King of Eschatology

Chapter 681: Fly away with smoke

Outside the quiet and quaint courtyard, a sudden messy footsteps suddenly came, which immediately shocked everyone.

"Ji Chenyue is here!"

Utabba's eyes jumped angrily, and he yanked out a dark knife, blocking it in front of Weier.

"Get away, otherwise I'll stab you!"

In the eyes of Utaba, the murderous sensation was alive, and he warned his younger brother Utalu.

Utalu shook his head in a loss and said, "Brother, don't struggle, with your strength, you can't even beat me, let alone Master Chenyue."

Utaba sneered, and said, "Don't call me older brother. Starting today, our brotherhood will be cut off!"

"Brother ..."


Utaba exhaled and slashed sharply towards Uta Road, under the blessing of great strength, the dark blade trembled, as if venting the anger in the host's heart.

Utalu tapped lightly, and his body sprang up like a goshawk, easily avoiding Utaba's attack.

At this time, Ji Chenyue had brought people to the courtyard of Weier, just seeing the scene in front of her, she suddenly showed a smile.

"Slap, pop, pop!"

Ji Chenyue applauded the two men who were fighting, and said with a grin, "It's a good brother to look at you, it's wonderful!"

When Utalu saw Ji Chenyue coming, he immediately showed a charming smile, and said in a low-key, "Master Chenyue, you are here."

"Well, don't stop, keep going, I want to see you beat him down!"

Ji Chenyue had a kind smile on her face, giving a feminine feeling.

Utalu was stunned when he heard this expression, and a look of embarrassment appeared in his eyes.

However, this embarrassment soon disappeared, in order to get Ji Chenyue's trust, he must show something.

His elder brother is a voter!

Thinking of this, Wu Talu's eyes flickered, and the whole person's breath became cold for a moment.

The fifth-order evolutionist of Uta Road, Utaba is only the fourth-order, the strength of the two is not at the same level at all, if the resistance is positive, the outcome is self-evident.

At this time, Weier couldn't stand it anymore. Her delicate body suddenly came forward and stood in front of Utaba, saying coldly, "You step back, let me see this black-hearted bastard. Dare to shoot! "

Weier is only a third-order evolutionist, and she became pale under the pressure of fifth-order momentum. However, even in the face of such a powerful oppression, she remained determined.

Utaru turned his head and looked at Ji Chenyue, and found that the other party was smiling and nodding with himself, which made Utaru suddenly feel more energetic.

"General Huwei was killed and the old chief was placed under house arrest. Weier is just a weird girl. Don't be afraid!"

Utalu was so clever that he instantly wanted to understand everything.

Knowing the current affairs manager is Junjie. At this time, even if he hurts Weier, no one will be able to take the lead in the other party.

Thinking of this, Wu Talu was so relieved that he immediately ran towards Weier, and raised his hand and patted it.

Wutalu is a fifth-order evolutionist, and has been able to release energy. At this moment, when he shot it, it immediately caused a storm, and a huge energy fingerprint was formed instantly, covering Weier's thin body.

"Miss Weier!"

Utabba was so horrified that he rushed forward and blocked in front of Weier, trying to use his own body to block the attack of the opponent.

This move immediately aroused the ridicule of Ji Chenyue and others. The fourth-order evolutionist tried to block the fifth-strength strong one's full blow, which was simply ridiculous.


Suddenly, the air was inexplicably tight, and the whole world became quiet in an instant.

At this moment, everyone felt a strong pressure. This pressure seemed to come from all directions and could not find the source at all.

The color of Uta's road surface changed greatly, and the energy fingerprints that were photographed were instantly broken, which caused him to be strongly back-sucked. At this time, a large blood was sprayed.

"what happened?"

Ji Chenyue was in a state of chaos, and looked around panicily, not knowing what happened.

You know, Ji Chenyue is a sixth-order evolutionist, and he is the top five master in the entire East Valley tribe. At this time, he had no resistance at all and was directly suppressed.


Suddenly, Utaba's room door opened by himself, and a weirdly dressed teenager stepped out of the room. It was Lu Fan who was "saved" by Weier.

Fan Fan, with his hands on his back, looked like a master, and walked slowly to Weier.

"He is your enemy?"

Lu Fan asked softly to Weier.

Weier was frightened by Lu Fan's powerful momentum, but her heart raised a hint of surprise. This person is so powerful, will she help herself through the difficulties?


Weier nodded slightly, her heart was afraid and surprised again.

Lu Fan had a cold expression from beginning to end. At this moment, he said nothing and raised his hand to Ji Chenyue's fingertips. The powerful energy burst out instantly.


Ji Chenyue hasn't responded yet, her body has been hit by the energy that Lu Fan popped up, and at this moment it exploded and was burst into a mist of blood by the energy.

Blood was spraying in the courtyard, and a strong **** gas burst into the sky.

Quiet, deadly quiet!

Everyone was stunned and staring at it all, completely frightened.

"Gently flicking his finger, he immediately wiped out Ji Jiyue, who was powerful. How terrible was his strength?"

"Ji Chenyue is a sixth-order evolutionist. He can be ranked in the top five in the Donggu tribe. At this time, he was killed by a finger. How is this possible?"

"Muff, this boy is not human, but God?"

Various thoughts emerged in the minds of everyone, and fear spread and spread in everyone's hearts, especially those of Ji Chenyue's followers. At this time, they were trembling with fear, almost standing unstable.

Utalu was more like a hell. At this time, his eyes widened in horror, and his heart was incredible.

Not long ago, this man was obviously weak and obviously unable to live. At this time, he became so powerful and stronger than people's cognition.

Killing with one finger ~ ~ This can only be done by God. How can human beings be so powerful?

In fact, Lu Fan really just points at random. If you use purple gas to point to the east, the effect will be even more amazing. I am afraid that the entire East Valley tribe will be affected.

Of course, the power of killing a chicken with a bull's knife is enough!

"Some of these people, would you kill them all?"

Fan Lu ignored the crowd's shocked expression and asked Weier again.

Weier first stunned, then showed a fierce color, and whispered: "They conspired to kill my father, and now they want to kill me, **** it!"

Lu Fan chuckled, like a devil's smile, reaching out to Ji Chenyue's followers and grasping gently.


The power of the violent world broke out instantly, and endless pressure came from all directions. With a dull burst of sound, a dozen followers burst into a mist of blood.

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