"So, has Miss Pu Si Qinglan been photographed?"

This is a fairly simple question that only requires a yes or no answer.

However, such a simple question made Pu Siqinglan think for a full second.

"Yes, but there is nothing in my room that cannot be photographed, except for my personal clothes."

"Actually, it doesn't matter if you say you don't have one."

Serabel gave a rare smile, stood up but did not leave her seat, and glanced at other people in the restaurant.

"The reason why I said so much above is to prove only one thing, that is, Shi Kaobing is among all of us here."


"Mr. Ganjiang Yi, an antique art dealer, has been in the business for more than 30 years. He has strong financial resources. There is no need to commit murder and swindle goods."

"Mr. Siruov Chennikov, first-class secretary of the Russian Embassy, ​​has a serious job in staffing, and his work experience is clean and verifiable."

"Hanchuanlong, although this guy is a vagrant, he is dead now, so he has been excluded from the list of suspects."

"Then the only one whose resume is unclear in the end is you, Pu Si Qinglan, a scholar who specializes in studying the Romanov dynasty."

The corners of Serabel's mouth twitched slightly, because he was holding back and didn't want it to rise so quickly.

"I know Miss Qinglan that you must be curious about why I suspect you, so let me tell you a joke. I believe you will understand."

"An American agent sneaked into Russia, but was soon discovered by the locals. He explained in authentic Russian, but the locals just didn't believe it. In order to prove himself, he danced an authentic Russian folk dance, drank vodka like a bear, He was still running back and forth naked in the snow, but the locals just didn’t believe it.”

"Guess, why?"?

Chapter 140 Who gave you the courage to kidnap me?

"Because there are no black people in Russia."

The first-class secretary of the Russian Embassy, ​​a young man with a good reputation, revealed the final punchline of this riddle in a short sentence in Japanese.

"That's right! Because there are no black people in Russia!"

Sera Bell repeated this sentence, and then raised her hand to touch her cheek. The combination of her movements and expressions looked like the classic GIF picture of Nicolas Cage in the movie Face-Off.

Pu Siqinglan did not speak. She remained silent, frowned slightly, and raised her face to look at the young man standing across the table from her, as if silently complaining that she did not understand what the other person was talking about.

However, Serabel did not give her a chance to remain silent.

He put his hands on the table, leaned forward slightly, and looked down at the Romanov dynasty scholar with a slightly aggressive posture.

"You know, there is no surname 'Pu Si' in China, and the vast majority of Chinese people's eyes are brown, and even pure black eyes are only a very small part... As for people like you, Miss Qinglan, Gray, I can’t say there are absolutely none, I can only say there are no black people in Russia.”

At the end of the conversation, he actually returned to the bad joke from before.

Although this statement is somewhat nonsensical, no one present is a fool. Serabel's previous analysis has almost conclusively proved that Shi Kaobing is among these people present.

Among all the people at the moment, only Pu Siqinglan's identity was in doubt.

This is not a multiple choice question, this is a proof question.

Serabel needs to prove that Pu Siqinglan is Shi Kaobing.


As if she had just recovered from the former's words, the graceful female scholar of the Romanov dynasty in a cheongsam shook her head and exhaled.

"It is true that Sirabel-kun's reasoning is interesting, but I still don't understand what you mean. If you insist that I am the internationally wanted criminal, where is the evidence?"

"Evidence? Of course I have evidence."

Serabel let go of her hands on the table, stood up straight, smiled, and gently snapped her fingers as if to mark the time.

The next second, everyone present turned their attention, and a figure walked in from the door of the restaurant.

Surprisingly, it was the White Bird Police Department who had never arrived at the scene.

At this time, he was holding two evidence bags. One of the evidence bags contained a semi-automatic pistol, and the other evidence bag contained a silencer.

"This is the item we found in Ms. Pu Si Qinglan's suitcase. There is exactly one bullet missing in the magazine. As for whether the caliber of the bullet inside is the same as the one that killed Mr. Samkawa Ryu, we will have to wait until we transport the body back to Tokyo. The answer will come after the Metropolitan Police Department conducts a detailed autopsy, but before that..."

Shiratori turned his attention to Pu Si Qinglan, whose expression had completely changed since he saw him entering the restaurant.

"Miss Pu Siqinglan, is there anything else you want to say?"


Still silent.

explain?Of course there is no such thing.

On the one hand, she couldn't explain the whereabouts of the bullet. On the other hand, it is illegal to possess professional firearms in Japan. Generally, an air rifle or a shotgun is enough for civil affairs. As for a pistol with a silencer, , then there is definitely something wrong with the origin.

In other words, no matter what, as long as she chooses not to resist, a trip to the Metropolitan Police Department is inevitable.

But this was the only thing Pu Siqinglan would never allow.


With a crisp slap, Serabel's wrist was firmly held by a hand that looked like a slender and weak woman.


Serabel pretended to be surprised and screamed strangely.

Pu Siqinglan pulled hard and pulled the former out of the booth towards her. At the same time, she strangled the boy's throat with her other arm and elbow at an angle.

"Nobody is allowed to move!"

Pu Si Qinglan shouted loudly and shocked everyone present.

It was only then that everyone saw clearly that she actually held a table knife in her hand. The tip of the knife flashed with a bright silver edge, and the edge of the knife was placed directly on Serabel's neck.

"Brother Sierra!"

The Mumu Police Department was shocked. They wanted to step forward to rescue him but were held hostage by Pu Siqinglan. They could only stare at him and stood there in a stalemate.

Suzuki Shiro stood up directly and stretched out his hands to dissuade: "Don't mess around! You probably just want eggs, right? I can give them to you, but don't hurt other people!"


When everyone was either shocked or panicked, Serabel, who was being held hostage, was still in the mood to laugh.

However, he is not the kind of smile that the protagonist in the movie is very pretentious and contemptuous, but more inclined to a perfunctory and emotionless smile.

"Miss Pu Siqinglan, your next sentence is - I admit that your reasoning is interesting, but now you should worry about your own life."

"I admit your reasoning is interesting, but... eh?"

It was really as if they had read the lines. The exact same words blurted out from Pu Siqinglan's mouth. She realized something was wrong halfway through the sentence and was stunned for a moment.

But it was this moment of confusion that became the cause of her defeat.

Serabel turned her face slightly: "A real wolf will not just eat the meat that is put to its mouth. You have chosen the wrong target to kidnap, Miss Qinglan."

As soon as the words fell to the ground, he tilted his head back suddenly.


The hard back of her head collided with the fragile bridge of her nose. For a moment, Pu Si Qinglan's head tilted back. The dizziness caused by the impact caused her holding hands to relax briefly, and dots of dark red splattered on her head. ceiling.

Serabel grabbed the knife-holding wrist of the Romanov dynasty female scholar with her left hand. Her right hand naturally drooped, and the silver in the cuff fell smoothly into her palm.

That is also a table knife!

Without the slightest hint of pity, Serabel stabbed the dinner knife into the latter's thigh with her backhand.


The continuous severe pain made Pu Si Qinglan finally couldn't help shouting out in a trance. She lost her balance and was about to sit back and fall down.

Serabel turned around and kicked him right in the abdomen, kicking him three to four meters away.

Looking at the beautiful lady in cheongsam who could only curl up on the ground like a shrimp, coughing and wailing, the police department in Mumu couldn't figure out what they should do at this time, so they stepped forward decisively and took out the handcuffs and other things from her body. He handcuffed him with practiced techniques, then raised his head and said to the two accompanying police officers.

"Let the helicopter take her back to the Metropolitan Police Department immediately for treatment and interrogation!"


So Pu Siqinglan was taken away like this.

After watching the two men take the people away first, the Mumu Police Department came to Serabel and looked up and down with concern.

"Brother Sera, are you... okay?"

"It's okay. I know that she will most likely take hostages after being exposed, so I made preparations in advance and went to her side."

The preparation Serabel was talking about was naturally the table knife.

After hearing that everything was fine, the Megu Police Department breathed a sigh of relief: "It's fine, but I can't do this again next time..."

Before he finished speaking, the voices of the two accompanying police officers who had escorted Pu Siqinglan away suddenly sounded from the walkie-talkie on his waist.

"No, no, police department! The prisoner suddenly attacked us and ran away!"



With their heads full of questions, Memu Police Department and Serabel looked at each other.

Serabel shrugged.

What it means is that all the credit you put in your mouth can fly away because you can’t control it yourself. ?

Chapter 141 Dr. A Li’s green skin theory


The sound of a door being knocked down resounded in the dock at the bottom of the cruise ship.

The shallow water below the guardrail of the dock platform rippled, and the moonlight shining in from the open hatch at the rear reflected the light and shadow on the ceiling of the dock, like a spider web whose shape was constantly changing.

A wounded figure stumbled in, staggering forward a few steps before barely braking to a stop.

It's Pusi Qinglan.

She broke free from the control of the two criminal policemen who were escorting her and fled all the way here. The knife inserted in her leg would hinder the range of muscle movement, so she had pulled it out and thrown it away during the escape. Dark red and warm blood gurgled from the wound. Gushing out and dripping along the way.

Fortunately, no artery was damaged, so even if it bleeds a little, it's nothing.

Pu Siqinglan gasped for air. She had never been in such a miserable state in her life.

If you really think about it, this is really the first time I have been forced into such a situation. Not only did I not get the treasure, I was also injured and almost taken away by the police.


Gritting her teeth and swallowing a mouthful of saliva, she barely moisturized her throat that was dry due to running at high speed and panting. Pu Siqinglan endured the pain of the wound and used her handcuffed hands to lift the tarpaulin covering the escape boat. Jumped in with a hint of hesitation.

At the same time, rapid footsteps could be heard outside the dock door, accompanied by the police's loud report on the intercom, moving from far to near at an extremely fast speed.

Pu Siqinglan ignored it and opened the cover under the rudder of the lifeboat as quickly as possible, accurately pulled out two wires from inside, and then tied them together tightly.


The surging and low sound of the engine echoed in the space, once overshadowing the footsteps rushing into the dock.

The two police officers who had been carelessly knocked over finally arrived at the last moment, but it was already too late.

Pu Siqinglan had already started the lifeboat and put the gear in reverse gear.

Stepping on the accelerator, the engine roared violently, and the propeller accelerated to the highest gear in less than a second. The churning water stirred up white waves in the dock and drove the airflow, dragging the entire lifeboat quickly towards the door. .

"Don't move! Otherwise we'll shoot!"

Seeing that the situation was not going well, the two police officers drew their guns and pulled the triggers, but Pu Siqinglan hid under the dashboard.

The bullet hit the engine cover and splashed with sparks. The bullets bounced off and fell into the water on both sides of the ship, without affecting the operation of the engine at all.

The two people on the shore could only watch as the lifeboat quickly backed out of the dock and headed towards the vast black sea.

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