Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2736: Shadow Lord (9)

Chapter 2736 Shadow Lord IX

After listening to the description of Pope Eugene IV, Jude was first stunned, and then he was alert and asked: "The Pope, what do you mean by [cooperation], specifically?"

"Specifically, please stay in the Holy Land, do not do any extra moves." Eugene IV replied: "Do you know, [Eden species] successful launch, in addition to the blood of the Holy One In addition, the Holy One is also present. After the Holy One is far away from their blood, somehow the Holy Blood will lose its effect, and even the Holy Blood itself will slowly decay. Therefore, when we actually implement the plan At that moment, your presence is absolutely necessary."

So the girl snorted: "I didn't guess wrong, I need more than just my blood, right?"

"Correct. According to the records of the ancient instruments found at the same time as the tree species, the ability to [Eden's species] is completely liberated, and all people are free to enter and leave the park without restriction. They need the blood of three holy people."

The pope smiled and took a small piece of paper from his arms and read: "

The first saint, the leader of the revolutionary saint, the embodiment of the straightforward love, the blood of the mother of the earth;

The second saint, the physician of the world, the incarnation of Rende, the pure blood of the Father of the Sky;

The third saint, vowed to the king of victory, the invincible invincible, the blood of the heart of the golden will.

With these three kinds of watering the park, the door leading to [New Eden] will open.

There, people start to be human. All things, no harm to people, no fear of darkness, no old illness and death, no upside down dreams, no beginnings, no end, endless. "

He put down the paper and stared at Jude: "As long as the conditions are gathered, [Paradise] will be completely open to us, and humans will enter a new era. From then on, there will be no era of disputes, diseases, pains, deaths. The other two saints are already on their way to the Vatican. Please be patient before that."

"Sure enough." Jude suddenly sighed.


"You may not have noticed that this seemingly beautiful plan is doomed to fail." The girl said: "This is not the same as saying good, you just want to take shortcuts, but forget the one thousand and four hundred years. What the Son promised."


"You should know best, but the Pope. For 1,400 years ago, the Son dedicated to humanity to wash away the sins of mankind and let humanity qualify for re-entering the paradise." Jude sighed: "After that he What did you promise to do?

------ Two thousand years later, that is to say, at least after 2033, he will return again and lead the human beings on the ground. At the end of time, that is [final trial], the day of the evil war and the liquidation of everything. Only when good and evil are completely liquidated can humanity set foot in paradise. And you are hoping to use this [landscape] to take shortcuts and skip the [final trial] steps to enter the paradise. Do you think God will sit and watch this happen? "

"The plan can't keep up with the changes. The scheduled plan is not efficient, so God will give us such apocalypse, let us get this [Eden species]." The Pope argued: "This is a clear revelation that makes us human Master the way to enter the park. This is an act that benefits everyone. I don't think there is anything wrong with this."

"God's plan is perfect, he has arranged everything from the beginning." Jude said: "So he can't change his plan halfway, give you such revelation. You are probably wrong from the beginning, this plan is The practice of denying the authority of God. Well, no wonder I have always felt that there is a subtle sense of disobedience in your words from the beginning.

Pope, Pope, you claim to be the believer of God, and lead the world of thousands of believers. However, you do not believe in your Lord at all, and do not believe in the omnipotent God. Even if you completely contradict the original plan of the Father and the Son, do you actually take it seriously? I don't think this is anything [the species of Eden], but the devil's trick to seduce mortals? "

"But the paradise is really true." The Pope replied: "I believe you can't deny the authenticity of the paradise, Joan of Arc."

"Paradise is true, but the way to enter the paradise is not correct." The saints replied: "Even if you are kind and kind, the wrong means will only bring wrong results, Pope."

Eugene IV shook his head: "You are more dull than I thought, Joan of Arc."

"Just when I am, Pope." The girl smiled lightly: "But don't forget the teachings of the Lord. Those who are finally eligible to enter the park are never those who are arrogant and arrogant, but those who are dull and pure, and who are faithful. Lamb. I dare to assert that if you do not repent as early as possible, and still obsessed with wanting to take shortcuts, you will not be eligible to enter the park."

The expression on the face of Eugene IV has not changed, and it is still as calm as water. He shook his head: "I am very disappointed with you, Joan of Arc. I originally thought that you are a person who knows the truth and is reasonable. I didn't expect you to be a mediocre who only knows the blind dog. So, ok, The negotiations broke down. There is really nothing to say between us."

"Really." Jude saw several guards pushing the door and knowing that he was about to be taken away. He said, "You don't have to tell me all this from the beginning, and advise me to partner with you. You know this is not. Possible things. The true believers will not pursue these evil martyrdoms, but will wait patiently for the day of the final judgment. If you want me to be in the Holy Land, the things to do are actually very simple. It is good to put me under house arrest. With your strength, no matter how I struggle, it doesn't help, isn't it?""Really. But I still hope that you can work with us from the bottom of my heart." The Pope said: "Because you are a true saint, if you participate in this project, it will bring people Inspired."

"So your illusion is shattered, Pope." The girl disdainfully smiled.

"You," Pope Eugene IV gave a look to the guards: "Send the saint to her room. Look at her."

The guards nodded and planned to **** the girl to leave.

"Eden." Jude did not even resist. He stood up from his seat and said: "After human beings committed the original sin and was driven out of Eden by God, you still remember what means God used to prevent human beings from entering Iraq again. Is it?"

The pope blinked and did not answer.

Jude shook his head: "------ He sent his strongest fighting angel, guarding the gate at the Garden of Eden. The angel's hand holding the holy sword of the holy flame will ruthlessly kill any attempt. People who enter the park."

She looked at Pope Eugene IV with a cold eye: "I have seen the angel who I have seen with my own eyes. The fire of the holy sword in his hand, I am still vivid. Yes, all the clues are connected. His coming, My revolution, your fall, everything is for a reason, it is the cycle of cause and effect.

Gabriel adults will come to the world in order to prevent you from arranging the paradise. You intend to use illegitimate means to enter Eden, and he will kill you with the holy sword in his hand. The Father is perfect, and all his plans are seamless. And your plan is doomed to failure. "

"We are walking around." The Pope did not change his face and watched Jude leave.

At the same time, a young man clung to the holy sword and stood in front of the vampire. The handle in his hand is only a hilt, and the sword is a sword made up of pure milky white light, as described in the mouth of the Virgin, which is "the holy sword of the holy flame."

The sacred angel sword is a sword of sin, not only killing those who are not allowed to go to the paradise without permission, but also will not hesitate to kill all evil in the world.

"Well ------" standing in the distance, the fifth true ancestor [the plague king----Valendrin], which was run by the crystallized gun of the Holy Light, smirked and did not change color. Slowly pull out the crystallization gun: "Hey, Knight, where is your courtesy? Say hello to the attack halfway, can you be more mean?"

"I don't have to talk to you about this kind of ritual." Arthur took the sword in one hand, and the other hand had already used alchemy gloves to prepare another enchantment with a [sacred] crystallizing gun, just waiting to reveal the flaw: "You guy It is the most unforgivable, it is the source of the Black Death. So we have nothing to talk about, you can come to death."

"Oh, huh, this is a bit embarrassing to me, Cavalier." Valentrin sneered and argued: "The Black Death is a natural occurrence, just like every deadly disease in every era of human history. I just spurred on it and lend the source of the disease to someone. The real cardinal is to spread the disease in a specific place."

Indeed, the chief culprit in spreading the disease on Corsica is Cardinal Fernandez. The guy used the ability to control the demon from the Abyss in the Abyss: Unappealed Psalm, so that the mice carrying the Black Death spread the disease on Corsica, causing a large number of civilian deaths. If Elaine’s previous statement was established, Fernandez used the same method to spread the Black Death in various parts of the European continent for unknown reasons—most likely for his personal interests or for the benefit of a group. .

"You advocate that all sins are in Fernandez, and that you have given the disease to the Cardinal, but there is no mistake?" Arthur asked coldly.

"of course------"

Hey! The vampire hadn't finished talking yet, and he ate Arthur's holy crystal gun, and he was in the middle of his head.

"Hey, this is too ------"

Hey! ! The three bursts of the crystallization gun fall precisely on the vampire's chest and abdomen and on the right thigh.

"Do you know? I don't have to listen to your mouthfuls. Let's start playing." Arthur said violently: "I will kill you anyway, no matter how you argue."

"But nothing." The fifth true ancestor Valendrin unplugged the crystallized gun on his head. He had a terrible blood hole in his head. I didn't seem to care: "We started killing."

He slammed the floor and the ground in the dungeon suddenly collapsed. The old Zuster, who was locked at the end of the dungeon, was left on, while Arthur and Valendlin fell together and landed in a deep crypt at thirty yards. The huge underground caves are incomparably dark, and the few light sources are basically from the weapons in Arthur's hands and the shimmering light from his gangsters.

The vampire also turned into a huge black scorpion, and there was a strange purple-black mist on his body.

"Going up, Cavalier King!" The monster shouted.


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