King of Eschatology

: 669 Mass Production of Black Technology Products

The more skin and air contact area, the faster the force of evolution is absorbed.

At this time, the soldiers suddenly had an urge to take off their clothes and accelerate the absorption of evolutionary forces in the air.

The female soldiers suddenly understood why the boss showed that expression at that time, not because of discrimination at all, but because of the current situation.

Lu Fan didn't even care about the soldiers' thoughts. At this time, he took out the water of Yaochi by himself and poured it out continuously, which made the evolutionary power in the room greatly increase.

"do not care!"

A male warrior finally took his heart to the side, took off his thick coat and threw it to the ground.

Next, the close-fitting clothes were taken off, and only one pair of pants remained in the end.

At this time, the person simply closed his eyes, as if he could not see others, and others could not see him.

However, the effect after taking off his clothes was significant. As he increased the contact area of ​​the body with the air, more evolutionary forces were absorbed into him.

This violent energy body is enough to support his rapid evolution.


There was an air explosion, which was originally an evolutionary of the fifth-order strength, and at this time directly broke through to the sixth-order.

Most importantly, this breakthrough is far from over. Due to too much energy, his strength is still advancing by leaps and bounds.

Seeing this scene, the soldiers had no worries at all, and they all undressed and stripped away.

If it weren't for too many lesbians here, I'm afraid the last pair of pants would not be left.

On the other hand, after the initial shame, the women soldiers camped out, and everyone took off their coats.

Looking at it from afar, only three points are left for the girls in the film, and they are mixed among a large number of male members, which makes them bloody.

Especially after becoming a new human, the proportion of women's body becomes more perfect, and the scenery is picturesque at this time.

If it is outside, it will definitely cause a huge sensation.

However, now everyone is immersed in the wonderful feeling of rapid evolution, where there is time to wander.

Time is everything. At the beginning, often a few breaths of time can break through the first order, the evolution speed is super fast, and one minute and one second must not be wasted.

During this period, the famous teenager was particularly noticeable, because in just ten minutes, he has broken through the third order.

In other words, ten minutes ago he was only a fifth-order evolver, and now he is eighth-order, and it looks like he has a strong momentum and may continue to break through.

The boy's name is Jia Jianfeng. He is sixteen years old. He is a handsome guy and very smart.

Many people around Jia Jianfeng questioned the breakthrough of the former. Everyone was in the same room, and the concentration of evolutionary forces around them was similar. Why did he evolve so fast?

So finally someone couldn't help but ask.

"Jia Jianfeng, why do you evolve so fast, is there any secret?"

Hearing this question, Jia Jianfeng responded with an unbelievable look: "Of course there is a secret, this secret is so good."

Everyone around them heard a joy in this language and immediately said, "Oh? Really there is a secret, hurry up and listen."

"Yes, they are all their brothers. Everyone has a secret to share."

"Yes, we will all be comrades in the Tonggu clan in the future. From now on, we will learn to cooperate with each other."

Everyone you say, I say, there are huge expectations for Jia Jianfeng's secret.

Jia Jianfeng looked at the crowd like a fool and asked, "Did you not have all this secret? Why come to ask me?"


Everyone was curious, as if no one had ever said anything secret.

Everyone instinctively thought that Jia Jianfeng was talking nonsense, and the other party just had something good and didn't want to share it.

Jia Jianfeng is a wise man. When he saw the expression of the crowd, he understood everything. This is a misunderstanding.

In order to prove himself, Jia Jianfeng immediately crouched down, rummaged through the clothes he had taken off, and quickly pulled out a beautifully bound book.

"That's it!"

Jia Jianfeng took out a book and looked at the crowd, which immediately aroused everyone's exclamation.

"Yi Jin evolution method, lying down!"

Everyone couldn't help but make a swear word, Jia Jianfeng even came up with the Yijin evolution method, and it looked like he had begun to cultivate.

"Can you understand?"

One big man couldn't help asking.

Jia Jianfeng responded with curiosity: "It's very simple, it's much simpler than math."

The crowd beeped at the dog's expression. When they were assigned to the Yijin Evolution Method, they opened it for the first time, but didn't understand much.

Everyone wanted to take it back and study it slowly. I didn't expect that now someone has started to cultivate.

Isn't this special lost on the starting line?

Sure enough, people have to die more than people, and goods have to be thrown!

After everyone got this answer, they stopped speaking and continued to practice in accordance with stupid methods. If at this time they started to study the Yijin evolution method, I am afraid that good time would be wasted.

Fan Fan knew all about what happened in the room, but did not participate in it.

Master led the door and practiced personally.

Lu Fan has already given the Yijin Evolution Method to everyone. In the future, there will definitely be a big gap because of qualifications. These Lu Fans will definitely not manage it.

How far they can grow depends on their respective good fortunes.

After Lu Fan poured a sufficient amount of water from Yaochi into the room, he retreated decisively.

Three hundred people were crowded into a room. Although the power of evolution was everywhere, the actual effect was just like the sauna, and the air quality was getting worse and worse.

It would be more perfect if there were a few more immoral guys who farted a few more.

After finishing all this work, Lu Fan went directly upstairs and arrived at the core area of ​​the Ministry of Scientific Research to examine the research progress of those black technologies.

More importantly, he will take out the black technology contributed by the Galaxy Alliance, and let the research department mass-produce.

That's right, the cyan slate obtained from the wreck of the alien battleship records the production method of the corresponding item in detail ~ ~ For those who can understand, it can be directly produced according to the introduction above.

At present, Lu Fan's high-tech products are three types: space ring, combat glasses and nutrition liquid.

Most importantly, the materials required for these products are simple, and most of the earth is ready for mass production at any time.

"Shi Hongji, come here!"

Lu Fan came to the core area of ​​the Ministry of Scientific Research, found Shi Hongji directly, and called the other party over.

Shi Hongji was busy. At this moment, he heard Lu Fan's voice, and was immediately shocked.


Shi Hongji quickly ran to Lu Fan's side, smiling brightly.

As soon as the boss was busy with the founding ceremony, he came to himself, and there must be something important.

Lu Fan didn't make nonsense. He threw out a few papers and said, "Immediately arrange manpower and give me a batch of the above."

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