King of Eschatology

Chapter 758: Back to Earth's main space

Lu Fan looked at the red flame war halberd in the monthly weapon bar, and he became more and more happy.

Compared with the star-shaped red flame war halberd, the moon-level red flame war halberd with the three-pointed and two-edged blades all bears the cold blue awn, looks heavier and seems to become sharper.

In particular, the flames lingering around the Red Flame War Halberd, even mixed with a little blue flame, can definitely increase its attack power.

"You are the one!"

Lu Fan laughed, and directly consumed 10 million zombie points to redeem the moon-level Red Flame War Halberds.

With it, it is enough to deal with ordinary enemies. Unless it is very troublesome, Lu Fan is not ready to use two reincarnation knives and Zijin electric hammer.

Lu Fan exchanged items in the Super God Link system, and his expression was unnatural, and he smirked. The crowd watched for a while.

"What's the matter, didn't the boss make us ready, what was he smirking there?"

"Are we ready to go to the theater?"

Everyone was silent, waiting quietly.

Lu Fan was very happy at this time, no matter what other people thought, he directly took out the moon-level red flame war halberd, and stroked gently in the void, and suddenly the energy ripples appeared.

At this moment, even the space became unstable, showing the powerful attack power of the moon-level Red Flame War Halberd.

"This weapon is so domineering, how do I feel better than the Yang-class weapon?"

Lu Fan whispered there, very satisfied.

"Hide away, I'm going to open the way!"

The words didn't fall, Lu Fan's momentum surged in vain, and the moon-like Red Flame Halberd in his hand seemed to be alive, and the whole body burst into endless flames, especially at the edge of that flame, with endless blue light.


With a single blow, the ground was shaken, and a strong **** atmosphere erupted, instantly flooding the entire Death Canyon.

In order to minimize the traumatic trauma, Lu Fan did not use all his strength. Even so, this wound was enough to sip a pot.

Originally quietly lying on the bottom of the sea waiting for news, at this time suddenly opened his eyes wide, almost jumping out from the bottom of the North Sea.

Fortunately, I had been prepared for a long time, knowing that Lu Fan would give himself a little bit soon, so I was always on guard.

However, this time the wound is much more painful than the previous one. If it were not for the return of Lu Fan's blood to his ancestors, I'm afraid I would have to work directly with Lu Fan.

In Death Canyon, everyone was surprised, and no one thought that the way out was so simple and rude.

Turned out to open a mouth directly on the belly of the uncle.

"What a peculiar thing, how do I feel like a caesarean?"

Shi Hongji whispered there, but was kicked hard by Lu Fan beside him.

"What a shame nonsense, hurry out, the wound heals when you walk slowly."

Lu Fan urged everyone.

Lu's strength has reached the peak of middle life, and he has strong recovery ability. The wound cut by Lu Fan is only two meters wide, and it will heal within a short time.

Therefore, everyone must rush out before the wounds healed.

Looking at the dark water at the end of the wound, Shi Hongji jumped in first.

Others knew the time was urgent and didn't ask much at this time, jumping into the wound.

Until the end, Lu Fan leapt forward, jumped out of the wound, and rushed into the sea water, and everyone came out of the uncle's belly.


Shi Hongji first appeared, spit out a pool of seawater, and cursed: "Specially, this seawater is really hard to drink, it is fishy and salty, and the key is still cold."

Immediately afterwards, everyone rushed out from the bottom of the sea and rushed directly into the sky. The force of evolution was shocked. The clothes soaked in sea water were instantly dried, and everyone looked steamy.

In the end, when Lu Fan swept from the bottom of the sea and rushed into the sky, his clothes were dried up by the powerful evolutionary force.

Lu Fan was suspended in the North Sea and looked at the calm sea quietly.

From beginning to end, I didn't show up and seemed to be sleeping.

However, Lu Fan knew in his heart that he must know that everyone had left from the world in his belly, and the two-meter-long wound was not a joke.

"Relax, old iron, I will make you successful!"

Lu Fan didn't say a word, but he was more firm in his thoughts. He paid attention to the other party ’s efforts, and will definitely not treat the other party in the future.


Lu Fan said softly to the crowd, raised his hand to take out a flying saucer from the storage space, and rushed into the flying saucer first.

The crowd was all excited. They finally returned to Earth's main space. At this time, it is false to say that they are not excited.

"The boss's space ring is awesome. Even such a large light and shadow flying saucer can be put in. It's amazing."

Shi Hongji murmured to himself that most of the space rings produced by the Ministry of Scientific Research had only a few cubic meters of space, and there was no such thing as a light and shadow flying saucer.

Of course, all the black technologies were brought out by Lu Fan, so it is not surprising that the other party has a more powerful space ring.

In fact, Lu Fan's space ring has long been scrapped, and the storage space of the Super Link System is 10,000 times better than the space ring.

When everyone entered the light and shadow flying saucer, the flying saucer immediately started, turned on the automatic cruise function, and flew towards the imperial capital of the Tianyue Empire at high speed.

At the same time, the Lu Jiajun was operating under Ye's arrangement to return to the Tianyue Empire from Africa and the Americas.

This is Lu Fan's order. In less than half a month, the first aliens will come. Lu Jiajun will go all out to eat the other party as silently as possible.

In fact, it is easy to eat each other, and Lu Fan can do it alone, the key is to be silent.

Lu Fan must strictly control the transmission of information ~ ~ to make every batch of aliens entering the earth sink, the only way to hold each other as far as possible.

If this is not the case, the forces on either side will pass back what happened on the earth, the earth will surely attract the interstellar coalition forces, and then the earth will have no power to fight back.

Therefore, until the construction of the fortifications on Neptune is completed, the earth cannot leak a little bit of wind.

God Chain has informed Lu Fan that the first aliens arrived on Earth half a month later, and the last aliens arrived on Earth three months later.

In other words, the earth must build the fortifications on Neptune within three months. It is too difficult for the earth people who have not conquered the moon.

However, Lu Fan has the powerful backing of the Super God Link System, and has all kinds of high-tech. As long as it is rationally used, this major task will be completed in the shortest time.

As for now, Lu Fan decided to build the Earth's defense system first.

Aliens want to invade the earth without paying a little price. This time, Lu Fan wants to kill them.

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