All the prisoners didn't say hope just to cry, so as Marina's practice bench, they ended up with wind magic.

Marina had no hesitation in letting her enemies hit her magic, and she didn't seem to be experiencing any mental pain, so this is about enough practice for her.

"Even at the bottom, he wasn't a conscripted peasant, he was a professional soldier. I don't know if I can act a little more like a soldier."

He said, "Only life" and "Mercy," but I don't think you're coming to the battlefield with that sweetness.

It is natural that you could be killed more than you have participated in the battle to kill people.

Miscellaneous soldiers who are not worthy of use would be even more so...

Where I have pity on my enemies, they just shrug my legs... it's the war that doesn't even gain a piece.

"Pfft. Master, I'm scared."

"It's something that makes us all sweet to ourselves, and this is what a soldier at the end would look like. Nina, it didn't just happen that your husband was a mental breaker, did it?

Nina and Ian messing with me while cleaning up the scene.

In Ian's case, it's because of his experience with mercy on me for ridiculing his ill-fated brother named Ash... I hate how convincing the words are.

"Brother. Removal of collapsed rocks, complete!

"Good day, Esther, Marina. Come to Koch."

Esther, who later finished repairing the blocked road, and Marina, who was helping with it.

Marina seems to have liked Esther, sitting on his shoulder with her eyes blessed.

If I loved the two of them, Nina came close too, so I tasted the break time for a while.

I'm on perimeter alert using signs detection, and Ian turned to me as a watchman, so there won't be a problem.

After clearing the path to the state before the enemy arrives, use the "Far Text” recovered from the property of the former butler and report to the Count of Brand.

The Kingdom of Quor seems to care a lot about whether I die in battle or not, as a granting magician, so I'd better report my survival regularly.

"It's convenient to have a” far-text ”on hand. I'm sorry to distract you every time you go to the mansions of the top nobles."

Just to thank the former butler for his stupidity.

If you're just going to get in touch with the Count, you can do something about it in a way that has Marina summon the bat and have him carry it with a letter on his leg.

But the bat is less combative, so other monsters are likely to hunt him along the way and make him uncomfortable.

Considering the area around, even if you ate the Demon Stone foolishly, it would be better to contact you with "Far Text”.

Using a simple cipher, put the letter that wrote the situation report on the magic prop and set the demon stone.

"Count Brand's number is 15219. It would be difficult if mistakes were delivered to the enemy's" Far Text ”, and we need to make sure..."

After typing in the pouch and the number and making sure the numbers matched for all five, he carefully pressed the submit button.

The "Far Text” itself was commonly used, but the aristocratic servant did the manipulation for me, so this is the first time I've done it myself.

I've been surrounded by civilized equipment in Japan, and I know I'm used to it compared to people in this world, but it's still pretty exciting.

"The magic in the Demon Stone was consumed and the letter disappeared. Looks like the transmission was successful."

"Sounds like it, brother"

If the quality of “Far Text” or the distance cannot be sent, only the Demon Stone will be consumed and the letter will remain framed.

This is a near field transmission, so I knew it would be okay, but I'm relieved it went well.

Ian, Nina and Marina were entrusted with blocking the supply route... me and Esther went into the woods to prepare a trap to set up to the well.

"Brother. Crowded area of Kodokudake, there was!

"Well done, Esther! Looks like we could use this."

Kodokudake is a poisonous mushroom that gently frightens the belly when eaten, and is not life-threatening.

But if I continue to pour potion on Kodokudake for a whole day... the fusa that was red replaces purple and transforms into modokudake.

"The water soaked with moudocdake does not disappear toxic to the extent that it boils a little, and causes abdominal pain to the extent that it wanders around with procrastination"

In addition, fluids and excreta can contain poison, so they can be infected by the people they take care of.

It's in higher school textbooks, and it's a well-known method in the knowledge class... but this method is rarely used in the field.

It doesn't fit because the potion bill won't be silly and the poison will disappear if they drink the detoxification potion, which is what it takes to make a moudocdake.

"The detoxification potion in the well is normally an unusable method because it is de-toxified when a few bottles are thrown into it..."

A concealed well that cannot be reported to the upper level would be expected to have an effect.

"Thanks to Ian, our potion situation is good."

"You can unload expired or unsold potions in a broken fashion."

Esther's right, our party can use potions generously.

Slightly lower quality potion, so the quality of moudocdake you can do won't be a good one either... if you can expect some effect, that's fine so no problem.

"As much as we run out of detoxification potions, let's increase the number of infected people and sharpen Thanksgiving's power all at once!


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