After that, as many as they could, the four killed the signs and did some research around them for a while, and I found out a few things.

The first, the four of us explored the signs of magic and creatures, and that there was not a single sign of people and monsters around here.

Secondly, fog occurs before you know it when you try to go back or off the road you came from, and you are only able to go ahead and return to where you first realized you were in this forest.

At the end of the day, there is nothing missing from all four possessions, and magic can be used without any problems.

But the four of them didn't know where they were right now. It's been magical for about an hour now, we're not sure we were really going down the street as planned, and Kuido's story was that there's no place to break through a forest like this in the middle of the street.

And we just checked the situation where we were placed, and the four of us would walk through the woods about an hour later.

The missing tip is wrapped in fog, with short weeds growing.

"Ha ha... through the woods."

Noah, who serves as his lord, whispers and looks around.

And I looked back and circled my eyes at the sight in sight.

"Everybody, look at that."

Reacting to the words, the three people who turned around also turned their eyes round and Takumi shrugged.

"What's that tree shape..."

Into the sight of the four were traces that were not normally conceivable of several unusual forms of twisted trees stretching out of the woods they had been passing through, or thick trees popping up from the way ahead that were no longer blackened.

"Maybe someone magically created this forest."

"Right...... I know someone who manipulates plants, and I've seen that person's magic several times, but I think it's possible."

"But why would you do that?

"Nyah, I wonder if that's the answer."

Noah was pointing a little further away from where we had fallen out of the question of Takumi.

It was quite extensive from the inside out of the forest and the surrounding trees were missing, and the trees and ground around it were dark and corrupt.

"Maybe he was fighting something..."

"Oh, and they're both probably pretty good users. Besides, it looks like this was followed quite a while ago. There's almost no magic left."

Iris, who was pointing the other way, raised his voice as Kuido narrowed his eyes and stared at the place for analysis.

"Oh, could this be..."

"What's up, Iris?

"It's a fragment of this stone. It's falling all the way ahead... Isn't this part of some street?"

Then Kuido and Noah examined the stone fragment and thought it was probably part of the street, and for now the four of them followed the fragment of the crushed stone, although they did not know where it was going.

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