There are chirping insects and various sweet bird calls in the forest, and the gentle breeze carries the clean smell of rain and dew. Five tigers and one wolf surrounded the leopard, and their ferocious aura was not out of place at all when placed in this relaxing environment.

Bart looked at the leopard with a hint of mischief in his eyes, "Who's going to go? We have to choose a leader and let Rosa focus on rewarding one beast."

Parker's eyes were covered with blood, and the whole world turned into blood graffiti.

"Ouch!" A tiger roared and rushed towards the leopard.

It's now!

Parker took this opportunity to accumulate strength and pretended to be wrestling with the tiger. The moment he jumped up, his body turned in another direction and rushed towards the breakthrough.

With a whoosh, the leopard emerged from the encirclement like lightning, so fast that only a yellow afterimage could be seen.

The tiger beasts and Bart were stunned, looking at each other, and read the same message in each other's eyes: So fast!

By the time they came to their senses, the leopard had already run about ten meters away. They also immediately started running.

Bart looked embarrassed and said in a deep voice: "Don't blame me for not giving you a chance. Now I'm going to do it myself."

After saying that, he transformed into a wolf, leaped over the tigers and beasts, and chased the leopard in front of him.

Parker's head hurt more and more, and he knew that he could not run any longer. Hearing the sound from behind, he suddenly jumped up on a branch with his hind legs.

Bart, who was chasing after him, secretly cursed: Come again!

Fortunately, the branch was not high and he could jump on it. Bart's eyes were filled with a fierce light that he was bound to win, and he jumped up immediately. He was about to pounce on the leopard, but he didn't expect that the leopard in front of him had just landed on the branch, and as soon as he turned his body, he pounced down from above.

The branch that was kicked by Parker's hind legs bounced violently, and the leaves made a "clattering" sound.

Bart, who was at the bottom, immediately showed his weakness. Although Parker was seriously injured, he was condescending and gathered enough strength. This attack was so powerful that the sound of the breaking wind was filled with a chilling air.

"Ouch!" Parker opened his mouth and bit, his sharp fangs flashing with sharp cold light under the sunlight that luckily penetrated through the layers of tree canopy.

The black wolf swung his claws and hit the leopard on the head. Parker immediately changed his direction and bit the wolf's leg.

Parker's bite force can definitely bite off the wolf's legs in one bite, but the strength and reaction power of the three-striped beast are not comparable to those of the two-striped beast. Bart flexibly and quickly pulled his front leg from the leopard's mouth, leaving only Parker His teeth scratched the flesh.

With a "bang", the wolf's back fell to the ground. Parker stepped on the wolf's chest and rushed forward with inertia.

The dizziness in his head prevented Parker from stabilizing his body. He jumped out and did a few somersaults before he staggered to his feet. Blood spilled from the leopard's mouth, soaking the short hair around its mouth, and its eyes were so red that they were almost bloodshot.

At this time, Parker's eyes were red with blood. He forgot what level the opponent was and how many beasts they had. All the blood in his body was clamoring for fighting and killing!

He wants to bite any creature in front of him to death and survive!

The tiger beasts rushed over and saw the wolf beast falling to the ground, snorting mockingly at the same time.

Bart became angry from embarrassment, turned over on all fours, roared "Ugh!" and rushed towards the leopard. The leopard changed from its normal state and ran towards him fiercely.


The moment the two beasts were fighting each other, a tiger roar exploded that shook the mountain forest. The leaves trembled at the same frequency in the sound waves, and even the thin raindrops in the air were shaking.

As soon as the voice reached here, a white shadow cut through the air, crashed into the two beasts that were about to pounce together, and knocked both beasts away.

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