King of Eschatology

Chapter 700: Planted zombies

The longer the black bean plant is, the higher it will be.

When Lu Fan saw the black vegetative form clearly, he suddenly became furious.

A whole large area of ​​vegetatives, all turned out to be zombies!

The Beggets planted zombies!

Long ago, Lu Fan suspected that the presence of zombies had something to do with King Qin. Now it seems that it is a matter of nailing.

"It's hateful!"

Lu Fan's intentions soared in his heart, and the end of the world on the earth would definitely be inseparable from the Begits.

How many earth people died in this end time?

Lu Fan's heart was cold and cold, and the other party wanted to completely exterminate human beings.

This hatred is not shared!


The monstrous roar shook all at once, and drastic changes took place throughout the world. It was obviously early morning, but it looked like a gloomy dusk.

Lu Fan's eyes narrowed, and through the combat glasses, he found that the strength of each zombie was more than one million.

In other words, all the zombies that were planted were actually medium-level super zombies.

The entire Lujiajun army has more than a dozen soldiers of the first order and above, and there are now 10,000 zombies.

Lu Fan firmly held the Chiyan War Halberd in both hands. He had to find a way to destroy these zombies. If he let the other party run away, the consequences would be disastrous.

"The soil here is so poor that it can only grow medium-level zombies, unfortunately."

Guppa shook his head in disappointment, feeling that it was too wasteful for Fukaru to take out so many zombies at once.

You should know that these zombie beans can grow zombies of the fifth or higher order. At this time, when they are scattered on the earth, they can only grow the zombies of the first order. Is it not a loss?

Fukaru did not care, and said, "Intermediate order, enough!"

The current earth has a very low level of evolution, and the medium life is extremely scarce. There are tens of thousands of first-order zombies at once, which is enough to sweep everything.

"Go on!"

Fukaru waved his hand, tens of thousands of first-order middle-level super zombies roared together, and then rushed towards the east at a speed, as if to destroy the world.

Just a moment ago, Fukaru and others saw that Xu Xiaopeng came from the East. Although the other party finally fled south, they can be sure that the human base is in the East.

Tens of thousands of zombies ran together, and the whole earth shook instantly, like a thousand horses galloping, countless fumes rising to the sky, emitting a fierce killing gas.

Lu Fan's eyes narrowed and he moved immediately.

At this time, he did not conceal his strength, and the Red Flame Halberd in his hand swept at the zombies in front, trying to kill as many as possible.

However, U Lilun sneered, blocking Lu Fan's front, and the heavy stick in his hand flashed, violently bombarding Lu Fan's Chiyan War Halberd.

Wu Lilun's special means have not subsided yet, and his combat power has remained at 50 million. He thinks that he can stop Lu Fan's attack.

However, at this moment, the Tianyue Empire is in danger. If these zombies are rushed over, there will be great trouble.

Therefore, Lu Fan has no reservations, the breath has been triggered to the extreme, this attack is completely different from the previous attack, and the blessing is strong.

U Lilun, however, was foolish and rushed up.


In the eyes of everyone's horror, U Lilun's body was split into two, and the blood of blue and purple burst out like a waterfall, and the whole space suddenly became stinky.

Smelling this smell, Lu Fan could not help frowning.

The taste is so familiar that it almost matches the rancidity of the zombies.

Lu Fan can be sure that zombies are biochemical weapons developed by the Beckett based on their own blood.

Opposite, Gupa was scared by Lu Fan's brutality.

You know, Ulilun, who has performed the secret method, has a combat effectiveness similar to that of Gupa. I did not expect that Lu Fan split him in half with a single blow.

Doesn't this mean that Lu Fan will be killed by a blow?

Thinking of this, Gupa's face was sweating heavily, and he looked at Fukaru like he looked for help.

Today, Lu Fan's strength is unknown. Only Fukaru can completely crush each other.

Vocalu sneered, glanced at Bai, and said, "Go, kill him!"

Bai Qi has a combat power of more than 90 million, which is equivalent to half of the strong men who stepped into the middle ten ranks. He should have great confidence in Lu Fan who has only 40 million combat power.

Bai Qi's heart was cold, and he secretly scolded the Beckett star is not something.

In particular, what happened to Focalu just now has made him frustrated. He wants to take the initiative to escape from this place and get rid of the other party's control.

Although Qin Wang was cruel, he was not so fickle to his own people. Compared to the two, this Fukaru was too difficult to get along with.

In Bai Qi's memory, Qin Wang's strength should be comparable to that of Fukaru. Through the words and deeds of the other, the two do not seem to deal with them very well.

Therefore, Bai Qi thought silently in his heart. After killing Lu Fan, he fled here for the first time.

It is best to hide in the tomb of Qin Shihuang and stay honestly next to Qin Wang's coffin, waiting for him to wake up.

No one knew that Bai Qi had thought so much in such a short period of time. At this moment, he stood out gloomily and pulled out the sabre at his waist.

More than 90 million super-combat power burst out suddenly, and it swept across this world like a stormy sea. The horrific momentum tore the sky and almost formed a space storm.

Opposite, Lu Fan's look became more and more terrifying, because just now he was blocked by U Lilun. Although he eventually killed the other party, some high-level zombies had crossed his defense line.

In order to reduce the burden on the Tianyue Empire as much as possible, Lu Fan finally used the strongest combat skills.

"Tianji Beidou Sword Formation!"

Lu Fan drank abruptly, and the power of evolution seemed to be endless, and at this time poured out, turning into an infinite sword in his whole body.

Successive seven bright stars rushed out of Lu Fan's body, arranged in a special trajectory above the sword air, guiding the sword air flow.

At this moment, a bright lake of energy appeared in the sky, sparkling in the early morning sun, and it looked sparkling and exquisite from afar.

However, the horrible killing intention is to remind people at all times that this beautiful lake is definitely not simple. It is a great killer for life.

On the opposite side, Bai Qi, who was originally as imposing as a rainbow, looked as earthy as instant. When he faced the long river of sword qi, he felt a very serious death threat.

Bai Qi can be sure, if you don't leave here quickly ~ ~ will definitely die.


Bai Qi roared in his heart, plundering directly in the direction of Qin Shihuang's tomb, and fled without a fight.

Bai Qi himself has a combat strength of more than 90 million, and his strength is super strong. Now when he runs, the white fog behind him rolls and roars like thunder, which is a fierce explosion of air.

Focalu and the others on the opposite side were also discolored. At this time, they took a few steps to subconsciously, and stared at the Jianqi River in the sky.

Gupta wore combat glasses and immediately observed the attack power of this sword.

When he saw the value displayed on the combat effectiveness glasses, the whole man suddenly shivered and sweated.


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