Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2688: Trial of the flames (9)

Chapter 2688 Trial of Yan Yanjiu

Ten minutes ago, in the hidden basement of a building in Glasgow, Great Britain.

"Call." Daniel sneered, easily escaping the opponent's attack. The seemingly deadly photon sword on the enemy's hand was very slow. No matter how high the power is, it doesn't make sense to hit it.

On the ground, we are already lying on the thieves' group. Most of them were killed by Daniel's throat, and even when they didn't react, they fell to the ground. Some of the enemies who had time to react were unfortunately lucky or unfortunate. They were shackled in the process of fighting Daniel, beheaded, broken their hands and broken their feet, and died in various strange shapes. Some cockroaches even die when they are almost indistinguishable from the form of [human], and they have lost their dignity and died.

Resist the last is the leader of this small thief group, not because of how high his fighting skills, but more like Daniel deliberately releasing water. Despite this, there are five or six wounds on his body, and it is only a matter of time.

"Oh." The other's big sword swept over, and Daniel fled back and escaped with a frivolous smile on his face. He deliberately teased each other to play, exerting psychological pressure on the big man, so that the other party fully realized the despair caused by the disparity in strength.

His opponent can't have a chance of winning. Daniel has fought with various demons in the cursed endless nightmare. The demons will use a variety of magical spells, wielding thousands of weapons, and rushing into the silver knights. However, all of their attacks were resolved by Daniel, and the nightmare that eroded his spirits was broken again and again by this spirit-hardened teenager. In the nightmare of being unable to move in the deep sea, he was defeated in the nightmare of freezing or burning his body at that moment, in the four nights filled with poisonous air and suffocating nightmares. Countless enemies.

These "fierce battles" encountered in reality are actually inferior to one thousand of the nightmare.

"It's almost time to finish." Daniel said, one leaned over to avoid the opponent's slash, and the sword hit a sword in the direction of the opponent's attack. The moment the sword tip approached the opponent suddenly changed direction. The [death thorns] in his hand seemed to be life-changing, cutting off the two wrists of the other with the sword.

"Wow! Wow, ah, ah, ah!!" Dahan looked incredibly in his painful hands. This disability is irreversible, so he is desperate.

"Next -" Daniel slammed his feet. With a petite body, he is extraordinary, and easily retreats the man who has lost his resistance. The center of gravity of the thief's head deviated, and he couldn't help but fall backwards. So Daniel twisted his arm and manipulated the lightsaber to cut the knee of the enemy. The purple light flashed, and the big man's calf was separated from his thigh forever.

The enemy fell with screams, and Daniel ruthlessly approached, his eyes shining with inhuman violence.

"You are so lucky, it is the lightsaber that cuts your hands and feet, so there is no big bleeding in the fracture." The silver knight teenager sneered: "Now, your hands and feet are gone, do you want to continue playing?"

The big man made a mutter, unable to speak fluently because of the severe pain in his body.

"This kind of thing." Daniel glanced at the open safe next to it, taking out a pack of heavy white powder in plastic bags.

He knows very well what this kind of thing is, and he is well aware that the criminal organization is secretly selling the white powder and extracting amazing profits. He knows all this, thinking that this month he has followed the clues of one by one to annihilate the nests of dozens of criminal organizations in Great Britain. With a meticulous logic deduction and a little luck, he came here before all the clues were exhausted. However, if today's action is still unrecognized and no more clues can be found, Daniel will completely lose the goal he is pursuing, and he does not know where to attack next.

Therefore, he now endures great disgustingness. He did not kill the sinful thief in front of him, but left him with a small life and tried to ask something from the mouth of the thief leader.

He knows that cross-examination will not be too smooth. Before that, he attacked several thieves' nests, but recently these guys seem to have been wary – or the organization behind the thieves has been wary – the thief’s nest is often “cleaned”. Net, no longer leave any written shipping information. Even when trying to cross-examine these thieves, they are like threats, and no matter how they torture, they will never confess.

Therefore, today’s action is inevitable. New clues must be found in this thief's lair, otherwise all clues will be completely broken. He should have brought Saab over, and with the special ability of the rabbit to transcend the human sense of smell, he might find a blind spot that Daniel had not discovered before. However, Saab did not get out of bed after the operation, and this time the target is estimated to have leaked the news, obviously there is a defense against Daniel’s arrival, which means that Daniel had to attack here this evening, and wait for Saab to get out of bed. Then I took the rabbit and attacked the place. It is estimated that the thieves have already withdrawn. Under the various "unlimited" conditions, the leader of the thief who fell in front of the Silver Knight boy was Daniel's last clue. But he is also very clear, the ordinary interrogation method certainly can not let this guy confess, the other side is estimated to be the same as the former thieves, in the cruel torture of Daniel, the ultimate blood loss and death.

Is there any new trick that can be used?

The boy was in the green light before his palm released. This should have been a healing spell - according to its principle, it was indeed able to heal the other's wounds - but Daniel used this to test on various animals and there has been no good result. Animals seem to be unable to withstand the healing effects of this "therapeutic spell", and they vomit blood and die.

There are enough tests to do with small animals. Daniel didn't use this trick for large animals, especially people.

"I am sorry, since you are not going to say anything, I will use you to do some small experiments." The silver knight, the young man, moved the palm of the green light to the leg of the big man who was cut off. Kneeling on the fracture of the other's knee.

It is reasonable to say that if this "therapeutic spell" really has a therapeutic effect, it should live the body tissue near the wound, let these tissues accelerate healing, and finally achieve the effect of converging the wound and regenerating the body. If the other's broken limbs are connected at this time, it is even possible to reconnect the unlucky foot that has been cut off - because the nerves affected by the healing spells will also activate at the same time, automatically docking with the nerves before the break.

But sure enough, things didn't go as Daniel imagined. The cut-off on the knee of the big man did not heal, but it began to harden - petrified.

"Well!?" The big man began to scream: "It hurts so ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!"

"Shut up!" Daniel was afraid that the other party’s shouting would attract more associates, and immediately tore a piece of rag from the side of the body and stuffed it into the mouth of the thief’s leader. The guy muttered, whispering, but much quieter than before. It is also stinky. There is a dark color on the ground that is spreading.

"Pain? Just right." Daniel sneered, adding magic (photon) to the palm of his hand. A larger amount of green light emerged from the palm of his hand and passed to the other's wound section.

The petrochemical phenomenon is even more serious. From the wound, Daniel could see that the muscles and bones were a little grayish, and then weathered like a crack and peeled off the man's broken leg. This is almost the same principle as using a knife to cut down the meat of a person. The cutting is fine to the cell level. It erodes every cell in the other side, causing a little bit of hardening and death. That kind of pain is hard to imagine.

"Take it for a while." Daniel said: "Although you can confess immediately, I have to experiment with you. When I have petrified one of your hands and legs, I will give you a chance to confess. "

He is so cruel. In front of him is a scum of a person, a social scum that has killed countless people and used white powder to make more people's families fragmented. So Daniel knows that there is no need to be kind to this villain. Using "Petrinization" to force the confession, let this kind of person desperately look at themselves into a complete human stick in the continuous pain, can be said to be the best way to deal with them.

He once again increased the output of "Petrinization". The magic of green is almost released from his palm like a spring, horrible and deadly. He is not a magician. He is not very clear about the principles of the magic. He only knows that he has the ability to be a dark green knight.

Like the succubus, the Dark Green Knight can fix the free photons obtained from the outside world into his own intrinsic photons. The more intrinsic photons that are stored, the stronger Daniel is, but these intrinsic photons cannot be stored immediately, and can only accumulate a little bit with time. Even if Daniel eats a large amount of food every day, the free photons left in the food are still It is a free photon that will almost certainly be lost from his body.

It should be that the body's self-protection mechanism is influential, and Daniel cannot simply release the intrinsic photons stored in the body. What is now coming out of his hands is also a free photon, a photon that is extracted from the surrounding atmosphere and released along his palm. It is reasonable to say that this is a purely free photon. Ordinary people ingest and breathe this kind of thing into the body without causing adverse effects on the body. But I don't know why, free photons are released from Daniel's palm in this way, and they can petrify each other's wounds.

Daniel experimented with the heart of the thief, such as the abdomen. But nothing happens. There was no wound in the other's abdomen, so the petrochemical phenomenon did not occur. The "Petrinization" released is probably blocked by the "absolute field" of the other party.

Only when "Petrinization" touches the wound on the creature, the deadly magic will "invade" the other's body along the broken wound and gradually petrify the other's body.

Daniel retracted his palm. Very strangely, Dahan was ruined by petrification, and the broken pets that had been petrified and continually collapsed actually grew countless polyps.

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