King of Eschatology

Chapter 757: See also alien skeleton

Deep in the Death Canyon, Lu Fan and Lin Xiaoxiao and others continued to reach the end of the canyon.

Everyone stepped on the **** sea of ​​the corpses, feeling extremely heavy. With the countless bones here, everyone can determine the fierce battle of the year.

"Boss, what kind of bones are these?"

Yang Feiyun frowned, questioning Landing Fan.

The others stopped and looked up at Lu Fan.

There is a special atmosphere here that makes everyone very uncomfortable, it seems that the strangely shaped bones emanated.

Lu Fan also stopped. When he came here for the first time, he obtained the recognition of broken swords and residual swords, and got a glimpse of the ancient war conditions in the obsession of the two magical soldiers.

This is the final battlefield of human evolutionaries and alien invaders. The strangely shaped bones around them are left by the aliens.

Among them are two-headed human bones. This kind of alien Lu Fan has already encountered. It is the double-headed blue monster of the Beckett star. Most of the bones here are left by them.

There are also special bones of horses in the upper body and horses in the lower body. There are also many such bones, which should be a special race of a certain galaxy and also die here.

There are also tauren, snake heads, three-headed, six-armed aliens, even aliens with bone wings and aliens with long tails, all kinds of special races.

Many more bones have been shattered, and now they don't even look like they are completely annihilated in the long river of years.

Seeing the endless bones here, everyone felt like a boulder crushing themselves, panicking.

Lu Fan sighed and said, "These are the bones of aliens. Maybe it won't be long before they land on the earth, and a fierce battle will inevitably occur."

Everyone took a sip of cold air, and their faces became more dignified.

Just now in the hall, everyone felt very relaxed when formulating a combat strategy, and did not realize the terrible battle that followed.

It wasn't until they saw the bones that they realized the seriousness of the incident. These alien races are very special and their fighting effectiveness is unclear.

"What the **** are these?"

Compared to these weird alien races, the scalp that Chen Dapeng looked numb looked more cute.

Now that the end of the last days has passed, humans are not so afraid of zombies. Even ordinary people now dare to fight zombies as long as they have the right weapons.

But these aliens are obviously more terrible. The most important thing is that everyone does not know what the other party's special abilities are and cannot be treated as ordinary enemies.

Coming here again, Lu Fan's spirit and spirit are obviously different from the last time, at least the chain of God completely unlocked the genetic shackles, at this time you can clearly know something.

In Lu Fan's spiritual world, Lu Fan is listening to God Chain to introduce himself.

"The double-headed skeletons are the Stars of Beckett. They have a secret technique. The second skull can accumulate power. After swallowing the main head, it can double the combat power."

"The upper body is a human, and the lower body is a horse. The half-horse is a half-horse. They have four thick thighs. When trampled on, they are powerful and can explode four times their fighting power."

"The bones of the Tauren are Tauren. They have sharp horns that can tear the void and have infinite power."


The chain of God kept telling Lu Fan the origin of these bones, and Lu Fan learned the information of enemies other than the Beggite for the first time.

Fan Fan gradually realized that the aliens who targeted the earth originally came from twelve galaxies, and the creatures of each galaxy had their own ethnic characteristics.

Of course, there are also races like Earth people, but the height difference is huge.

For example, the height of the giants can reach more than ten meters, the height of the dwarves is only about half a meter, and the height of humans is considered to be centered.

At the same time, GodChain informed that these races not only have a high degree of evolution, but also have a high degree of scientific and technological civilization. Even if the other party does not take the initiative, the science and technology weapons alone can destroy the earth.

Lu Fan thought secretly in his heart and strengthened his determination even more.

The chain of God has been restored to a complete state, and various high-tech technologies are almost endless. As long as there is enough time, the earth can grow to exist in any galaxy.

However, the foundation of the earth is too thin. Even if it is now fully pursuing it, it is not possible to directly surpass other galaxies. A gradual process is required.

Therefore, Lu Fan should eat all the aliens quietly this time, not let them send back the slightest news, and strive for more development time.

"Well, don't be too pessimistic. Our potential is huge. These aliens are definitely not our opponents."

Fan Lu encouraged everyone, and said with a gaze of eyes: "One day in the future, I will take everyone to their planet and kill the invaders."

After hearing the words of Lu Fan, everyone's eyes gradually brightened, swept away the inner breath, and once again became full of confidence.

Although the enemy is terrible, his boss is even more terrible. From beginning to end, all those who are against the boss have been killed.

Everyone followed Lu Fan, step by step to today, has long established a strong trust in Lu Fan.

Lu Fan said that what is feasible, it must be feasible.

Lu Fan said that in the future, the alien's nest will be killed, then it can be done.

"People are ready, I'm taking you out!"

Lu Fan opened his mouth, and took out two reincarnation knives with a bang.

Everyone heard the words, and they took two steps back and waited.

Lu Fan holding two reincarnation knives, suddenly showing a strange look, secretly said: "The two reincarnation knives can both kill the body and the soul. If I go on with this sword, shouldn't I hang?

In fact, it is not easy for me to be trapped. After being trapped at the bottom of the North Sea for so many years, I was also smashed by Lu Fan for no reason last time.

This time, Lu Fan took everyone out to ~ and still had to open the belly of his uncle. If he used two reincarnation swords, it would be too cruel.

Unfortunately, Lu Fan's Red Flame War Halberd was destroyed, and at this time there was no weapon in hand.

Of course, this kind of trivial matter can't help but Lu Fan, the weapon bar of the Super God Link System has been fully opened, and all kinds of weapons are available. Lu Fan intends to redeem one.

"I have no interest in star weapons. Yang-level weapons are too expensive. It is enough to have two reincarnation knives and purple gold hammers. Look at the monthly weapon bar."

Although the price of the monthly weapon bar is also relatively expensive, Lu Fan can still accept it, and 10 million zombie points are nothing at all.

Lu Fan rummaged along the monthly weapon bar, and suddenly his eyes lighted up, suddenly showing great joy.

"Well, the moon-level Red Flame War Halberds can still be like this!"

Lu Fan couldn't help seeing the familiar Red Flame War Halberd. After all, his weapon has always been the Red Flame War Halberd. He has already used it very smoothly, and changed to another weapon instead of adapting.

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