King of Eschatology

Chapter 680: Renegade

As Fukaru's tongue licked the hook, a harsh rubbing sound sounded, which made him cold all over.

It can be imagined that if this tongue is licked on a person, it will definitely wipe out a blood groove.

Focalu seemed to recall the scene of the killing many years ago, at this time he closed his eyes comfortably, waiting for the final moment to come.

The four dwarfed Becketts, including Guppa, returned to their places. Someone took a food container from the spacecraft's cabin, took out a human head, and held it in their hands.

This is a human skull, no different from the Earth, and still looks fresh at this time, as if it had just been cut down.

Guppa took out a transparent straw and pierced it directly above the human skull, directly to the brain.

Guppa took a hard sip, and the white brain was sucked into his mouth, making him a very pleasant expression.

Other Becketts took out their straws, stabbed in from different positions of the skull, and began to **** the human brain crazy.

"Hey, this uncivilized human has a fresh taste in the brain."

"That is of course. The human brain has only been developed for less than 10%. Except that the epidermis is not delicious enough, other areas are delicious."

"Within a range of 30 million light-years, that is, humans on the planet, the brain still maintains its original beauty."

"Yeah, it's hard to find now in the interstellar market. It's all because of the bad agreement signed by the heads of the major galaxies that actually did not allow people in the major galaxies to enter the earth star in private.

"That's right, we are so close to the Earth that our Beckett star is a great waste."

Several Begitt stars whispered, a head was sucked clean by them quickly, at this time a look of unpredictable expression appeared on their faces.

Guppa picked up and drained his head, and threw it into the dustbin. He only heard a buzz, his head was smashed by the dustbin, and was degraded and melted in no time, leaving no residue.

Guppa's movements are extremely smooth, and it is obviously not the first time he has used the human brain.

"I heard that there are some good things hidden in the earth star. The big guys in the major galaxies are staring, so the interstellar people are not allowed to enter privately."

"This time we belong to a secret operation. Don't go out and say anything. If it is known by other galaxy guys, I'm afraid it will cause us trouble for the Beckett star."

The other three Beckett stars nodded in unison to ensure that no trace of wind would be leaked.

"The human skulls we have stored are seriously out of stock. This time when we arrive at Earth Star, we need to make up for it."

"Rest assured, this time you go, let you **** enough!"

Guppa said with a smile, they have treated the earth as a private farm, and this operation is to harvest.

As for the task assigned by King Becket, naturally, it was performed by His Excellency Fukaru. These little puppets could enjoy life comfortably.


In the uncle's inner world, a war is being staged in the East Valley Tribe, the reason is simple, because the old chief is under house arrest.

At that time, Weier went to her grandfather to ask her father's whereabouts. As a result, she couldn't even enter the chief's hall door, and was stopped by another branch.

Immediately, Miss Weier's temper broke out and rushed into the Chieftain's hall under rampage, but was found in horror that her grandfather was under house arrest.

It's not someone else who does it, it's his uncle!

The old chief had two sons in total, the eldest son was Ji Wenlong and the second son was Ji Wenhu. They were respectively named General Long Wei and General Hu Wei, and each of them fought brilliantly.

According to the hereditary system of the tribe, the next chief should be inherited by the oldest Ji Wenlong. However, in recent years, the name of the second general, Hu Wei, has become more and more loud and has gradually surpassed the boss.

Therefore, the boss was anxious in his heart, for fear that the second child would grab his chief.

Ji Wenlong secretly engaged in hostilities with the West Valley Tribe and killed his brother General Hu Wei on the front line.

Now, regardless of the security situation at the front, he ran back to seize power and imprisoned his old father.

When Weier learned of all this, the whole person was already frightened. She couldn't imagine that her uncle was so human-faced that even her own brothers were killed.

He also wounded his old father with his own hands and imprisoned him.

Weier refused to accept, immediately called his father's subordinates, ready to join forces to rescue grandpa.

However, the world was hot and cold, and with the death of his father, General Hu Wei, no one in the tribe stood on her side, and all fell to General Long Wei.

People are convinced that it won't be long before General Longwei becomes Chief Longwei.

Desperately sorrowful, Weier returned to her apartment with tears, and now she has only two brothers, Utaba and Uttar, beside her.

Lu Fan has been lying all day, and his power has already recovered to his peak state.

However, at this time he did not get up, but continued to wait and see to what extent the situation would develop.

For all this, Lu Fan didn't have much sympathy. He experienced baptism in the last days, he experienced too much darkness, and his heart was already as firm as a rock.

No matter in which world, the most terrible is always the human heart, for selfish desire, people can do whatever they can.

"Miss Weier, don't worry, we will always be with you!"

Utaba comforted Weier, her eyes full of concern.

Ever since Utaba had memories, she had never seen Weier so helpless.

Utaru's eyes flickered, and his mood was extremely impetuous. After a moment, he said, "Miss Weier, run away, General Longwei's people will soon come over."

After hearing this, Utaba and Weier looked up at the same time and looked at Uta Road.

Utabba frowned, and asked, "Brother, what do you mean by this sentence? Aren't you going to join us?"

Wutalu immediately took two steps back, and responded with an ugly expression: "Sorry, I have agreed to Master Chenyue, and I will be with Master Chenyue in the future."

After hearing this, Utaba and Weier both changed their looks at the same time, killing themselves in their hearts.

The two looked at Utalu incredibly, as if they knew him again.

"You're called Ji Chenyue's **** master ~ ~ I'll kill your dog!"

Utaba's heart was furious, and the power of evolution in his body was skyrocketing, and his strength climbed to the extreme in an instant.

However, Utaba is only a fourth-order evolutionist, and his brother is already fifth-order. Even if he tries his best, he cannot be his brother's opponent.

When Utalu pushed gently, Utaba was thrown to the ground, looking extremely embarrassed.

"Brother, wake up, General Huwei's pulse is over. Come with me to General Longwei!"

Hearing his brother's words, Utabba's complexion turned red, and he pointed at the other's nose and yelled, "You bastard, get out! Get out! Get out!"

A series of "roll" characters revealed Utaba's inner anger, however, he was only a fourth-order evolutionist, and at this time was unable to return to heaven.

In the room, Lu Fan, who had been pretending to be asleep, suddenly opened his eyes, a sneer appeared in the corner of his mouth, and whispered softly, "It's getting more and more interesting."

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