Jump off the cliff using the part that collapsed earlier and head to the enemy.

Normally, my leg bones are high enough to break, but I have physical enhancement skills, so to this extent, it's fine.

"Holy shit, it's an enemy attack ~!!

"" "" "" Air Arrow!

"" "" "Gah!!

All five of them struck wind magic as per the meeting, crushing the enemy's knees.

I won't be able to walk on my own until I've broken my bones in the air arrow... unless I take a high potion.

"" "" "" Air Arrow! Air Arrow! Air Arrow!

All remaining enemy knees are also magically crushed.

I'm not very good at magic control. Nina, too, is letting more than half of them hit, and Marina manipulates wind arrows perfectly.

Their efforts and growth were overflowing with laughter.

"Thirteen, fourteen, fifteen... that's all of us"

"Right, Nina."

Rope the enemies who are no longer able to move and check the contents of the carriage.

"Master, all five were dry bread and dried meat. They must have been carrying food for the soldiers."

What the enemy was carrying was a preserved food, as expected.

"Thanks, Ian. Will you deliver it to nearby units later?"


I gave enough supplies to the Count Brand Army when they joined me, so I guess I'll sell this dry bread and dried meat to the popular Count Zabuin.

"Brother, horse meat is ready."

"Thank you, Esther. Put it in this magic bag."


The horse who was pulling the wagon is pathetic, but I had it fed.

When a horse is in the street that no one is riding, it is possible that the enemy will find out if he sneaks into Nazar's dominated area.

The resulting horse meat, along with preserved food, is going to be sold to Count Zabuin.

After we take the food and the carriage, we get the information from the rattle-shaking soldiers.

Experience this time meant that Marina and I were in charge of torture... but when I gently peeled off my nails, their hearts broke, so I couldn't practice much.


I want you to show me some guts because I have the energy to serve them to whores.

I'm sorry to hear about the prisoners, but I had good information.

By the time I heard the story, the well was dying in Thanksgiving... and I found that water distribution was not happening in a busy manner.

The well water in Rosarta is poorly sanitary in the first place, and when you drink it as it is, you belly down.

In the Nazar army, which has already taken a large number of victims, they boil the water every time before drinking it.

But even less water can be distributed than boiling it.

Nobles may drink as much as they like, and soldiers with positions, they say, get two glasses of rations every day... but soldiers at the end are miserable.

They only get a glass of water on the 3rd.

As a result, discontent with the upper echelons has accumulated among the soldiers.

"But with that amount of rations, you're gonna drown to death, right?

From what I've seen, he looks like a junkie at the bottom, but he could afford to think about the woman.

I don't look like I'm in trouble...

"Actually, there were ancient wells in the slam with plenty of water... If they find out up there, they're gonna run out of our water, so I snuck up and drank it. Come on."

"Slam Street Well? Is it not controlled by the military?

"What, yeah...... Slums stink and dirty, so with bong-up positions, I don't hate to lean on them. I wonder why you didn't even notice the existence of the well."

Since there are no pulleys or other wells in the slam, and the covering around them is partially decaying, it seems that, from a puff, it is indistinguishable from a semi-destructed borough shop.

The ex-Losalta people who lived there were all killed or enslaved, so now they're in a deserted compartment full of garbage, lined up with run-down empty houses.

So the Nazar soldiers at the end go to the site of the slam when they're off duty, drink the water from the hidden well, and they're soothing their thirst.

"Ask one. Does it boil properly when drinking water in a slum?

"No, I'm at it. I just let it boil until the hot air comes out, and the smoke is going to come out, so it's kind of ad hoc around here."

"I see, I heard good things. Thank you for your useful information."

"As obvious as this is!

In short, if you set a trap in a well in Slam Street, you can shred the soldiers unnoticed by the upper echelons.

They don't have a necromancer in Thanksgiving, so you can win even if you get in straight from the front... it's the gap I found because of it, and let me make the most of it.

"So... we talked a lot about this, so our freedom..."

A prisoner, who told me valuable information just because he threatened me a little, smiled frightened and began to beg for his life.

"Oh, I'm going to pay you well for your sincerity."

"Damn, then!

"Let's bury each and every souvenir of the underworld with whatever magic we want. Fire, water, soil, wind, whatever you choose."

To my words, the captives who cease to speak.

Normally, you would know about this... what the hell were you expecting?

"Well...... First of all, you're the one who talked the most perky. What kind of magic do you want to see?

I'd love to have Marina get some experience, so I'm glad you chose wind magic.

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