His job was to find out what terrorists were up to, and to buy time while this particular unit was ready and working on operations involving entry and rescue of hostages.

Despite the sudden act of terrorism, Ed Lee calmed down like a veteran Negotiator and sent a signal using a communicator connected to a hijacked airplane, intending to get a little more information.

- Your name! -


Suddenly, the voice of the playful man was heard as communication connected, and the faces of the terrorist task force gathered around Ed Lee and his surroundings were filled with confusion.

"W-what is this? It's not working, is it?"

"You've definitely got it right!"

Even Ed Lee, who fought in psychological wars with numerous criminals, was able to shake his head in the current situation.

- Arrrgh! --

Without an answer, the male voice across the radio rises slightly angry, but not all agents have a sense of how to react.



At the same time, a gunshot sounds out of the thick man's screams.

- You chewed my words twice, and one of the hostages is already dead. Arrives! -

Only then did Ed Lee quickly open his mouth, noticing that the meaning beyond the word name meant to say this name.

"Ed Lee! Call me Ed, call me Lee, whatever you want!"

'Dammit. I can't believe I'm getting pushed around like this...! Whatever he is, he's not a rookie!'

The hike meant that Ed Lee, who thought he was a novice terrorist who didn't know how to do it back and forth, took a step back rather than going out strong on purpose.

Chinese American immigrants? My name is Chiu. - Tell them to put it away.

"Chiu? Is that a mythical move? Then the other person is a man in his mid-20s in the East Asian world. '

The name Qiu is a mythical figure that is hard to know unless you are East Asian.

He was more than 80% confident that Jinwoo was East Asian in his head because he rarely used mythical names that were not related to him.

Ed Lee, desperate to get information out of his mind, opens his mouth one layer at a time.

"Let's call it what you want. It's a natural question, but what is your purpose?"


"… What?"

- Pumpkin, I worked my ass off to build an organization. Remember, the name of the organization is Taegeum. We're going to destroy Across and become the best organization in the world to take its place. -




As soon as Chiu finished speaking, Ed Lee and the agents around him lost their words.


Why did you hijack so many people and say you have the lowest chance of success?

'He's a madman. He must have taken some strong drugs.'

This was a common thought in the minds of Ed Lee and other agents.

"Hmm-hmm! Ah... I see. And is there anything else? Like money..."

Ed Lee thought his opponent was a madman, but he kept his voice down and continued the conversation as politely as possible.

Each negotiator has a different way of doing things, but he started in that direction because he deliberately lowered it to make the other person proud, and then he has good stability in the way he extracts information.

- Of course I am.

'Good. I was defeated on board in a strange way at the beginning, but for now, gathering information comes first.'

Once a terrorist demands money, someone's release, and the withdrawal of foreign troops from a certain region, Ed Lee's reaction to various requirements was fiercely calculated in his mind.

- But you know what?

"… What……?"

- Come to think of it, I had a little too much breakfast. I'm not in the mood to tell you because I'm hungry, so I'm going to fill my stomach on a board and connect you from here. Then let's eat.





The static that flows again.

Even if the other party was disconnected by mistake, it was the first time the terrorist was disconnected because he was hungry, so Edri's expression seemed to hold on to something.

"… for starters, check the records of men in their mid-20s and crimes involving the name 'put away'. Check Korea and Japan as well as China."


"What the hell is this guy? Are you a terrorist who knows how to use a lot of psychological warfare? Or are you just an idiot? '

Ed Lee, who has dealt with many criminals so far, is a drug addict, but somehow his instinct gives him the ominous feeling that this is not going to end easily.


"Isn't this my fault? It was a" clumsy "accident because they chewed my words twice. I told you I have a" woof "temper sometimes, right? Oh, you didn't hear that then."

Jin Woo opened his mouth as if to excuse the corpse of the deputy director who was bleeding from the temple.


The pilot, who could not have imagined that he would kill the hostage so easily, swallowed dry saliva and stiffened.

"If our only goal is to go to Iraq, I wonder how they would react."

The unilateral interruption of communication due to hunger was to confuse the other party.

For reference, the Grand Arc was the only one who knew that the 'red mask' was to be removed.

However, the Grand Arc hid the existence of Qiu for a number of reasons, and in a way, this was the first declaration towards the world.

Therefore, by now, they will be embarrassed because there is no information about the removal.

"By the way, you're worse than I expected. You didn't want to negotiate in the first place."

Yes, Jin Woo was full of intent to give one billion dollars to each hostage over there and never change it.

"Of course. Hostages are inhibitors that keep them from destroying airplanes over there."

If they say, "Oh, I don't know what the fuck this is, I can't eat it. Kill them all." If you launch a fighter, you will crash into the middle of China. However, if the hostages were full of them and they were just exterminated, even China would not be able to endure the international condemnation on its face.

Of course, Jinwoo was prepared for the worst, but he did hike, so shouldn't he be able to succeed beautifully?

"Hey, pilot."

"Yes, yes!"

Frozen, he responded angrily, stunned by the voice of Jinwoo calling himself.

"This is a straight shot to Turkey, isn't that enough fuel?"

"Yes, that's right!"

"Is there enough room for a flight to Turkey?"

"No, that's right!"

"All you need to do is bend the route to Turkey very, very slightly, but you're running low on fuel, and there's nothing there, so you're in trouble. Then he'll make you envy him for dying so easily. Algan Morgan?"

"I understand!"

Jinwoo grabbed the captain's head, twisted it slightly, and showed him the corpse, and he swallowed the drooling, nodding and answering.

"Good, good. Think about your wife and kids at home and work hard. Oh, and don't answer the radio from over there. The timing and disconnection of radio transmissions are only mine."

This warning was a common warning for Ferrissa as well as for the pilot.

'I'm happy to see how persistent you can be against criminals with absolutely no room for negotiation, Ed Lee. Hehehehe!'

Of course, while the other criminals had no intention of negotiating, Jinwoo was confident of never negotiating, no matter how much profit he had in front of the Negotiators.

This does not mean that Jinwoo is strong in spirit.

Negotiators only use that part to pretend to listen to terrorists because they have committed crimes but are desperate to save their purpose and lives.

On the contrary, since Jinwoo thought that no one could kill himself with a light heart, he hiked with a light and joyful mind, Edri's difficulty to create his gap began now.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

The fun of hijacking is not a battle between special forces to rescue the hostages.

Ed Lee's desperate persuasion to negotiate with him as a common terrorist and Gandrip's sarcastic teasing him -_- ㅋ

For your information, the United Nations vs. Terrorism Task Force is just a setup. If you really want to understand, the writer, a young man who is pure and weak, who has no connection to crime, resigns.

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