
The scene returns to the restaurant.

After receiving a call from his subordinates through the walkie-talkie and learning that Shi Kaobing had escaped, the Mu Mu Police Department sighed helplessly.

"I know, you're not hurt...well, that's good, come back first."

Cutting off the walkie-talkie call, the police turned to everyone present.

"We have just received confirmation that Shi Kaobing snatched the lifeboat in the dock and escaped from the cruise ship. Next, our police will issue a wanted order. During this period of time, please pay more attention to your own safety protection and do not go out unless necessary. In case of encounter If you encounter any unusual situation, please contact the police immediately and we will arrive as soon as possible."

Gan Jiangyi couldn't wait to ask: "What about Yokosuka Castle..."

"What castle?"

The Memu Police Department was puzzled. He had just arrived on the cruise ship less than an hour ago and had no idea about the castle.

Natsumi Kasaka explained: "Actually, this egg of memories was made by my great-grandfather, and according to Mr. Mori's inference, there is most likely another egg of memories hidden in my family's castle in Yokosuka, so everyone before We agreed to go search together when we arrive in Tokyo."

"Another one?"

It was the first time to learn such breaking news. Police Department Mu Mu quickly organized his thoughts, and after thinking for a moment, he still shook his head.

"It's better not to do it. Since Shi Kaobing also learned about this matter, she will definitely try her best to enter the castle to find another memory egg in the next period of time. But don't worry, our police People will be sent to guard..."

"But you can't keep guard all the time." Serabel suddenly said.

"There is an old saying in China, it takes a thousand days to be a thief, but a thousand days to guard against a thief. If it were me, I would go to the castle as originally planned."


The Mumu Police Department was stunned for a moment, not understanding where this brave and foolhardy plan came from.

Serabel continued: "Scott wants the egg more than any of us, so she will never allow us to find the Egg of Memory first. Once we go, she will definitely show up again."

"Doesn't that mean she is already on her way to the castle?" Gan Jiang's expression changed.

"Don't worry, it's not that fast."

Serabel glanced at him.

"First of all, this place is still far away from Tokyo. In her current condition, it is almost impossible to directly drive a lifeboat to Tokyo. Secondly, she also has to deal with her injuries first. Finally, based on my feelings towards Pu Siqinglan, Understand, she is a person who likes to stay behind, just like when she sniped Kaitou Kidd in Osaka, so she will definitely follow us and wait for the opportunity quietly."

"That means it's a game."

Tomoko Suzuki smiled.

"Either we find the Egg of Memory and use this operation to capture her, or she kills us all and takes the Egg of Memory."

"That's right." Serabel nodded.

Yuanzi's face turned pale: "Mom, you'd better not go to such a dangerous action, right?"

"No, I'll go."

Tomoko Suzuki said firmly, and at the same time, her eyes fell on Serabel who was standing next to Megure Police Department.

She raised the corners of her lips, and the charming tear marks at the corners of her eyes were moved.

"With Sera-kun's abilities, I think he will be able to protect me and take down the Shi Kao soldier smoothly, right?"

"...As long as Mrs. Suzuki is willing to believe my words."

Serabel gracefully responded with a standard British gentleman's courtesy.

At this point, the trip to Yokosuka Castle has been decided.

The topic of who would go and who would stay in the restaurant was still being discussed, and Serabel was pulled by Conan to the corridor outside the restaurant.

Conan took off his glasses and wiped them with the handkerchief he brought with him: "Since we are going to face off against Shi Kaobing, I plan to ask Dr. Ali to make a pair of bulletproof glasses. Just in case, why don't you also make a pair? By the way, do you have any prescription for your eyes?"

"My eyesight is very good, I don't have any prescription, and I don't need that kind of thing..."

Serabel spoke the truth and suddenly realized that something was not right.

Wait, glasses that can stop pistol bullets?

"You mean Dr. A Li can still make that kind of thing?"

"……Any questions?"

Conan was also stunned.

No, no, no, there's a big problem here...

Serabel complained silently while taking out her phone and using the drawing function to draw a few design sketches.

Although it was hand-drawn and looked a bit crooked without professional auxiliary drawing tools, he very professionally marked the detailed dimensions on every design detail and then handed it to Conan for a look.

"Can you please send this to the doctor and help me make it? I need two in total."

"Let me take a look, it should be fine..."

Conan glanced at the design and shuddered subconsciously.

Although due to the style of painting, it looks like a child's hand-drawn graffiti, and it is painted in parts, so you can't tell what the final product will look like at once.

But through the seemingly funny outline, he could instinctively smell the smell of blood blowing on his face like the wind in a dark cave. ?

Chapter 142 Ai Jiang takes the child

The Suzuki Foundation's cruise ship docked in Tokyo Bay at exactly [-] noon the next day.

Since Tomoko Suzuki would also go with her on the subsequent trip to Yokosuka Castle, by the time everyone got off the boat, two black limousines from the Suzuki Consortium on the pier had already been parked nearby and waiting for a long time.

Of course, Kogoro Mouri, Conan, Officer Shiratori and a certain furry bear first-class secretary were riding in the same car.

Because Serabel was hired as a temporary bodyguard by Mrs. Suzuki, she and Tomoko Suzuki were in a separate car.

As for Natsumi Kasaka and the old housekeeper, they also drove by themselves.

So the three cars set off from Tokyo Bay and headed towards Yokosuka.

An hour and a half later——

On the winding mountain road in Yokosuka, as three cars turned again and again through a twist, a huge and magnificent German-style castle suddenly appeared among the densely forested mountains in the distance.

"Oh~ I saw it, I saw it!"

Mouri Kogoro, who was sitting in the spacious back seat of the double-row car in the middle car, exclaimed with his face almost pressed against the car window.

It's no wonder he had such a violent reaction. In the past 10 minutes, the three cars had been driving around in the same mountain forest without seeing any shadow of the castle.

If the navigation didn't show the correct route, I would have thought that I had turned onto the wrong mountain road.

The majestic and towering castle suddenly appeared in the field of vision in an instant, giving people a feeling that there was a twists and turns and no way out.

"It looks like it's finally here."

Tomoko Suzuki, who was sitting opposite Sera Bell in the back car, also glanced out the window, pursed her lips and smiled.

It should be said that she is the consortium wife of the Suzuki Consortium. Generally speaking, since normal people know that there may be an expedition next, most of them will choose an outfit that is light and easy to move around.

Today, Tomoko Suzuki is still wearing her usual OL outfit. She wears a flat-ironed black suit skirt, slightly light-colored black silk covering her slender legs to her ankles, and a pair of small high heels of the same color under her feet.

Serabel sincerely hoped that she would not get a sprained ankle in the next adventure because of what she was wearing.

But then again, maybe for the latter, it is also a compulsory lesson for the latter to still be able to walk fast while wearing high heels?

Forget it, whatever you want.

Just like this, another five minutes passed, and as the scenery outside the car window changed from valley to mountain top, the three cars finally stopped in front of the main entrance of the German-style castle.

This is indeed an ancient castle with a long history. One side of the mottled brick and stone exterior wall is already covered with ivy, but surprisingly it does not look dirty. Instead, it has a sense of tranquility unique to history.

The tall secretary of the Embassy, ​​Maozi, looked around as soon as he got out of the car. When he saw that only Sera Bell and Tomoko Suzuki got off the car behind him, he couldn't help but hissed.

"That's strange, why don't you seem to see Mr. Gan Jiangyi?"

The answer was that he was the secretary in charge of driving Nishino: "Ah~ Mr. Ganjiang said that he would go to another place before coming back, so I won't go with everyone."

"Other places... why is he so busy?" Mouri Kogoro complained in a broken voice.

The old butler who drove by himself walked to the main entrance of the castle without saying a word after getting off the car. He opened the door with the key he brought with him, then turned around and stood by the door with his hands clasped in front of him as if he were waiting for the guests to arrive at any time.

Mouri Kogoro stood there for a while and felt that the general was not coming soon. He looked at the old butler at the door and was about to suggest that everyone should go in first.

But before the words were spoken, there was a sound of car engines on the mountain road in the direction from which they came.

However, what unexpectedly appeared in front of everyone was not Gan Jiangyi who drove by himself, but a yellow Beetle that was quite familiar to some people present.

The yellow Beetle drove up the mountain road to the gate of the castle. It stopped and turned off the car, pulled the handbrake and opened the door. An old and fat figure jumped out of the driver's seat.

When his eyes touched the figure, Mouri Kogoro's eyes widened in surprise: "Dr. Agasa? Why are you here, and what's that in the back seat of your car..."

Before he finished speaking, the Beetle's back seat door suddenly opened, and three small figures ran out of the car. When they met, they waved excitedly to Conan.

"Yo Conan! I didn't expect us to come too!"

There was a little fat guy with a head that looked like a Japanese rice ball, a gentle boy with a middle parting and a few freckles on his face, and a little girl who looked quite sweet. Looking at her height and development...a primary school student?

A circular buffer strip slowly appeared on Serabel's head.

He glanced at Conan aside and thought to himself that this time they were probably going to have a confrontation with Shi Kaobing. Even if you want to sway someone, you should sway someone who is reliable. It's no big deal to find a group of elementary school students.

Or is it because the body has become smaller and the brain has been perfectly integrated into the segmentation?

In response, Conan just gave a helpless look to express that it was really not his fault, and then turned to Dr. Ali, who was scratching his head and laughing.

"Doctor, why did you bring them here?"

"Hey, actually I didn't want to take them with me..."

Dr. A Li smiled bitterly and explained how he couldn't find his driver's license before setting off, and how these three little guys sneaked into the car and didn't find him until halfway.

"You guys, don't run around."

A familiar voice came, and when Serabel raised her head again, the brown-haired girl in the co-pilot of the Beetle opened the door and walked out, saying to the three little ones who were already running around on the ground.

Logically speaking, it is usually difficult for people of the same age to manage each other, but unexpectedly, I got three neat answers in one sentence.

"I know~"*3


Serabel looked at the three little ones who were still bouncing around but had calmed down a bit, and then looked at the girl with brown hair who was walking towards her with Dr. A Li. The buffer bar on her head turned into a small exclamation mark. .

"……What's wrong?"

Haibara Ai obviously didn't get the meaning of his eyes. When he came closer and stopped, he showed the same expression as Purya in Tears of the Kingdom after being slapped in the face by Link's camera.

"It's nothing, I just feel... they seem to listen to you."

Serabel euphemistically expressed, "I didn't expect you to be quite good at taking care of children."

The tea-haired girl just snorted softly when she heard this: "Although the experience is similar to raising children, from an objective point of view, they are indeed my and Edogawa's classmates."

So you are also perfectly integrated into segmentation?

Serabel thought for a while but still didn't ask this question.

"...Hey, you brats, you are not allowed to follow us later, you know..."

Mouri Kogoro's shouts could be heard in the distance, and he began to show his majesty as an adult again.

Naturally, what I got was the insincere and gleeful perfunctory response from the three little ones.

But taking advantage of this moment, Dr. Ari took out a pair of glasses that looked exactly like those worn on Conan's face.

"Here, I've already strengthened the lenses according to your request, Shinichi."

"Thanks, doctor."

Conan smiled knowingly, replaced what he was currently wearing on his face, and put on the enhanced glasses.

Then Dr. Ali took out the two black boxes he had been carrying since getting off the car from behind and handed them to Sera Bell.

"And this one belongs to Sera-kun."

"Thanks, I will pay the production costs later."

Serabel reached out and took it and said casually.

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