Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2684: Trial of flames (5)

Chapter 2684 Trial of Flames

At 8 o'clock in the evening, the Twilight area is about 20 kilometers outside Lviv.

"Well..." The previous battles consumed a lot of mental power, and Albert, who was driving the iron ride, was so sleepy that he could barely open his eyes.

The worst thing is that he has to protect his pocket with one hand, to avoid the kitten hiding in it, and to hold the iron rider's joystick to control the flight. Keeping this posture in action makes him feel tired.

Originally, he could indeed open the automatic navigation system of the iron ride and let the iron ride to fly to the intended destination. However, even with the assistance of the automatic navigation system, Albert has no way to fall asleep, fearing that the tiger-like kitten in his arms will move and fall from the sky.

He was so incomparably sleepy, and had to fly to Lviv in a tight spirit, finally finally arrived at the destination. When the ever-decreasing distance display on the dashboard showed that Lviv was no more than 20 kilometers away, Albert tried to shake his mind and look up into the distance. He hopes to reach the stone pyramid in Lviv as soon as possible and get a good night's sleep.

However, this looked up and scared him to wake up completely.

"Hey, is this a joke?" Albert couldn't even believe his eyes.

Is that Lviv? Isn't that some kind of "hell"?

From this distance you can see the outline of Lviv city. And a dead city with a war-torn situation is particularly conspicuous at night. Not because of anything else, just because of the hot "magma" in Lviv city, there was a red light everywhere.

The situation is quite bad. Most of the buildings in the city have fallen. The hollow building groups in Lviv City were originally a "tower defense" structure. It does not live in people, but only exists to facilitate people to fight defensive warfare.

Hunters can not only shoot from the small windows inside the hollow building, but also use the long-range weapons such as arrows to kill the Warcraft army that invaded Lviv; they can also use the roof of the building to move around quickly, depending on the terrain. The various traps built in the city gradually kill the enemies that are mixed into the city.

However, today, everything is turned into nothingness. The "ground" of Lviv City has long been covered with hot magma, and there is a high heat everywhere. Although the hollow buildings were not melted by the lava, there was still a building standing on the lava, but the building was already too hot to get close. The entire dead city has become more deadly, only its vision is constantly twisted under the influence of heat, as if the city itself is a huge living body.

Wonderful scenery? This is indeed a spectacle. The tiger youth spent half a second to recall. In the city of Lviv, a deadly monster body like the mountain, the body of the old mountain, was still quietly asleep. The monster had been killed by Albert last night, but it still affects the entire city of Lviv, but it can be said that it is not lost. The high-heated fluid that flows from it is flowing out of all directions. They are extremely fluid and easily fill the ground of Lviv, eventually spreading the entire city.

Because their flow is affected by gravity, these high-heat fluids naturally spill out and spread out of the city. The walls of Lviv City were damaged everywhere in the battle last night, and the four gates in the southeast and northwest were wide open, and they were in an unguarded state. Fortunately, they act as "floods" to avoid the constant accumulation of high-heat fluids that drown the city.

Nowadays, a whole piece of red "magmatic land" in the city is still spreading slowly outside the city, and there is no tendency to converge. However, the velocity of the high-heat fluid is constant, and the velocity of the magma diffusion naturally becomes slower as the area increases. The "magma" that spreads out seems to have no tendency to cool and solidify, and Albert suspects that this high-heat fluid will actually condense. They seem to be constantly emitting high heat, but they are constantly evaporating and disappearing, becoming part of the hot air.

If the death of Laoshan Mountain is a natural disaster like a volcanic eruption, then the current Lviv is a disaster scene after the natural disaster. Except for those buildings that rise above the ground and are not eroded by high heat, the whole city has no place to go.

The temperature of the fluid is naturally inferior to the true magma. But they are still hot enough to burn people. Lviv City has turned into a natural death trap.

What about the Central Temple? ------ Albert hurried around searching for traces of giant remains. The huge stone pyramid originally in the center of the city actually rose to mid-air. It is not a pyramid. Floating in the air reveals its appearance, which is a huge positive cube, which is made up of two perfectly symmetric "pyramids". This is the true face of the ruins of the Central Temple of Lviv, a huge aerial stone castle!

Albert frowned. Isn't the situation very bad?

In order to avoid the high heat of the lava on the ground, the hunters in the central sanctuary will start the relic's flight system and let the relics float in the air. However, the energy consumption of floating air should be huge, after all, let the buildings of such huge quality float. And the energy is always used up. When it consumes energy and returns to the ground again, isn’t the people in the Central Temple going to die?

Albert slammed on the gas pedal and accelerated to the central sanctuary, hurriedly letting the iron ride down.

"What is going on here?" he asked as he landed.

"Amount, you are coming." The red body of the upper body, hot and sweaty, came over and answered. "As you can see, the remains of the old mountain are still flowing with lava, which is a disaster."

"Wow, it's hot!" Albert felt that his feet were hot. Even if the central sanctuary floats in the air, it still absorbs the heat from the ground lava. The floor of this stone building has therefore become very hot.

"Now is not the time to say this!" The tiger youths came back to God: "God! What are you doing? Since the central temple can be floated, move it quickly and let it leave the range of Lviv. what!"

"Don't think about it, I can't move it." Castro wiped the sweat from the forehead. "This stuff can only be floated at most, but there is no lateral movement."

"Damn! Why don't you evacuate?" Albert rushed: "If the central sanctuary sinks with light power, we will all be cooked!"

"You don't have to worry about this." Before he even said what Castro said, the black rabbit Nina also appeared and responded: "The central sanctuary originally relied on underground geothermal resources to maintain energy supply. The bottom of it is inverted. The pyramid structure is the device used to extract geothermal energy. Nowadays, the situation has changed, and it does not absorb geothermal heat, but directly absorbs the thermal energy of the magma flowing out of the old mountain."

"So... as long as the magma does not cool for a day, the central sanctuary will always float?" Albert asked in a suspicious question.

"Yes, in theory." Nina also wiped a sweat: "And once the magma on the ground cools, we can land safely."

"The current temperature is still within the tolerable range." Castro said: "Don't complain, the interior of the central sanctuary is cooler, come in and cool and add water. Staying here for too long will cause heat stroke."

"Amount... Ok!" Albert didn't know where to start to vomit, only to follow the two into the central sanctuary.

Originally, this stone pyramid building should go deeper and hotter. But the central sanctuary is an ancient relic that uses geothermal resources to produce electricity. Its bottom absorbs the heat from the ground well, thus shielding most of the heat, which in turn causes the interior of the central sanctuary to become slightly cooler. Albert also feels that there is accelerating flow of air inside large buildings. It is estimated that some kind of exhaust system hidden in the ventilation duct is operating at full power, driving away the sultry inside the remains.

Despite this, the interior of the pyramid is just a little cooler than the outside, and it is still hot enough to make people sweat. The armpits and backs of Albert's white shirts have been soaked in sweat to be translucent.

In a hall inside the central sanctuary, there are many Warcraft hunters gathering. Not because they want to stay in this place, but because this large room is more ventilated, it is better than waiting in other small refuge stone rooms. Most of the hunters are mostly hot in shorts, and all of them are sweating, and the air is filled with a faint, yet lingering smell of sweat.

Albertra had a long face. He should be grateful that the body of the orcs is different from that of human beings. The sweat from the orcs is less salt and oil, and most of them are pure water. If the hall is full of humans, and everyone is sweating, it is hard to imagine how sour the smell of the air will become sour.

"It's not good. The big hunting festival tonight hasn't started yet. Everyone loses a lot of energy because of the heat..." Albert couldn't help but be bored.

"Idiot! The perseverance of Warcraft Hunter is much better than you think!" Castro taught, and threw a leather bag at Albert.

"Where is this water?" Albert squeezed the water bag made of animal skin and asked curiously. It is a difficult task to send people out to get enough pure water for the hunters to drink in the harsh conditions of the magma siege.

"It was the rabbits who stayed in Lviv who controlled the flying World of Warcraft and went to the nearby rivers." Castro said: "No problem, the water stock is still sufficient, don't worry."

The tiger youth frowned and opened the water bag and poured a few mouthfuls. I don't know if this is the water from the nearby river. This water is a bit strange. But the scene is really hot and difficult, and there is water to drink it is very good, can not care too much. Even if Albert is not very thirsty, in order to avoid heat stroke, he still forced himself to drink a few more.

"Speaking back, Mouth's little brother didn't come today?" Nina asked at this moment.

Someone has mentioned this. Albert then took the tiger-printed kitten out of his pocket: "Well, he is here."

"Hey?" Mutter, who woke up, opened his big, round, wild cat eyes and examined the world.


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