Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2735: Shadow Lord (8)

Chapter 2735 Shadow Lord 8

About twenty minutes later, the nun estimated the time for Jude to finish breakfast (lunch?) and entered the room again: "Next, please ask the saint to go to the bathroom with me, bathe and change clothes, and then go to see the pope. ""

"Of course." Jude replied calmly as he held his heart anxiously. She is now in the Vatican, and she does not know that the church is an enemy or a friend. This nun called her a saint, and the church seemed to have arranged "death" of Joan of Arc, and let another substitute replace Jude to accept the death penalty.

The church did not seem to intend to actually remove Jude, but it was a great expense to let the world think that Jude was dead. What is their purpose in doing this?

Full of doubts and careful and cautious action, Jude cleaned and put on a gorgeous white gold-clad nuns, led by the nun to see the pope. She was waiting in a small room, waiting for half an hour, the Pope slowly walked in from the other entrance of the room.

Appearing in front of Jude is the highest religious leader of the Holy See, the Pope, Eugene IV. Under the white robe, the old and thin-faced old man looks amiable and does not seem to have the majesty of the pope.

Jude was a bit confused because she had never seen the pope. The last pope was Martin V. Jude used to see the pope's face on a certain occasion. Naturally, he was different from the pope. The new pope does not know when he suddenly took office.

correct. Jude never heard of the news of the old pope's death before he was in a coma. Well, it is very likely that the newly appointed Pope Eugene IV happened to be the replacement of the former pope between May 1430 and June 1431. At that time, Jude fell into a special state of coma and knew nothing about the great events in the world.

But is there such a wonderful thing in the world? ------Convinced that God's Jude is also convinced of fate. She knows that everything that happened in the world is not accidental, and everything is inevitable. The old Pope Martin V may have been "banned" for some reason. Whether it is dead or forced to step down, and whether it is with some kind of conspiracy, it is not known. But the church brought Jude to the Vatican and declared that the death of Jude was made. This year, this big move was made, and maybe there was some connection with the alternation of the pope.

Head hurts. I feel that IQ is not enough. Jude frowned. Or her IQ is just a normal person level, there are not enough clues to further deduct it, and smooth the things.

It can only be inferred from the Pope’s next statement.

"Hello, Joan of Arc." Eugene IV directly acknowledged the identity of Jude: "First of all, I apologize. The church has to find a way to fabricate your death. You are accused of being a pagan and eventually burned to death." On the stake, the general public is so convinced. But a small number of insiders in the Vatican have acknowledged your identity as a saint. Unfortunately, we are not able to announce this matter at the moment. In order for our plan to proceed smoothly, your ritual It will take place after five hundred years."

"Actually, I don't care if people will call me a saint. My only wish is to save France." Jude said in an understatement.

The Pope nodded slightly: "And you have done it. The Hundred Years' War has completely ended. There may be some minor incidents between Britain and France, but they will not break out in the real sense of aggression."

Jude also nodded and replied without hesitation: "I hope so."

She is convinced of the innate goodness of mankind, but she has witnessed the evil and cruelty of the human heart in the wars of these years. Which one is the nature of human beings, even she can't judge correctly. Or, because it is a person, it will have both sides of the opposite of good and evil.

She looked directly at Pope Eugene IV and tried to find some of the goodwill or malice from the calm expression of the old man, but she could not detect anything. The pope is unfathomable.

"So," the girl tried to ask: "What is the purpose of the church...?"

"Please sit down." The Pope stressed that Jude sat down, and the young girl waited for him to sit face to face before they could talk further.

Jude could only sit down in front of the small table for two people. When she did this, the door of the small room was also closed from the outside, probably around the eyes of the church.

"Before I answer all of you, I want to ask first." The Pope took something out of his arms, held it in his palm, and put the clenched right fist on the table: "Do you believe in the existence of Paradise? Female adult?"

"Paradise means... Eden?"

"Yes. That is the holy land of milk and honeydew." The Pope nodded. "It is beautiful and wide. It is a paradise that once belonged to mankind. Before human beings were driven out of the paradise, everything was perfect. There is no [unfortunate], and some are only [to the blessing]."

"But humans have committed [original sin] and were expelled from Eden." The girl replied in an understatement: "Now we can no longer go back, and we don't know where it is."

The pope smiled and slowly bounced his hand: "The entrance to Eden is here. This is the way to the paradise."

In his palm, it is an extremely eccentric tree species, which is a mixture of blue and red entangled [double tree species], a seemingly ancient artifact that existed thousands of years ago.

Jude could not help but wonder: "This is the entrance to the paradise? It seems to be just a strange seed...""This is one of the entrances to [Paradise]. Yes." The Pope nodded: "All [Eden species] are connected to the same [park], and this is the most A powerful one. It was discovered by a pastor five hundred years ago on a monument in the British Isles. It can temporarily open the way to [Paradise] through a special method."


"We have sent people into the paradise. But because the method of opening is not complete, it is sometimes effective, and people who enter the parade will eventually be expelled. Only the beautiful memories of being in the paradise are left, but they cannot stay there forever. "

Jude frowned. She gradually guessed what the pope and the church wanted to do.

"And you didn't guess wrong, the key to unlocking the paradise is [the blood of the saints]." Eugene IV took out another small bottle containing a deep red wonderful liquid that Jude could not see through. He dripped it on the seed of Eden.

The tree species gradually showed subtle changes.

"Human blood is dirty. One thousand three hundred and ninety-six years ago, a saint used his own life to redeem the original sin of mankind, and washed away the filth of the world with his clean blood." Let human beings have the qualification to enter the paradise. But the blood of human beings can never be compared with the blood of the saints. The blood of human beings cannot open the door of paradise, but the blood of the true saints can."

The tree species gradually glowed. A milky white light column extends upwards and looks extremely sacred.

"This is the blood of the saints. And it makes the paradise open." The Pope said: "Touch the light, go in and see. This paradise is a real paradise or a fake paradise, please confirm with your own eyes. ""

Jude swallowed a spit, carefully reaching out and touching the light with his fingertips. The light instantly drowned her, as if she was pulling her consciousness into the distance, at the end of time.

There, there are lush greens everywhere.

There, the temperature is pleasant, the wind is sloppy, and the air is scented with flowers and grass.

There, everything does not hurt people, no harm, all the misfortunes can not stop, fly to the distance, and then the real best fortune to stay here.

Jude is crying. It was so beautiful in front of her eyes that she could not describe her words in her life and in her most beautiful words.

There is a kind of holy, peaceful and calm atmosphere in the place, even the most dull people in the world can feel it with his whole heart and soul.

This is a paradise. Undoubtedly, even if you look at it at a glance, there is no need for doubt. It must be a paradise.

How incredible. A wonderful little tree species actually brought Jude to this place. This beautiful dreamland, everything looks so real.

A tiger walked slowly past Jude. When Jude noticed, the whole body froze, and she was still alert, for fear of being attacked by beasts. However, the tiger apparently had no interest in Jude's flesh. Looking at the fruit on the tree, he seemed to be telling Jude to take it off.

The girl slammed her hand and took the yellow fruit that was full of succulent but did not know what kind of variety, boldly sent to the tiger.

Everything here is very rich, with milk and honeydew, because it is a paradise.

The tiger opened his mouth and bit the fruit away. When he bit it, he was extremely gentle, and he did not hurt Jude’s hand. It eats the fruit with a savory taste and looks satisfied. The girl is bolder and reaches out to touch the tiger's head. It looks very enjoyable and is simply a docile big cat. It leisurely licks the hair of his forelimbs, lying lazily on the ground; and a beautiful blue butterfly also falls down and stops on the big cat's nose. Although itchy, the tiger resisted not sneezing.

Everything here is not hurting or harming, because it is a paradise.

------How can you not believe in the virtues of all these?

However, the paradise is a paradise after all, and it is not intended to allow Jude to stay in it. The girl felt an invisible but huge force behind her, and began to pull her out in the opposite direction of the paradise. It was only a matter of moments. After another white light, the girl had already returned to the small room where she was, staring at her eyes [Eden's species], dazed and tears. It’s absolutely impossible to conceal the impression that the paradise brought to you.

The holy light on the tree has disappeared. It has even refused, and it needs [other] to allow more people to enter the park.

"You should have seen the paradise with your own eyes, saints?" The pope asked, "So, have you decided to cooperate with us?"


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