"Senior Setrans! How did you get here?"

"What, you're giving Ichinosuke my protection. It's easy to locate."

Coverage... well, I would have given Coverage to Master Setrans at Dacat.

"And you don't have the world anymore. The shell of the world."

At the same time that the ringing of the ground had stopped earlier, rifts appeared from all over the bright white world, and I began to see the space of everlasting darkness that had just passed with the libra-like.

I don't want to imagine what happens when this spreads.

"Ichinosuke, I'm sorry, but you're taking us to My World"

Master Setrans grabbed the pattern of the spear pierced by Master Teto and reached out to me.

"But Mr. Alpha's still in this space."

"I'm sorry, but I can't afford to be alone with Homunculus. Hurry!"

"... ok"

Returning to base I nodded, holding Master Libra, and took Master Setrans' hand and chanted "".

Watching one world perish while you cast magic.

We're back in My World.

Ha, I'm tired.

But Master Setrans came for me.

That's what I ended up with when I was a salamander, and now it'll all be over.

"Hey, welcome back... you're going to be terrible again"

"Miri, say hello to the goddess."

"Yeah, it's been a while, Setrans. And a libra. Teto... I've never seen him before, but he's not going to say hello. It's gonna be really bad."

Have you ever met the Miri guy, Master Setrans and Master Libra?

Well, if I'd played Demon King for hundreds of years, a lot would have happened.

"Terrible thing...... you forgot what you once did?

Master Libra narrowed his eyes and told him to embarrass the millimeter.

"I didn't forget anything else, and you're not talking about this one -"

While Miri was talking, this time the dark elves who did not take part in the battle in Maraisgurli also noticed strangely and came together.

"Hey, could that be the goddess!?"

"True, Master Setrans, Master Livra - and even Master Teto."

"You guys, take Fuyun and the dessert runner and evacuate as far away from here as you can! This isn't a game!

"" Ha!

The dark elves leave at a glance with a sip of millimetres.

When did you take sovereignty of the Dark Elves - we were supposed to have just met today.

"Hey, it's already her - isn't Teto too late?

And Miri looked at the symptoms of the goddess Tet and said:

"That's not true. Things are different then."

Master Libra shouts out loud.

"No, I agree with her, too. It's better to keep Teto dead here. I'm still in critical condition. If I keep getting distracted and I wake up as a demon, I won't be able to help."

Another demon god.

I don't know, but is it because of temper that Tet is suffering?

Holy Crossing. "- Right! Then!" I suggested to Milli.

Just now, just as I broke my temper with Master Libra, just let Tetto go.

"Come on, I could use some junction magic. But that's for nothing. That magic is a magic that prevents the intrusion of temper. It's not magic to remove the temper that has entered your body. And I can't cure Desperate because it's not the same as a state anomaly."

Miri said so with a small sigh.

"I don't care either way as far as I'm concerned because where there's one more demon god, the end of the world just gets sooner... what do you do?

That's what they said, and you can't possibly draw conclusions.

I thought so.

If you keep your mouth shut, Master Setrans will kill Master Teto.

That's it.

I couldn't do anything, I didn't do anything. Is it over?

"Teto, I'm not sorry."

That's what Master Setrans said, he took out another spear.

Bright red spears like burning flames.

"Poke with this spear that condenses the power of the Great Spirit of Fire Salamander and your flesh will burn completely and only your soul will return to the earth"

It was then that Master Setrans tried to release the spear.

Teto overflows his temper and creates the form of a demon.

That's... what is it?

"My temper has become a monster, stay, it's dangerous -"

A lump of anger strikes at the millimeter who jumps out to protect me.

Holy Connections "" Boundaries were established to prevent the intrusion of temper.

"You've been saved trying to help me."

"If that's what you're saying - it's not over yet."

The temper that held me back from my kingdom splashes, and each becomes a demon figure.

Besides, the demon that turned out to be a snake slipped through the junction and came inside.

"Can demons come in - slash!

Dark Sword "Sounds like it.!" Defeat the demons that come in with swords and magic.

Master Setrans was a salamander's spear, overflowing with temper from Master Teto, but every time his temper splashed and a demon appeared.

Master Libra used a weapon like Mace to fight the dragon that showed up.

I'm fighting good, but I don't seem to be given a fatal fight.

It was when I thought so.

Nite came running.

Good, did you wake up?

Her hands change as if she were a giant thong - she'll be covering for the libra-like.

"Nite, get the dragon!

That's what I screamed - and she didn't follow it.

It was like a libra that Nite caught.

"Nite! What?"

"Stay, behind you!


I was obsessed with the fight and didn't notice the signs behind it.

At the same time as I looked back, I was strangled with wings by pioneers.

"Pioneer... what are you doing"

"Stay -"

Miri tries to attack Pioneer with the sword of darkness, but she's trying to shield me from attack.

Lady Libra, captured by Nite, clashed to the ground about the body of the dragon.


Master Setrans screamed and fed the dragon a spear blow.

Master Libra seems to be unconscious due to the current shock, but Nite was intact.

They Homncrus are far more defensive than I am.

"Pioneer, let me go! Orders!"

She won't say anything if she screams like that.

"Stay, it's no use. Two homunculus are now under Teto's control. I can't hear you."

"Become... damn, that's what you mean"

Nite said.

If Tet had orders, they would take precedence over you and sometimes betray me.

At that time, I was making it high that that couldn't have happened, but did that make it a reality?

"Pioneer, I'll apologize later, so be ready now!

When I said that, I shook her with strength, and at the same time I threw her away, unleashing a tornado cut.

It's not just a tornado cut - it's a Pico Pico Hammer extra.

Pico Pico and the sound of a serial mood, but if you stun Pioneer with this...

If I think so, the pioneer guy, walks flat in a tornado.

Shit - the homunculus was state anomaly invalid.

In the meantime, Nite also comes close to us. Are you aiming for millimeter?

They say it's hard to ignore these guys and go cover for Master Setrans.

Well, then...

That's when she showed up.

"Master, thank you for waiting"

Hal flew to Pioneer.

Requesting rescue on a family order, just five seconds early.

"Is the city of Maleigulli okay?

"The demons have stopped appearing, so I left the rest to Mr. Larael"

"Okay, okay. The circumstances are as explained in the decree. Get Pioneer away from here, please!

"Yes - I'll be there, Mr. Pioneer"

Hal's blade of disease blows Pioneer's body.

The attack itself doesn't seem to kill the impact, even without damage.

All you have to do is Nite.

When I thought so,

Artificial Humans "Death Proves That It's Above!" It was Sheena III who stood in front of Nite.

"How dare you do that earlier, Death!

"Sheena III! Fight away!

"Okay, Death! Oh, I got you, Death!

Sheena III, who showed up, was suddenly caught by Nite.

But it seems that was Sheena III's operation.

"Oh my goodness - then go Death, sister"

When Sheena III said so, with her freely moving hands, she took a book out of her skirt.

The Book of Heaven and Earth Creation.

As soon as possible, a pit appeared beneath her feet.

Nite fell underground with Sheena III, blocking the hole.

Well, it's the perfect way to stay away from the fight.

All we have to do is Tet - but because of his temper, Setrans is not close either.

"Hey, what's your most powerful magic?

The ancient purifying flame "my powerful magic - the boost I defeated Leviathan with before... no, if I merge that with the boost - but I don't have enough MP anymore" Even magical fusion eats MP more than normal.

If we amplify that, we will have half no MP consumption.

Junction magic ate MP besides thoughts.

"Okay. Come on, I'll take your magic. Use it."

"Can you do that instead of your shoulder?"

"Absolutely. 'Cause we're brothers and sisters, right?

Miri smiled.

Unemployed brothers and sisters - oh, and they're just the strongest! Miri holds my hand.

Then I can see her magic coming all over me.

I put my hand forward.

[Skill: I got a recipe for Fusion Magic due to the effect of XXXX]

That's when - one magical word came to mind with the message.

It's as if we've been waiting for this time, and that's the right name for fusion magic.

Well... this magical name...

The world's start "BOOST -!" The amplified flame and wind fused together under the presence of Tetto to create a huge explosion.

The blast will fly me and Mili.

How powerful. It's a power that will dramatically change the terrain of my world - are the Sheena III guys fighting underground okay?

I'm not the only one who got flown. The temper that has overflowed from Teto is also blown away again.

"Well done, Ichinosuke! And then it's my turn!

While withstanding that blast, Master Setrans pierced Salamander's spear into Tet-like's body.

"O Great Spirit of Fire! It's time for strength."

silence dominated the world in an instant,


And I thought I heard that sound.

In silence, Master Setrans sees the spear he had - no, what was a spear.

Her spear left the part of the blade pierced by Teto, and it was broken - no, it was slashed.

In a silent world, he stepped down.

"Hi. - Hey, it's dangerous. - Looks like you made it."

Suddenly he tore the space apart and the man appeared.

A dark-haired man who easily cleaves a spear that condenses the power of a salamander. As it once was when I saw it on the floor.

And recently, I heard that voice.

"… Alessio the Brave"

Miri tells the name.

After all, is this the brave Alessio?

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