Lead the other world.

8-4 Confounders

"Nyah, I see you!

Noah, who was on perimeter alert as he slept on the roof of his luggage, suddenly rose and pointed at his finger.

Having met from last night until the morning and resting until after noon, Takumi and the others were on their way to the commercial city of Metes, which is currently their destination.

And Takumi and Iris, who were chatting in a luggage car, reacting to Noah's voice, who raised his voice energetically, looked out from the left and right of Kuido holding the deprafan's reins to see what Noah said.


"Wow, that looks like a very spacious city!

Turning out that Metes, surrounded by huge exterior walls visible from afar, was a city of considerable size no less than Astrea, the two were exclaiming and making their hearts dance a little to the huge city they were visiting for the first time.

"You guys... it's not a game"

Kuido laughed bitterly at how the three of them were doing, but he was reassured that everyone was able to relax even though it was before a difficult request, and that he would still be able to show his strength when this was necessary.

The light of the sun illuminated Takumi's luggage from behind, the sky was cloudless and the blue sky was spreading, including Metes, who looked farther away, a sight that was refreshing, strange and comfortable.

It's like being led by something.

"Nevertheless, I knew you weren't one of the merchants"

Some time after leaving the village, Takumi's luggage entered the streets and no merchant, not a single one, was mistaken until now.

Kuido, who has visited Metes several times at his request, said that there was usually a merchant queue on this street leading to Metes, where we are now going, and that there were no people left from morning to evening.

It was when Takumi clouded her expression at the apparent anomaly.

Everyone took more than a second to realize, and not many surprised people could utter a word.

That should be it, too.

Because the scenery we were looking at had changed unknowingly.

And Kuido, who returned to me, opened his eyes and raised his voice.


"Sorry, I didn't feel anything..."

Noah, who was on guard around the area, was also looking around pulling out his dagger, although he couldn't hide his surprise and was quite upset.

The line of Takumi and the others that returned to me was sometime in a strange forest. The sky is thin and red, and the sky is spreading with two missing moons without one star.

Takumi and the others, once, stopped Deprafan and made him wait near a nearby tree before going outside and gathering around vigilantly.

"Hey, what happened!? When I realized, the scenery changed, so..."

"Calm down, Iris"

Noah began to talk to Iris, who was still upset and black-and-white with his eyes, controlled by his hand.

"I noticed maybe four at the same time?

"Maybe you do. Is that the kind of space transfer Mr. Luke uses?

"No... maybe not. I've been through it a few times, but it didn't feel that way this time. Perhaps at some point they were driving the perception crazy and all of a sudden they all felt put back."

As Kuido was answering Takumi's question while analyzing the sensations he had received, he gradually heard Sora's voice as if for some reason there was noise in Takumi's head.

(- Mi......, Takumi! Can you hear me!?)

What the hell, Sola?

You will hear from Sola the content of her astonishment that Takumi is surprised in her heart when she speaks to Sola in a hurry.

(Good... When I tried to talk to Takumi, I suddenly heard something like a murmur. And then I didn't respond at all for almost an hour... and I couldn't even get out of the world of my mind...)

(Uh... yes, an hour? You're lying...? Wasn't we talking about that?)

When Takumi was stunned, so was Kuido in front of him.

Perhaps Kuido told Fine the same thing as Sola.

And while upset, Takumi began to talk, trying to calm down and switch between her heads.

"Talking from Sola, she couldn't speak to me in her heart for about an hour now. Did Fine tell you that, too, Master?

"Oh... that's a hard story to believe."

Kuido, who clouded his expression, leaned down and reacted so, but seemed quite upset that he was bewitched or something before he knew it inside.

The air gets heavier and everyone stays silent for a while trying to keep calm.

- Pan.

Then in the silent and severely painful air, the loud sound of a slap on the hand sounds.

"It's okay. We'll figure it out, we'll discuss the guidelines for the future in a short time."

When Noah tapped his hand and narrowed his eyes, saying so loosely and calmly, the wonders and words crossed his mind and Takumi and the others regained their composure.

And the four of us who regained our composure started discussing it so that we could complete the request without missing anyone.

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