Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2685: Trial of flames (six)

"You are joking." When I saw Albert picking up the kitten, Nina glanced blankly at Albert.

"Look carefully." Albert put the kitten in front of Nina and squeezed the cat's face. Mutter then hated back and forth with small claws trying to scratch Albert's arm, and every movement was full of wildness.

"Mut's little brother really turned into a cat?" Nina looked at the tiger-shaped kitten incredibly: "But... why? How?"

"You ask me, I don't know." Albert groaned. Because Mutter struggled so hard, Albert simply put the tiger-like kitten on the ground and let it move freely: "It was normal at noon, and suddenly it became a cat."

"Wait a minute." Nina frowned and pressed her hand on Mutter's cat's head, as if she wanted to communicate with Mutter.

The rabbit race has the ability to communicate with animals and World of Warcraft. Nina is more aware of the current state of Mutter than Albert.

However, after half a second, the black rabbit girl shook her head in disappointment: "No. Mutter's little brother's consciousness is completely asleep. This is the common kitten's consciousness to control the body. It is really a small animal."

"Is there no way to wake up his sense of ontology?" Albert questioned. He also had high hopes for Nina.

"No." Nina sighed: "I just called him, but I didn't respond. There seems to be some reason why the consciousness of the ontology has fallen into deep sleep. Is it ------"

Nina kept her voice to a minimum, and only Albert and Castro could hear: "Is it the influence of the Holy Grail?"

"[Grail of the Holy Grail]?" Albert's tiger must move.

"The white dragon **** who guarded the Melson Stone [Guardian's Tower] was defeated by both of you, right?" Nina replied: "To this part, you should also know the White Dragon God. What is the guardian? Yes, it is one of the fragments of [The Holy Grail of Hope) and a cursed treasure."

"Being cursed...?"

"One generation after another, the Grail fragments will continue to choose new guardians. Those who are chosen as guardians will gain enormous power and be able to live forever, but at the same time the spirit will continue to be eroded by debris and eventually mad." Nina sighs "You and the little brother of Mute defeated the crystal white dragon god. And the fragments of the Holy Grail were also recovered by the Knights of Great Britain. I don't know what the final result will be, and whoever chooses to be the guardian."

"Wait. The Guardian is automatically selected by the Grail Cup? Is there no way to change it?" Albert listened chillingly: "And Great Britain has taken the debris away, right? It’s far from this, it shouldn’t be against What causes more impact?"

"Innocent." Nina sneered: "The Debris Selection Guardian doesn't make sense. It's an artifact that can affect the whole world. Do you think this distance will stop the debris from affecting its guardian?"

Albert was silent for a while.

"Isn't Mutter's little brother recently strange, and constantly do something that he wouldn't normally do?" Nina asked.

The blame is of course strange. Albert was bored. At first he thought that Mutter was hit hard because of the death of Sphinx's father, so it would be so abnormal. But now that I want to come, things can be far more complicated than I thought.

"Forget it. It doesn't make sense to find out why. It's better to tell me how to solve this."

"Unable to solve. The guardian of the Holy Grail debris selection cannot be changed. Once selected, it is the responsibility of a lifetime until the guardian dies. And the guardian can only be killed and cannot die in the natural state." Nina shakes her head. Dao: "You have also seen the crystallization of the Dragon Dragon God in the guardian's tower. You guessed how many years have he lived in that crazy state?"

Albertra had a long face.

"So, no matter what you do, you can't save Mutter? He will keep this look and never get back?"

"No. It will become like this. I guess because his mental burden has exceeded the limit he can bear. I don't know what you did before, but it is obvious that he is abusing the power from the Holy Grail." The kind of unclear power really can't be used." The black rabbit girl sighed: "Now he let the consciousness completely sleep, but also to restore the mental strength once below the dangerous line. Maybe ignore him for the time being. It would be better to let him continue to sleep like this."

"I understand." The tiger-man youth took out Mutter's crystal thorn sword. At this time, he had carefully wrapped the thorn sword with a bandage of magical power: "Can you give Mutter a temporary care for you? Also to you. Intuition tells me that I must leave it with Mutter. But I always feel that what makes it bad for Mutter to touch this weapon."

"I will pay attention." Nina took the sealed crystal sword.

"Then ------" The tiger youth turned to Castro: "When is the [Great Hunting Festival] scheduled to start? Lviv has become this state, and it is normal. The beginning of the [Great Hunting Festival]?"

"Lviv's surface is a disaster, and all the World of Warcraft estimates are inaccessible." Castro replied: "But we have to beware of those flying World of Warcraft and the heat-resistant Warcraft." World of Warcraft, which has flying capabilities, needless to say that they will choose to attack the central sanctuary of Lviv from the air. The high-heat fluid that spreads in Lviv is not really a lava. The heat-resistant Luxing Warcraft is estimated to have a way to resist the high temperature of the fluid and step closer to the central sanctuary.

The situation is not much more optimistic than the previous few nights. On the contrary, because the actions of the hunters are constrained, the battle to defend the city tonight is even more difficult.

"But you don't have to worry about it." The vice president of the Hunter Organization continued: "Because it's too hot, the president has not been able to fall asleep until now, and it is estimated that he will fall asleep for a while. Before you rest, Prepare for the battle."

"Even if I want to rest..." Albert was really sleepy, but he glanced around and saw the orcs who were languid and lie around because of the sultry heat. It is estimated that Albert will go back to the stone room of the refuge, and it is estimated that it is the same state. So hot, really sleep?

"We have prepared something in your room that might be useful," Castro said. "You will be tempted afterwards."

What are you selling? Albert was sullen, then bid farewell to Castro and others, and went back to the room to rest. He had thought about getting out of the hall and trying to sleep in the hall just now, but after all, the people there are noisy, the noise is harder to bear than the heat.

Pushing the door of his own refuge stone room, what Albert sees is ------

A water bed?

"I didn't expect it?" The sound of Castro was even apparent in the tiger's mind. It should not be a telepathy, but a memory of Albert.

The first rule of the hunter is to adapt to local conditions, in order to give yourself an advantage in hunting, and to use all the environmental resources that he can use.

like this. They actually hollowed out the hard stone bed of the refuge stone room, filled it with waterproof resin, and then poured water at the hollowing out to make a "water bed" for Albert. This is almost a simple bathtub, and it is naturally enough to reduce the heat.

Moreover, Albert can use the Holy Spirit White Tiger to bring in the deep sea waters of the Mediterranean Sea. Naturally, there is no need to worry about water resources.

"Okay." Albert, who has been trapped in his eyelids, is too lazy to care too much. He took the door with him. Although the environment became quiet, the sweltering heat in the air was immediately reflected with the closing of the door. The tiger-aged youth directly took off the crotch and lay in the waterbed.

But this... can only be regarded as warm water?

Albert was wondering for half a second. However, wit, he immediately took out the frozen turpentine, activated its magic with a small dagger, and created frost on the waterbed. The original sultry moment in the room was offset by the cold, although this chill was estimated to last only a few dozen minutes.

do not care. Albert, who had been so sleepy, was lying in the cozy cold water and began to fight. He had a lot of questions to ask Castro and others, but now his top priority is to rest. Whether it is the servant Holy Spirit White Tiger, using miracles such as [divided body] and [Shen Yin], they all require a great concentration (spiritual power) to launch. If Albert doesn't have enough mental strength, the battle tonight is expected to be very hard.

Is the state of Laoshanyu really normal? Is it really dead? But why did it continue to flow out of the lava after the death, affecting the entire Lviv? Last night, I entered the battle of the old mountain, and Albert remembered only half of it. He didn't have any impressions after that, and the memory of that part became a blank. When he woke up again, he was already on his way back to Cairo.

It seems that something important has been forgotten. But what is it? He vaguely remembered that he broke into the old mountain and tried to destroy the monster from the inside, as if he had seen something in the monster.

In the body of the monster, another monster.

... Is that thing really defeated by Albert?

When the mind was groggy and cranky, Albert was getting more and more sleepy and eventually fell asleep.

At this time, there were two people walking outside the door. Albert, who slept very badly, did not hear footsteps.

"How long will he remain in this state?" one of them asked.

"The distance is completely [transmutation], there is still a period of time." Another person replied: "[Sotnes]'s actions are completely unpredictable, and we can only adjust our plans according to his actions."

"...if he interferes with the plan?"

"Reassured, he can't hinder." The mysterious man smiled and said:

"Everything is an established destiny, according to the [script] written by the abyss. Even if [Sotnes], the things that can interfere are extremely limited.

------With the power of one person, the world cannot be changed. "


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