The way through was - it wasn't Teto's space, the goddess I knew.

Because the books and desks that were like piles were gone.

Plus, my legs flutter. I can walk, but I don't know which one is up and which is down.

"Mr. Alpha!?"

The first person I found was Mr. Alpha from Homunculus.

I ran over to her.

I'm breathing, but unconscious.

She seems to be falling with her hands extended somewhere far away.

You have the same symptoms as Pioneer and Nite.

"Lady Tetto... damn it, he's not here."

"You can't be here. Where the hell..."

Damn, I could have followed the smell if it was Hal here.

Family summons - I can't. He said if she pulled out now, it would be dangerous for Caro, and more importantly, she couldn't get her hands on the ground. Conversely, you won't be able to make a summons to this place either.

I always use eagle eyes when looking for people, but it wouldn't make sense to use eagle eyes in a place like this.

"Dear Libra, let's put Mr. Alpha's loyalty here."

"... ok. You're going in the direction she's reaching out."

Yes. I have no choice but to do so than to know which way to go.

When he decided so, something like gold sand appeared from Master Libra's hand and extended straight.

A world without landmarks or anything, going straight would be a struggle. I see, just right for the signs.

Me and Lady Libra went straight ahead relying on the gold one. It's more like swimming than walking.

In the huge amount of water drifting into space, it is going on with an oxygen cylinder on - is the expression unnecessarily difficult to understand?

"Hmm? That 's--"

I don't know how far I've gone, but contrary to when I came to this world, I saw something like a black aura.

"Apparently, her loyalty was a big deal"

"Is that Tet-sama?


"What the hell is that black one"

"That's annoying. I didn't expect enough darkness to flow into the space of the goddess to be able to visualize... Ichinojo and Kota, the fact that they simultaneously stopped the ability to absorb the flatulence of the goddess statue in the town of Maleigulli caused the dark flatulence in Maleigulli to flow into her space at once"

"Because of us..."

Did the attempt to protect the city result in tormenting Master Teto?

Even though I didn't know, I can't help blaming myself.

If you must not gather your temper at Teto's place, it was also a failure to have Caro gather demons in the advanced labyrinth.

Demons say the exorcism returns them to temper and makes them easier to purify.

But if demons are exorcised in front of the advanced labyrinth, naturally, the temper born there will also flow best to Tet.

"It's not your fault. This is the responsibility of our goddess - to avoid the same mistakes as Metias, because she kept Tete, the goddess who is closest to her, the furthest from the task of purifying her temper. If the source of anger was other than the goddess Tet - even if it was the lazy goddess trail rule - it could have purified her anger."

Same mistake as Metias.

What the hell happened between Lady Libra and Lady Metias?

And how come Master Libra doesn't crown "Goddess" before she calls on Master Metias's name? I even give it to you when you call other goddesses names.

"Seniors Coschomare and Setrans would have dealt with this double"

... Oh, no. It seemed like the only three pillars to crown the "goddess" were Teto and Minerva and Trail Rule. Goddess has a senior junior relationship, too, right?

Just a little bit, the relationship between the goddesses - no, I felt like I had a glimpse of the goddess relationship.

Master Setrans is surprisingly mypaced, Master Trailrules is lazy, and Master Minerva wants to die. I guess Lady Coshomare and Lady Libra were having a hard time.


As the temper approaches, we instinctively know that this should not be touched by humans.

If I'm a waterfowl, this black temper is tar.

If I touch this, I will never be able to fly in the sky again - I felt such a danger.

"Dear Libra, can you manage this?

That's why I'm here.

That's what Master Libra said and put his right hand inside.

Her face distorted in agony as a black temper wrapped around her arm as her temper went through her hands and into the libra-like.

It stains black to her clothes.

"Come on - it's stronger than I thought."

Looks like the libra helped.

The black temper wrapped around her arm faded, and the color of her clothes returned to its original white.

And then I could see her hands, and gradually I was able to make my way between my tempers.

"... Phew, Mr. Ichinojo. Follow me. Don't let it bother you."

"Okay. If you ask me, I won't touch you."

I went down the path I had been able to take while I was distracted.

There's plenty of room to get through, but I'm still anxious to touch it by mistake.

"Um, this, light magic purifies you all at once - or something?

"The power of temper is fundamentally different from darkness, which is a magical attribute, so it doesn't make sense."

"... right"

I've seen Miri's dark magic several times, but I never felt this bad.

Holy kingdom. "Right - if you're really curious, you might be able to prevent the erosion of temper if you can use the kingdom magic" - though you won't be able to narrow it just because you don't let it through "Holy kingdom." ""? ♪ Was there such magic?

I thought, speaking of which, I remember remembering the magic of the junction.

At that time, I was upset that XXXX ranked up, and that wasn't the case.

"Why don't you remember your magic?"

"Sorry, there have been too many magic types..."

Not well managed.

We need to sort out skills and magic again thoroughly.

Holy Conclave "Then, ''!" When I cast the magic, a junction appeared on the sphere that emitted a pale light to envelop me and Master Libra.

However, it does not seem to have the effect of narrowing the temper, and touching the temper feels the junction bounce back.

This feels like a pinball ball.

Should I just stop worrying about touching my temper?

"I see it - there must be a goddess Tet over there"

At the end of the aisle - there was something like a black cocoon there.

Is there a Tetto in this?

"Thank you, Ichinojo. Wait in that bond."

When Lady Libra said so, she approached the black cocoon and tried to relieve herself of her temper, as she had just done.

It's taking longer than earlier.

At one point, he was almost distracted by erosion to the shoulder area.

It's very tedious that I can't help you.

"- That's it... that's it"

When Lady Libra let her breath out, she said, a black cocoon-like temper broke into two pieces, and Tet appeared from inside.

But things are not right.

"Dear Livra - Tetto's hair - Huh!?"

Yes, goddess Teto's hair should have been inherently as brown as mm's. Despite this, the color of its hair is now dyed black.

It's like being black.

"It's eroded by temper - I'll suck it out in a hurry"

That's what Master Libra said and put his hand on Tet's head.

At that time, the spark scattered with the bee's fierce noise, and Libra-like's body was distracted and her body was blown away towards me as it was.

I've crossed the line. I'll take her body.

"Dear Livra, it's okay and awesome!?"

"Yeah, it helped me to get the line up. Without the bond, I was eclipsed, and Mr. Ichinojo, who took my body, was not safe."

The temper that Lady Libra had wrapped around remained outside the bond at the same time that Lady Libra was being flown into the bond. It would have been dangerous if there had been no bond.

And Teto, who blew that libra-like, stood up loosely and looked at this one.

"Dear Teto! Hold on!

"Dominated by temper - just as she is with Metias - she becomes a demon god"

Master Libra said.

"Demon god!?"

I scream - it was then.

The world rocked.

There was an earthquake in a world with no ground.

"She's losing her goddess, she has no power to maintain her goddess space. This world will soon collapse. Mr. Ichinojo, get out of here now."

"But Master Teto!

As it is, it was when she - thought so.

"It's late, Ichinosuke!

I heard a woman calling my real name.

At that time I thought, a spear of light came down from heaven and stabbed Tet-sama.

What appeared with that spear was the most dependable goddess at times like this - the goddess of battle, Setrans.

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