King of Eschatology

Chapter 670: Principles of medium civilization technology

In the scientific research department, Shi Hongji took over the three technology products given by Lu Fan, and his eyes showed doubts.

"What's all this?"

As a top scientific researcher, he knows all kinds of scientific theories, but these kinds of theories are unheard of.

"Everything in the world is neither absolutely large nor absolutely small. When atoms run at high speed, the mass they carry will bombard the space and make the limited space larger."

This is the principle of making a space ring. When Shi Hongji saw it, the entire forehead was almost twisted into a twist.

The most important thing is that the main material of this space ring is actually a magnet. Really?

Next, when Shi Hongji saw the principle of making combat glasses, the whole person was going crazy.

"As long as a creature is alive, it has a breath. The strength of the breath is related to the combat effectiveness of the creature. As long as the breath change of the creature is captured, the combat power value can be determined."

The raw materials of this fighting glasses are also very common, turned out to be graphite powder.

Shi Hongji has studied chemistry all his life, and never knew that graphite powder has the function of detecting human breath. This time, he has really learned a lot.

Suddenly, Shi Hongji thought of the life detector on the earth.

The life detector finds the position of the "living person" by sensing the electric field (generated by the heart) generated by the ultra-low frequency electric waves emitted by the human body.

It seems that the life detector is just the first form of technology in this area. It can only detect the location of living things, which is far behind the combat glasses.

Combat power glasses can not only detect the position of living things, but also the specific combat power value of life, absolutely black technology.

The last one is nutrition liquid. After Shi Hongji watched it, he almost started to doubt life.

According to the information given by Lu Fan, as long as this nutrient solution is taken, one person can not eat for at least one month.

"Energy factors can be stored and degraded and quantified based on the body's energy intake to achieve delayed supply."

After reading these three black technologies, Shi Hongji is not good for the whole person. It seems that these black technologies have had a big impact on him.

Seeing Shi Hongji's virtue, Lu Fan laughed immediately and said, "I didn't see you react so much when I gave you other black technology. What's wrong now?"

Shi Hongji said with a sigh, "We were very ignorant at the time. We were just curious about these black technologies and didn't have much feeling."

"But now it's different. We not only understand the horrors of black technology, but also their scientific principles, and we can't accept it for a while."

Shi Hongji said that the lower his mood, the more emotions he felt.

At the time, the black technology given by Lu Fan only had a production method and did not give scientific principles. Shi Hongji's feelings were not so great.

Now that there are even scientific principles, Shi Hongji suddenly felt human ignorance.

These people have never heard of these scientific principles. What they know is just these three. I do n’t know how many?

Shi Hongji has long known that this is alien technology, and the gap between the earth and the other side is too great.

If it was one day, the other party came to the earth, and it was not easy to crush the earth?

Thinking of this, Shi Hongji was cold and sweaty, and he dared not think about it.

"Hurry to work, how can there be so much time for you, half an hour, I want to see the finished product!"

Lu Fan knew what the other party was talking about. In fact, Lu Fan was also very worried about this matter. At this time, he was inspired by the other party in advance and suddenly felt bad.

Shi Hongji was frightened and shrank his neck, and hurried to work.

"A tall man stands against the sky, I'm afraid of an egg!"

Shi Hongji thought so much, and he felt much more comfortable. As long as the boss was there, he would be able to engage in scientific research with peace of mind.

Lu Fan rarely took a break and sat down directly in the VIP room of the Scientific Research Department to figure out his future plans.

Right now the Tianyue Empire has been established, and his faith has exceeded one billion, and the number is still increasing.

In the future, he should speed up and start his trip to the Three Mountains and Five Mountains.

"Godlink, next we visit that famous mountain?"

Today, Lu Fan has explored Mount Tai and Mount Hua, as well as Songshan, Hengshan, and Hengshan.

God Chain appeared in Lu Fan's mind in a timely manner, and said sternly: "The next time you should worry about your own safety."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Lu Fan frowned and asked.

GodChain responded: "It's not interesting, the aliens are coming!"


Lu Fan was shocked and suddenly stood up.

On the current earth, there are two things that Lu Fan is most worried about. The first is the resurgence of King Qin, and the second is the alien invasion.

Lu Fan originally thought that as long as King Qin had been asleep, the aliens would not invade the earth. It seemed that he thought too simple, and the aliens arrived one step ahead.

"When will they arrive?"

Lu Fan's complexion was unprecedentedly dignified, and he continued to ask.

"Three days, you can arrive at the latest three days."

God chain responded.

Lu Fan shrank his pupils, shocked: "Three days? How could it be so fast?"

Hearing Lu Fan's doubts, God Chain immediately responded: "Three days are still the most conservative time. If Neptune's trajectory is on the side close to the earth, it is estimated that they can arrive in two days."

"Neptune? What the **** is that?"

Lu Fan was completely stunned, did Neptune have aliens? impossible?

Although the Earth's technology is only the lowest-level inferior civilization, there have been many achievements in the exploration of the universe. The entire solar system has been detected, and no life can exist.

Moreover, Neptune's climate is unlikely to give birth to life.

So ~ ~ When Lu Fan heard the words Neptune, the first reaction was that the chain of God was wrong, or the two names are the same, this Neptune is not the other Neptune.

Shen Chain was euphoric by Lu Fan's words, and asked, "Don't you think that aliens would fly over the alien galaxy so stupidly?"


Lu Fan asked with an angry look. He felt that the chain of God had been a bit arrogant recently and it was time to find a chance to fight it.

Divine Chain noticed a little anger from Lu Fan's tone, and immediately dared not to joke. A serious response was: "The distance between galaxies and galaxies is in light years. Do you understand light years?"

"I don't know what a light year is, so what nonsense, then nonsense, I will shut you down forever and give you more genetic shackles, believe it or not?"

Hearing the words "genetic shackles", the chain of God suddenly withered, as if thinking of something terrible, and immediately became better.

"The light year is the distance traveled by a year of light. The aliens who came here this time came from the Beckett star, which is more than 3.8 million light years from Earth."

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