Seeing that Bai Qingqing didn't like him very much, Xiu stuffed the fruit out and said, "Then I'll go back first."

"Hey!" Bai Qingqing took two steps after him. The land exposed in the sun was so hot that it could probably fry an egg. She was so burned that she jumped and accidentally spilled the fruit all over the floor. By the time he picked up the fruit, Xiu had already gone far.

"It's burned to death." Bai Qingqing hurriedly ran back to the shade of the tree, frowning and rubbing her feet, the soles of her feet were burned hard.

In this world, fruits are all picked in the wild, and there is no distinction between high and low. It doesn’t look good to have to go all the way just to get something like this. Bai Qingqing didn't show any pretense, picked up a strawberry and ate it.

Parker came back with a pile of animal skins on his back and saw Bai Qingqing eating under the tree. He looked around and asked, "Did the snake pick it for you?"

"No." Bai Qingqing looked up and saw the animal skins that Parker brought back, and stood up with interest, "Xiu gave them to me. Have you moved all the animal skins back? Let me take a look."

"Hmph. That guy." Parker snorted unhappily. Seeing Bai Qingqing rushing back to the house, he immediately quickened his pace, "Don't move. I'll put down the animal skin and pick you up."


Parker carried Bai Qingqing back to the house. Bai Qingqing put down the fruit and went to dig through the animal skins. These animal skins are all in one piece, and the shapes of animals can also be seen. Bears, tigers, etc. all have their heads and claws preserved.

Parker rubbed the top of Bai Qingqing's soft hair and said, "These are old ones. You can make do with them now. When the cold season comes, I will tan new hides for you."

"Is it troublesome? Why do we have to wait for the cold season?" Bai Qingqing looked up at Parker.

Parker said: "Animals have the fullest hair in the cold season and are less likely to fall off."

Bai Qingqing suddenly remembered that when Curtis had just captured him, he caught a giant rabbit for himself to eat. The fur of that beast was so soft that she wanted to peel it off at that time.

"Um, do you know rabbits? So big -" Bai Qingqing gestured with her hands. She didn't know if that was a rabbit. She had never seen a rabbit grow that big.

Parker flicked Bai Qingqing's forehead with his finger, "No problem, I'll pay more attention then."

Bai Qingqing suddenly felt embarrassed. She hadn't decided to accept Parker yet, so she should ask Curtis for it.

Parker looked outside the house and said: "This year's heavy rainy season is coming very quickly. I have to hurry up and deal with the sand pit first."

Bai Qingqing also ran to the sandpit. It happened that the house cast a shadow here and the ground was cold.

The sandpit is right next to the main house, with a rain shelter to prevent the sand from getting wet.

Parker walked into the sand pit and dug directly with his hands.

Bai Qingqing shouted: "So dirty!"

Parker raised a smile and said while digging the sand: "Everything that is not dirty is dry." As he spoke, Parker dug out a hard object wrapped in sand grains, picked it up and put it on the big table next to him. on tree leaves.

Bai Qingqing covered her face and couldn't bear to look directly. Later, I couldn't help but take a look and found that their feces had different shapes.

She knows that her own is relatively soft and easy to spread. It was as if Parker had been compressed. After eating so much every day, the poop was similar to hers, except that it was very firm and ball-shaped.

There were even lumps of urine in the sandpit, but Bai Qingqing couldn't tell which lump was which.

As for Curtis, he only needs to deal with it once every few days, and it should be done when hunting in the wild.

Parker rummaged through the sand pit, then dragged a leaf of droppings to the trash pit and dumped everything in.

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