Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2687: Trial of flames (eight)

Chapter 2687 Trial of Flames

Ability to lift!

As in self-protection, Saab subconsciously interrupted the spiritual connection with the crow and isolated the damage that the spell caused him. However, he spit another blood, and the damage of the organ clearly exists. Even if the spell has stopped hurting Saab's body, everything has been overwhelmed!

He felt that his organs were failing. It is a kind of hemorrhagic acute exhaustion that can kill people in a matter of minutes.

"Amount, ah, ah, ah!!" Feeling that he was dying, screaming, but weak, Saab was yelling.

What can this meaningless shouting be exchanged for? Messer is sleeping next door. Even if he is woken up, can't he come to save Saab in this time? And Mason is just a child, neither knowing the spell nor having a lot of first aid knowledge. What can the guy do?

"Sab Big Brother?!" However, Mason did hear Saab's shouting and rushed into the room.

"Mei...Sen..." Saab trembled, reaching out to the teenager.

Even he himself does not know what this is doing.

Does it make sense?

Anyway, this is already the last. He will undoubtedly die in this place. Inexplicably dying, dying in obscurity, like a roadside wild dog that was unlucky to be killed by a car, everything is meaningless and worthless.

But... don't want to die...

Saab's breathing is getting thinner and thinner.

"Mei...Sen..." Before he died, he was still whispering the name of the boy.

For the first time in his life, he realized that he was actually so lonely.

No, he was faintly aware before that. On that day, when the first time I met Mason in the pawnshop, Saab was actually faintly aware.

He knows that he is not much time. He just wants to know a friend more before he dies. If you can, at the moment he swallows, who can accompany him?

That may be the last lucky in his life.

"Sab Big Brother! Big Brother Saab! Let's cheer up!!"

Saab faintly heard Mason’s shouting. Unfortunately, he has gradually become numb from vision to hearing. There is a constant flow of blood in the corners of the mouth, which seems to stop. Probably, even if you invite the best therapist in the world at this moment, you will not be able to return to heaven.

sleepy. The end always comes so suddenly. But everything is no longer important.

Saab closed his eyes. The only thing he could feel was the warmth from Mason's palm. As long as this warmth has not disappeared, he feels inexplicably reassuring.

His meaning is gradually blurred, and a song is soft and soft, like a dream.

That is the lullaby in the middle of the night.

That incomparably feminine soprano, but with awkwardness, helplessness, and sadness. Despite this, the song is still warm, and Saab feels that he has been cured from the body to his heart. The pain in the body was gradually smoothed. Saab also slept with peace of mind. It seems as if anyone is swaying, it is as gentle as a mother.

He floated on the blue ocean and looked up at the blue sky.

That is the continuation of wireless, heaven, sea, and life.

Everything is infinite, both in one and infinite, infinite.

As if it was an epiphany, Saab’s eyes burst into tears, a moving tear.

Then he saw himself not far away, sitting quietly on a blonde girl. She floated on the infinitely extended sea level like him, and she turned her back to him.

"you are------?"

"Don't come close, please." The girl advised.

Saab listened to the other party and stopped the action.

"So, here is...?" he asked instead.

"My dream." The girl replied: "It was caused by my use of you. We have some kind of spiritual connection between us, so you will break into my dreams in this form."

"I didn't want to use it. Once I used it, we would have a knot that would never be solved." The girl sighed: "You are not a person in our world. You should not touch the things of our world. But There is no way. Without using this, you can't save Saab."

"...the song just now? Is it saving me?" The Grey Rabbit youth faintly realized what it was.

"Give some of my life to you and keep you." The girl replied: "But you don't need to know this. Your body can't bear the full vitality. When you wake up, you forget." All this. So now... take a rest, Big Brother Saab. Don't worry about anything, just lie down and have a rest."

Saab didn't know if he should trust the other person. However, the girl’s words had some inexplicable persuasiveness. The Grey Rabbit decided to lie on the water and look up at the sky comfortably.

"Although you will forget all this when you wake up," the girl whispered again: "Let me tell you a story."

Saab didn't answer, just listened quietly.

"My mother, once a singer. Her talent is unparalleled, is the unique genius of this era." The girl slowly said: "Because of this talent, she was chosen, bear, for Iceland The kingdom eliminates the mission of the disaster. She works very hard. She is also very gentle. She is singing in this world, healing the scarred world again and again.

However, the world has given her a request, never knowing how to cherish her dedication, and always ask for more.

Gentle, she did not reject this greedy world, so she sang, sang, and regarded singing as the whole of her life. But fate is both distorted and cruel, and it always blames those talented people. Without too many teenagers, fate took her hearing. "

Saab frowned.

"Deafness is a fatal flaw of musicians. It is a shortcoming that no matter how hard it is, and how talented it can't make up. The result is naturally that she is gradually becoming incompetent in her voice. No matter how hard she tries, she will certainly sing. The more you leave the sound, the stronger the pronunciation, the more you pronounce it, the more you damage the scorpion. The result is..."

The girl paused and describing this incident obviously made her very painful.

"Those who once worshipped her, praised her, and thanked her, eventually turned her back because of her flaws. She used to be so brilliant, so talented, but was taken away because of a little joke of fate. Everything.

People have never been grateful for her dedication to the world. Because she can no longer sing loudly, people spurn her and use her as a laughing stock. what------"

The girl sighed again, as if she was in the throat, and the words of tremor were full of sorrow.

"I still remember the song she sang to me before her death. It was really bad, and the voice was too hoar. But I listened to that song. That was the last song my mother left, and it is also the world." The most beautiful song." The girl said: "She told me before she swallowed that she didn't sing for others, she just liked to sing and sing. So she is not alone. Even if there is one person in the world who is willing to listen to her songs, Her singing is meaningful."

The girl turned to look at Saab, but strangely, Saab could not see the girl's face.

"From that day on, I decided. I will only sing for myself, I will only sing for the people I identify. I don't need others to agree with me. As long as my voice can be conveyed to the people who want to convey, I will feel satisfied."

Saab saw a smile on the face of the girl who couldn’t see clearly.

Then he suddenly woke up.

"Hmm...?" There is blood in the mouth. Saab was almost not suffocated by the blood in his throat. He coughed a few times and finally recovered his breathing rhythm before he slowly climbed up.

He couldn’t remember everything that happened before. The memory is very vague, presumably due to cerebral hypoxia caused by excessive blood loss after severe trauma. He only vaguely remembered to see Petraus in the park from the crow's vision. The middle-aged uncle who was stunned seems to be in close contact with who. He can't remember the things after that.

It seems that there was such an instant, the face of the man who suddenly moved to the crow and solved the crow, and was seen by Saab. But who is the face? So fuzzy. No impression at all.

hateful......! If you can see that face again ------

Saab tried to concentrate but it was useless. At this time he also realized that there was a shadow in front of his bed.

"...Mason?" he called.

The blond boy was standing still in front of Saab’s bed, as if he was dead. Saab’s heart suddenly cooled a half: "Mason?! Mason!"

"Well...?" After the gray rabbit youth swayed, Mason slowly raised his head, squinted, and looked like a sleepy eye: "...what's wrong, Big Brother Saab?"

Saab was relieved: "Day. Don't scare me. Actually sleep in this place."

Mason yawned: "Sorry, your situation was very dangerous. I am afraid that you will have another accident and have to stay on your bed."

"Yes." Saab subconsciously wiped his mouth. There is still blood that has not yet solidified. But according to Mason, it seems that Saab has been fainting for a long time. Is ------ an illusion?

"That said... Have you heard the voice of a girl?" Saab asked. "It is that, um, very beautiful song."

"No." Mason shook his head. "I have been here, I haven't heard anything. You are probably too tired for Saab."

"Maybe." Saab had to admit that he had just walked back and forth before the ghost gate. Maybe it was just the illusion that he had before his death. But is there really so many coincidences? Can the illusion before his death really make him hear the song he has never heard before?

"Don't think too much, the situation of Big Brother Saab is still unstable, or take a break early." Mason said: "I will stay here before your boss returns. Sleep peacefully."

The gray rabbit youth muttered, he was really sleepy, and his physical strength seemed to be drained to barely save his life. In order not to delay the recovery of the body, he closed his eyes and tried to empty his mind.

In the darkness, Mason looked thoughtfully at the sleeping Grey Rabbit youth.

He secretly kissed him up.


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