King of Eschatology

Chapter 974: Suddenly cheerful

Lu Fan already had a preliminary plan in his mind. For the method provided by God Chain, he felt that he could use it reasonably, preaching first, and then killing.

At that time, the life with faith will be left, and the direct killing without faith will not only accelerate the development of believers, but also solve the deep blood and enmity of the year.

With an idea in mind, Lu Fan was in a good mood. There were ten days left, every minute and every second was precious, and he couldn't waste it.

Thinking of this, Lu Fan suddenly condensed his momentum, and said coldly to the Dwarven King and Erge: "Give you ten seconds, you can't find the last one to be nailed to God, die!"

Both the dwarven king and Erge were frightened. Just now they felt that Lu Fan's mood was very unstable, and they didn't know what stimuli they were receiving.

At this moment Lu Fan said, the dwarven king and Erge felt that they were finished, they had thought about delaying time intentionally as before, it seems that this trick is not feasible.

Lu Fan didn't force himself too far, so he will go to a foreign galaxy to preach, just in need of a guide in the universe.

Although Lu Fan has a super **** link system to guide the way, wouldn't it be better if he took two evolutionary kings and rushed forward?

If the two could provide Lu Fan with a degree of faith, Lu Fan would not mind keeping them alive, which might be helpful for his subsequent missionary action.

Both the Dwarven King and Zergna were fast, flying wildly on a barren ground.

This continent is a new continent that has just appeared on the earth. It has not yet been developed and looks very barren. However, there is a strong force of evolution here. Although no life has appeared, it has already been full of vitality.

Maybe it won't be long before this place will become an endless steppe, there will be a variety of small animals, and even many evolutionaries will gather here.

After successively crossing the three continents, the dwarven king and Helga finally stopped, and the last sealed place was found.

This is a very ordinary small mountain ridge, neither tall nor imposing, looks like a small mound in the civilized period, not eye-catching.

However, within a range of millions of kilometers, there are plains everywhere. Only a small mound here is so extraordinary.

"Here, the last one is here."

The dwarf king said, a sorrow appeared in his eyes. Perhaps after this **** was nailed out, his own life would come to an end.

Lu Fan suddenly said, "Perform well, and behave well, let you go back."


Both the dwarven king and Ergner showed great joy, and responded subconsciously.

Lu Fan's eyes narrowed and he snorted coldly: "I don't believe it?"

"Faith, faith!"

The dwarven king and Erga were overjoyed, their bodies seemed to be full of energy, and they were full of energy for a while.

The last seal is a bit more troublesome than the previous one, because it is buried under the ground and needs to be dug continuously.

However, this did not matter to the dwarven king and Erge who had just been beaten with chicken blood. In less than three minutes, a large pit with a diameter of more than 50 meters appeared in front of Lu Fan.

With a little bamboo stick in Lu Fan's hand, a dazzling beam of light rushed out, instantly smashing the outer space vortex barrier, and the dwarven king and Erge were busy again.


The sound of broken chains continued to come. With the full action of both, the process of pulling out the gods' nails was very fast. I believe that it can be pulled out soon.

"What are you thinking?"

Lin Xiaoxiao stood beside Lu Fan and asked softly.

This time, Lin Xiaoxiao and Landing Fan experienced what happened when the seal of the earth was opened. At the same time, they were deeply shocked, and also had deep concerns about Lu Fan.

Lin Xiaoxiao increasingly felt that everything Lu Fan had done was a little too anxious, and seemed to be in a hurry, just like dealing with the aftermath.

Lin Xiaoxiao has a bad hunch. Is Lu Fan going to leave? Or is it leaving the earth?

After hearing the questions from Lin Xiaoxiao, Lu Fan's mood calmed down and responded: "The next ten days is very important to us. We have to fight the entire universe within ten days. You think we can Did you do it? "

Lin Xiaoxiao was shocked and responded: "There is no problem in conquering the entire universe, but ten days is simply impossible and simply not enough to support us across major galaxies."

Lin Xiaoxiao's words immediately aroused Lu Fan's high vigilance.

"Yeah, from the solar system to the nearest Beckett galaxy, it takes seven days to travel through the different dimensions of space. Even if you are powerful, you need at least two days to reach it."

"It's not enough just to hurry up to plan the time to fight!"

Lu Fan muttered secretly in his heart, feeling that he was in a dilemma.

The ideal is very full, and the reality is very skinny. Is his missionary plan so strangled in the cradle?

"Old deity ~ ~ Since you imply that I am going to open a school, why do n’t you teach me the ability to teach?"

Lu Fan thought of the old **** again, and his abrupt heart moved, looking fiercely at the emerald bamboo stick in his hand.

Lu Fan obtained the inheritance of the ancient heaven court and the evolutionary method of chaos and gods. Among them, there is a kind of change of nature, called moving stars for fighting, which can directly move across the void.

At the beginning, Lu Fan was in the ancient heaven court and walked between the immortal mountains with the help of Star Wars. Maybe Lu Fan went to the major galaxies to fight, and Star Wars was the breakthrough.

Not only that, the evolutionary method of Chaos Demon also includes thirty-six natural changes and seventy-two evils. Various legendary magical skills are available. Lu Fan needs to take time to study it.

"It is imperative to learn how to move the stars to fight, first lead the Lujiajun soldiers to battle the stars, increase the proportion of faith, and slowly learn other magical powers when you have time later."

Lu Fan groaned secretly, feeling suddenly bright.

Lu Fan laughed loudly and said to Lin Xiaoxiao intimately: "Relax, when the last one is pulled out of the **** nail, we immediately return to the Tianyue Empire, we have not had time to worship."

Lin Xiaoxiao's eyes were frozen, and she felt speechless. Lu Fan's thinking was jumping too fast. Just now she was full of sadness, how could she be happy again?

Shouldn't it be schizophrenia?

At this time, Lu Fan deliberately lowered his voice and said to Xiaoxiao Lin mysteriously: "The most important thing is that we haven't got a cave yet."

Lin Xiaoxiao originally thought that Lu Fan was going to say something very important, and she was mentally prepared, but she did not expect to hear this.

Lin Xiaoxiao's face suddenly flushed, and Jiaojiao said, "When is it, do you still have these thoughts?"

(End of this chapter)

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