Bai Qingqing blushed, shrank her body, and said in a voice like a mosquito, "It doesn't hurt anymore."

"It's time for us to mate. If we don't get pregnant, we still have another chance." Parker said immediately, and after speaking, he looked at Curtis who was standing aside with some fear.

Curtis didn't seem to have any reaction, except that his eye mask lifted a little.

Listening to Parker talking about that matter seriously, Bai Qingqing wanted to get into the hay and bury herself. Holding her stomach and rolling around, Bai Qingqing said painfully: "I'm so bloated. Can you wait until I'm ready to eat?"

"Ouch~" Parker lay down weakly on the haystack, his tail spread listlessly between his legs, "You will eat again when you stop being bloated. You really have eggs."

Bai Qingqing stroked her belly. It was a little bulging. Is there really a baby?

Her mood was a little subtle. She was scared, but also felt relieved because she had two strong backers, and she had expectations for the possible existence of a little life.

Parker lay in silence for a long time and said, "Hey, Curtis, how many days are you snake beast's pregnancy?"

Bai Qingqing saw that Curtis was in the shape of a snake, so she answered for him: "Curtis told me that the more you eat, the faster you will give birth. If you have enough food, you can give birth in a month."

After speaking, Bai Qingqing looked at Curtis uncertainly, "Really? Curtis."

"Hiss~" Curtis rolled up into a ball and spat out the letter.

"Including the two days of mating and sleeping, it has been five days, and there are still more than twenty days." Parker said after pondering for a moment, suddenly full of energy, stood on all fours and roared, "Ouch! I'm going to Let’s go hunting, we haven’t gotten married yet.”

Bai Qingqing heard the grievance from Parker's heroic words for no reason. She turned her head to look at him, but accidentally saw the object hanging between Parker's legs. She quickly turned her head and said, "Hey, become a human." Just put on the animal skin skirt!”

In this posture, the big lump is hanging down, so don't see it too clearly, okay? !

Parker shook his body and transformed into a leopard shape, licked Bai Qingqing's face, and howled lowly: "Ouch~"

Bai Qingqing's heart softened immediately. She glanced at Curtis and whispered to Parker, "When the eggs are laid, we will get married."

Parker's whole leopard froze, staring blankly at Bai Qingqing, a beautiful face clearly reflected in his golden eyes.

He had been stalking her all this time, and finally got a promise. Parker felt like he was dreaming.

"Go hunting." Bai Qingqing smiled and kicked Parker.

Parker walked out of the house in a daze, walked out of the tribe, and stood in the jungle full of dangers, when his mind suddenly clicked, and he started running crazily with a "oooh" sound.


In the jungle, a flash of yellow quickly passed by, leaving behind a sound of excited leopard roars that echoed in the forest, startling birds and beasts and fleeing in all directions.

The mountain forest suddenly became quiet. It was eerily quiet, except for the silly cry of a leopard.

Parker noticed something unusual, stepped lightly, and looked around alertly.

There was a sudden sound of breaking wind behind him, and Parker instinctively ducked to the side. He heard a tiger roar in his ears, and turned around to see a strong tiger pounced on the place where he was standing just now.

"Woo!" Parker growled, and he quickly recognized that this was Rosa's partner.

Although it is not very strong, its back is very broad and its hair is soft. Rosa rides on it every time she travels.

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