Curtis froze, his eyes fell on the steamed eggs in the bowl, and he slowly slid his Adam's apple, "Gulu" swallowing the warm food in his mouth.

In the past, he had no idea about the delicacies that the orcs often talked about, but now he had a glimpse of it. Just like this bowl of steamed eggs, warm, smooth and fragrant.

Snake beasts are afraid of hot and cold, but they especially like warmth. This warm and light food is just perfect in Curtis' mouth.

Bai Qingqing looked at Curtis's reaction, smiled broadly, pointed at the pot and said, "You like it? There's still more in the pot."

Parker's heart skipped a beat when he heard this. In order to let Bai Qingqing eat more, he couldn't bear to take another bite. Now he wants to give it all to the snake beast?

"Qingqing, please eat." Parker said immediately.

Bai Qingqing licked the corners of her mouth: "I'm full."

"Then I'll eat it." Parker said and went to hold the pot. Curtis was stronger than him and moved faster than him. He rolled the snake's tail and brought the pot in front of him.

Parker was furious and stood up to grab it.

Bai Qingqing smiled and pulled Parker, "It's rare that Curtis likes to eat food. Don't grab it. Just eat meat."

Parker looked at Bai Qingqing for a while, then walked out angrily. "I won't eat anymore."

Pork is too rare, so I’ll leave it to Qingqing to eat in the afternoon.

Parker squatted by the river to drink water, looking at his depressed reflection in the water, and his mood became even lower.

In the past, he and Qingqing were the only two people who had no need to compete for food.

Usually in a family, females allocate food, and unfavored males naturally get the least and worst food. Qingqing gave all the steamed eggs to the snake beast. Does it mean that she likes the snake beast more?

I can't even compare to a cold-blooded orc...

Parker suddenly felt helpless and lay dying by the river.

Curtis finished eating last and did the cleaning work.

When the sun reaches high in the sky, the fog dissipates, but there are still many insects in the low sky. There is still a lot of preparation to be done before the rainy season comes, and the males are all busy.

Curtis and Parker worked together to move the family's firewood out to dry, and then Parker returned to Stone Castle to move in all the hides he had tanned, and Curtis went out to cut the grass.

Bai Qingqing sat in the shade of the tree in front of her house to eat after eating, and looked at the firewood to prevent it from being picked up by the tribe's cubs.

An orc came from a distance holding something like a leaf. As he got closer, Bai Qingqing realized that he was a wolf, and her expression suddenly became unnatural.

The wolf beast stood in front of Bai Qingqing, stretched out the fruit in his hand to Bai Qingqing, and said, "Here you can eat."

Bai Qingqing recalled Parker's words, "A dog can't change its habit of eating shit" and couldn't help but step back.

The light was good during the day, and Bai Qingqing could see that his serious and handsome face was a bit shy.

This scene was like an innocent senior confessing to a girl, and it was the first time Bai Qingqing encountered her after traveling through time. Parker pestered her arbitrarily, but Curtis was even more domineering and kidnapped her directly. As for the bear, it was too big to count.

But no matter how the scene fits Bai Qingqing's longing for love, as soon as she thinks of those words, all the pink bubbles in Bai Qingqing's mind burst. What's more, she is still a married woman now.

"No, I can't have it." Bai Qingqing said decisively. She looked up at Xiu from below, and accidentally saw the key parts of her animal skin skirt, which were dark.

Bai Qingqing stood up quickly.

Xiu took a step closer to Bai Qingqing and forced the fruit to Bai Qingqing. Bai Qingqing pushed it with her hand and sniffed without trace, but found no peculiar smell. But unexpectedly Xiu let go of her hand and the fruit came into her hand.

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