When the dust settled, only a white tiger stood firmly on the ground.

The tiger beasts who were watching the show immediately tucked their tails between their legs and retreated with whimpering sounds. Bart, who was knocked away, quickly got up with his front feet on the ground, not daring to move forward. He looked at Bai Hu with eyes filled with fear of the strong.

The wolf is such a creature that bullies the weak and fears the strong.

Parker tried to prop up his body with all four limbs. The two front legs on the ground trembled. He collapsed and fell to the ground. He took a few breaths and prepared to get up again.

Vincent glanced coldly at the six orcs opposite, and trotted to the leopard with his strong limbs. The tiger grabbed the leopard by the back of the neck and threw it onto his back, running away.

Vincent glanced coldly at the six orcs opposite, and trotted to the leopard with his strong limbs. The tiger grabbed the leopard by the back of the neck and threw it onto his back, running away.

Bai Qingqing was weaving a bamboo basket seriously when she heard footsteps in the main room and said without raising her head: "You're back!"

"Hiss~" Curtis, who was sitting opposite Bai Qingqing, looked towards the door and spit out the message.

There was the sound of something falling to the ground outside, and then a deep and steady male voice sounded: "It's me."

Bai Qingqing was stunned and raised her head in surprise, "Vinson?"

She put down the bamboo basket that was about to be completed, got up and walked outside.

"Do you have a problem with us?" Bai Qingqing had a polite smile on her face. As soon as she finished speaking, she saw the leopard covered in blood, and the smile on her face instantly solidified.

"Parker?" Bai Qingqing quickly ran to the leopard, squatted down and shook it. She looked up at Vincent with panic in her eyes: "What's wrong with him?"

At this time, Bai Qingqing could no longer notice the male's naked body.

Vincent stared at Bai Qingqing's eyes for a while and said, "It was besieged by several orcs."

"Who is it?" Bai Qingqing clenched her fists in anger, knelt on the ground, and leaned down to listen to the leopard's heartbeat.

Fortunately, still alive. But the heartbeat was too fast and heavy, and Bai Qingqing could feel the amplitude in her ears. She hurriedly spread the leopard so that his blood could flow more smoothly.

Vincent sniffed the smell in the room and answered the question: "You have too few males."

Bai Qingqing was stunned for a moment and did not look up.

What does Vincent mean? If there are more males hunting together, they won't be bullied? Thinking of Vincent's kindness to her, Bai Qingqing couldn't help but suspect that Vincent also wanted to be his own male.

Vincent also seemed to realize that his words could easily be misunderstood, and added: "Let me be your guardian beast. I will sleep in the main room, and I will leave when Parker is well."

After he finished speaking, he narrowed his eyes and looked at the bedroom door.

Curtis walked out silently, his slender body muscles were well-proportioned and beautiful, and he did not look thin at all, because his gloomy and dangerous red eyes were no less intimidating than Vincent, who was physically strong and perfect.

Curtis' eyes only briefly glanced at Vincent, fell on the unconscious leopard, and walked towards them.

"How can this be done?" Bai Qingqing glanced at Curtis, and then moved her eyes to Vincent's face: "This is too troublesome for you, and Curtis takes care of me."

Bai Qingqing looked at Curtis as she spoke, but Curtis did not agree with her words. Instead, he said to Vincent, "Okay."

Anyway, this tiger has no intention of becoming a white male, and he does need a helper to block the group of male beasts in Ten Thousand Beasts City who have impure intentions towards Qingqing when he is hunting.

Vincent nodded to Curtis and said, "Okay."

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