King of Eschatology

Chapter 701: I'm here to deliver you meat

"too terrifying!"

Guppa exclaimed, her eyes were almost glaring.

Because this sword Qi Changhe's combat power actually exceeded 100 million.

One hundred million combat power, this is the strength that only the middle tenth-ranked strong possesses. I did not expect that Lu Fan is now only the middle eighth-ranked, and he can even surpass two orders.

Fukaru's face became more and more gloomy, because the energy contained in the sword's long river can already threaten his life.

On the opposite side, the Tianbei Beidou Sword Formation is ready, Lu Fan is angry and rushes to the crown, his heart is surging with infinite killing.

Bai Qi started, and Lu Fan didn't care at all. At this time, what he really cared about was the mass of zombies.

The order of these zombies is too high, and either end is a great disaster. Lu Fan will never allow them to rush to the Tianyue Empire.


The roar is like thunder, and the sound is trembling everywhere. The endless sword light is like a rainstorm pouring in freely within a range of dozens of miles.

There were sharp sword qi everywhere, and the cricket's sharp edge cut the void and chopped it on the zombies without mercy.

Suddenly, the roar of the zombies shook the sky, countless black blood rushed out, and the smell of smell was overwhelming.

Ten thousand high-level zombies were hit by the Tianbei Beidou Sword Formation without exception. At this time, they fell like weeds and were chopped into a pool of mud by the endless sword energy.

Lu Fan killed all the zombies in one blow.

Each zombie is a first-order, worth one million zombie points.

Now all of Lu Fan is killed all at once. With zombies points alone, Lu Fan can earn 10 billion.

Lu Fan was promoted again, and the zombie points needed was exactly 10 billion. The move of Fukarusa to become soldiers was simply to give Lu Fan benefits.

Unfortunately, the chain of God is too insignificant. At this time, it was actively closed, and Lu Fan could not use the zombie points to upgrade.

Of course, now that Lu Fan has reached the peak of the middle eighth order, he may break through to the middle ninth order at any time. If he chooses to upgrade the zombie points now, it is too wasteful.

Lu Fan wants to use it until the critical moment.

Seeing this scene, Fukaru's face was gloomy and watery. These zombie beans were exchanged by him for a large amount of space coins, but he did not expect to be completely destroyed by Lu Fan.

This is a huge loss for Fukaru, even if the heads of all humans on the earth are sold, it cannot be compensated.

"Damn asshole!"

Fukaru was murderous, looking at Bai Qi who had fled to a great distance.

If Bai Qi didn't run so fast, his zombie beans would not have lost so much.

"Hold the Zijin Electric Hammer and go and kill Bai Qi's idiot!"

Focalu stroked the space ring lightly, and a huge warhammer appeared and threw it into Guppa's hand.

Gupa took the Zijin Electric Hammer, and couldn't help getting excited.

Zijin electric hammer, this is an artifact!

When waving the electric hammer of funds, as long as the power of evolution is poured in, you can evoke a very powerful lightning, the attack power is amazing.

Guppa's eyes were eager, and with this purple gold electric hammer, he could bombard a strong one higher than himself.

Fukaru saw Guppa's response, and immediately sneered, and said, "Just lend it to you. After killing Bai Qi, return it immediately."

Gupta's expression was stagnant, showing a touch of disappointment.

However, if you think about it, this top-ranked artifact in the universe can only be used by superior life.

Fukaru also relied on King Bogit for such a deal after many years of experience and after paying a heavy price.

As for Gupa himself, just thinking about it, the distance is too far away to be possible at all.

For Gupa, it was a blessing to use it today.

Guppa nodded solemnly to Fukaru, and then chased away in the direction of Bai Qi, holding a purple electric hammer.

After sending Gupa away, Fukaru began to re-examine Lu Fan, his eyes full of disdain.

Fukaru is proud. For him, the Earthlings are descendants of the loser, and exist like ants.

Lu Fan in front of him is a bit strong, it's just a relatively powerful ant.

"Being able to die in my hands, you are lucky, Huang Quan Road is enough to be proud."

Fukaru took out a pair of ghost claws and put them on his hands. The temperament of the whole person changed greatly, and it was cold, and the bloodthirsty breath became more and more concentrated.

Lu Fan's eyes were cold and taunted, "I know that speaking big words, let me see if your strength is better than bragging."

During the conversation, Lu Fan was ready to take the lead and take the lead.

At this moment, another violent breaking sound came from the distance. I saw Ling Ce's body shape like electricity, rushing towards this place at a rapid speed.

"Boss, I'm here to deliver you meat!"

Ling Ze shouted at the exit. Several flying distances spanned a distance of tens of kilometers, and he was approaching Landing Fan extremely fast.

Hearing Ling Ce's shout, Lu Fan was suddenly full of black lines in his head.

"It's so special. If you don't come early, don't come late, just come over this knot."

After seeing this, Focaru immediately gave a mocking smile, and said, "If this man can go back alive, I will follow your surname."

Lu Fan's eyes were cold and troublesome.

Just now Xu Xiaopeng came over and fled here dangerously, it can be said that it was extremely lucky.

At that time, the Begitts did not care, and Lu Fan suddenly broke out and bombarded the pursuers.

In addition, Xu Xiaopeng is a speed enhancer. When the Begit star wanted to pursue again, it was too late.

Now Ling Ce is here again, I am afraid it is impossible to leave in the same way.

"Boss, then!"

Just when Lu Fan was in a lot of thoughts, Ling Ce had come to his side, throwing two space rings over.

"I brought two pieces of barbecue, isn't it great?"

Ling Ce said with a smile, waiting for Landing Fan's compliment, it looked like a mental retardation.

The wreckage of high-level zombies is all around ~ ~ The dark zombies' blood has not solidified yet, and the tragic killing of gas has shocked anyone.

In such a horrible scene, Ling Ce didn't even blink his eyes, as if he had lost his mind.

Especially on the opposite side, there is a super-strong man with a combat power of more than 100 million. The existence of the other party is always threatening the safety of human life. Do n’t you see it?

In fact, Ling Ce came here this time and had no plans to go back alive.

Just now Lu Fan's terrible breath in fighting with the Stars of Beget was noticed by the people of the Tianyue Empire.

The members of the Tiantong organization took pictures of the battle with the help of stealth drones. When fear swept through everything, everyone's hearts were deeply moved.

For a long time, it was the boss who stood in the forefront, charging forward and covering the wind and rain for everyone.

But why don't the soldiers have this idea?

The boss can fight for the brothers in front of him, so why don't the brothers go on fire for the boss?

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