It was just a two-striped beast. Parker was not afraid. Instead, he was aroused to fight. He scratched his claws and was about to pounce on it when several low roars that did not belong to the same beast sounded around him.

Parker immediately put away his offensive and looked around in a defensive posture.

Seven more beasts came, all of them Rosa's mates, led by the three-striped wolf beast Bart.

Parker was shocked when he saw so many orcs. He pretended to attack one of them and rushed towards him. The other one also rushed towards him. Just as the two beasts were about to engage in a sumo fight, the leopard nimbly jumped onto a low branch and climbed up the tree in twos and twos.

"Hooooo!" It happened again, just like how he avoided it last time.

Rosa's tiger beast changed into a human form, grabbed the branch and climbed up, "I will definitely kill you this time to avenge my brother."

Undaunted, Parker sat on a branch and even licked his paws gracefully.

The tiger beast became even more angry. He grabbed the branch with one hand and jumped up with all his strength. His feet stepped on the tree trunk, and the center of gravity of his burly body swayed from side to side.

Parker, who was licking his paws, suddenly stood up and flew forward in an instant. The tiger man hurriedly blocked the leopard's mouth with his hand and almost fell under the impact of the leopard's attack, but his arm was bitten firmly.

Bart saw that the battle situation above was not going well, so he changed into a human form and said: "We all become humans, let's go up together."

"Roar!" The five tigers roared in unison, stood up and transformed into human forms, climbing up the tree one by one. Bart looked around and climbed up an adjacent tree.

Parker bit the person and shook his head wildly. The tiger man screamed miserably, and used his other hand to claw at the leopard's head.

After all, the claws are not as useful as the teeth. As soon as Parker felt that his head was being attacked, he immediately shrank his head. Because he avoided it in time, only a few bloody cuts were made on the back of his head.

The tiger man on the tree covered his unnaturally drooping left arm. While he was briefly licking his wounds, he didn't expect the leopard that had just escaped to attack again, this time directly in front of his face.

It was too late for the tiger man to escape, and he felt that the situation was over. He thought quickly and jumped out of the tree decisively.

Parker kicked his feet and jumped down, and the tiger man knew that he was dead.


Parker stepped on the tiger man in mid-air, bit off his relatively small head, and used his body to jump up again, landing firmly on the ground.

Without stopping for a moment, Parker started running wildly as soon as he landed, heading towards the City of Beasts.

Bart, who had just climbed up the tree, bared his teeth and said angrily: "He went down, turned into a beast and chased after him! Leopards have poor endurance, so he will be dead if he gets down from the tree."

The tiger men hugging the tree trunks screamed excitedly, which was called impassioned. However... the speed of falling down the tree is really unbearable.

"Clumsy." Bart cursed, transformed into a beast, jumped down from the tree, and ran after the leopard.

The orcs all have sensitive ears, and they dare not speak out when they hear Bart's words. Who calls them just two-striped beasts?

If they jump from this height, they will be unable to move even if they are two-striped beasts, so it is better to climb down a little first.

The tiger men climbed to a safe height before jumping down one by one.

The tiger man bitten by Parker was so seriously injured that he uncontrollably transformed into an animal form. The changes in his body caused him to be injured a second time. His broken head failed to return to its original form after it returned to its animal form, leaving a gap in his skull. The ravine of the brain can be vaguely seen, and blood is flowing under the head.

No tiger cared about it, so they chased it out immediately after landing.

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