King of Eschatology

Chapter 975: Start from scratch

On the barren land, the last **** nail was pulled out by the dwarven king and Perg, all the seals on the earth were untied.

At this time, the area of ​​the earth expanded rapidly, and it has become the largest planet in the entire solar system, which is many times larger than the sun.

This has caused the Earth's rotation period to be greatly extended. Originally, it could rotate for one week in 24 hours. Now it takes at least 200 hours.

In other words, the time of day is now equal to ten days in the civilized period, and the day and night have been extended by the same amount.

At the beginning, human evolvers were still a bit uncomfortable, but as the degree of evolution increased, the evolvers discovered that this time allocation was the most suitable world for evolvers.

Of course, this is not the issue that the evolutionists are most concerned about. What really inspires the evolutionaries all over the world is that the strength of the evolution on the earth has now exceeded countless times.

Many famous mountains and rivers are glowing. It seems that there are left over from ancient times, and there are traces left by ancient evolutionists everywhere.

In the next time, there will be a wave of exploration on the earth. So many ancient ruins may have a great evolution.

Even weapons more suitable for use by evolutionaries could be discovered.

After putting away the last **** nail, Lu Fan decided to take Lin Xiaoxiao back to the Tianyue Empire, and the wedding would continue.

Although missionary affairs are imminent, Lu Fan's work has its beginnings and ends, and he will definitely finish his lively wedding.

Moreover, there is nothing more appropriate than the announcement of the expedition to outer space at his wedding. At the same time, Lu Fan will also create a sect. The evolutionaries on earth will be the first congregation.

"Emperor Tianyue, the seal on the earth has now been completely unlocked, and our task is considered complete, you see ..."

At this time, the dwarven king and Balge leaned over carefully, and spoke to Landing Fan, seemingly trying to get away.

Lu Fan smiled and said, "What's the matter, my wedding is not over yet. Let's go and celebrate together."

During the talk, Lu Fan took Lin Xiaoxiao to storm and flew away in the direction of the Tianyue Empire. During the whole process, he did not look at the dwarven king and Balg, and did not seem to worry about them escaping.

The dwarven king and Balg looked at each other, and immediately sighed helplessly, a bitterness appeared in the corners of their mouths.

We have insisted on this step. If we ran away now, it would be a complete loss of our past work. Instead of being chased and killed by the other party, we might as well follow the wedding ceremony honestly.

Thinking of this, the two immediately pursued Lu Fan's footsteps and flew in the direction of the Tianyue Empire.

In the Tianyue Empire, the lively scene is long gone. Everyone has gone to practice, and even the members of the logistics department responsible for health are practicing the evolution method in place.

When Lu Fan returned with Lin Xiaoxiao, he just saw this scene, and immediately became embarrassed.

"Specially, what's the excitement?"

Lu Jiajun soldiers were very familiar with Lu Fan's breath. When Lu Fan returned, members of the Tiantong organization discovered it as soon as possible.

Darkmoon shouted, "Boss is back, brothers, get up!"

The Tiantong organization is different from other Army soldiers in the Lujiajun army. Their responsibilities lie in that, even if they are practicing, they have to arrange some people on duty.

Hearing the cry of Darkmoon, the soldiers quickly got up, various news was quickly released, and the boss returned.

In fact, Lu Fan's speed has exceeded the speed of news release of Tiantong Organization, so when everyone received the news that Lu Fan returned, Lu Fan had returned to Tianyue Emperor's Palace.

At this moment, the soldiers quickly ended their practice and returned to their seats for the first time. Before returning to their seats, they found that the food was cold early.

Of course, everyone's enthusiasm will not diminish, and the square in front of Tianyue Emperor Palace will soon become hot.

"Boss, you are back. Is the wedding going on?"

Chen Dapeng laughed happily when he saw Lu Fan's return, because today he has another identity, the wedding master of ceremonies.

It is not only a matter of face, it is the honor of the emperor to Tianyue the Great. No matter where I go in the future, I can say that I am the emcee for the emperor of Tianyue.

Chen Dapeng felt that this force could be installed for several years.

In fact, it's not just Chen Dapeng who is happy, Ling Ce and Huang Yongsheng are also very happy. You know, they are Lu Fan's best man, and the person who is the best man to Tianyue Emperor is not even better than emcee!

The two men's groomsmen wore neatly, and looked aside as they waited, waiting for the landing Fan to reply.

Hearing Chen Dapeng's questioning, Lu Fan was instantly agitated and responded: "Specially, of course, continue, start immediately!"

"Yes, we haven't welcomed the bride yet. We have to start from scratch."

Huang Yongsheng said solemnly that his best man's dress was a little too tight, and the muscles on his body were bulging ~ ~ I was afraid I might accidentally burst it.

"Yes, the time of day is greatly extended now, and now it is the best hour of the day, it is simply a good day."

Chen Dapeng has already counted it. Now the time of the day has been extended ten times. Now, this hour is exactly the morning.

Ling Zemo said, "I can't wait now. I don't know if the bridesmaids are ready. I won't show mercy."

Hearing Ling Ce's words, everyone looked at him suspiciously, especially, this **** had an idea.

Huang Yongsheng looked at him with a playful look, and run, "You are so arrogant, aren't you afraid that the girl will hit you after she knows?"

"Um, yes, where are you still? Why haven't I seen her for a long time?"

Huang Yongsheng didn't say it was okay, at this time everyone suddenly realized that it seems that since the wedding started, Ye still disappeared suddenly.

Lu Fan's mind was embarrassed by capitals. Only he knew why Ye still disappeared.

Just as everyone struggled with Ye's whereabouts, the dwarven king and Balg flew from a distance and explained with a smile while flying: "Don't get me wrong, everyone is yours."

Many Army soldiers took up their weapons and stared fiercely at the two men. After all, they came to destroy them, and they were suppressed by Emperor Tianyue.

Influenced by the dwarven king and Pergner, the crowd stopped questioning Ye's whereabouts, and looked at the two evolutionary kings as if they were enemies, ready to fight.

Lu Fan couldn't help but take a breath and secretly said, "It's too time for you two to come, it's just my lucky star."

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(End of this chapter)

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