That would mean that, as a result of giving him seven carrots, Centaur would safely rendezvous with Joffre, Elise.

Defeated dragons carry to My World. I just can't get out of the cave with this.

"Your husband. Doesn't look like a dragon treasure."

"Right. But you can predict where the treasure is sleeping, right?

That's what I said, I saw a frozen underground lake.

Yes, the underground lake - the bottom of Lake Landau.

I read that treasure was sleeping there.

"Well, once you're out there, I'll dive into the lake"

"No, you don't have to. We have a guy who's good at salvage, so you should leave him to it."

As I was hearing, Hal and Caro's directions allowed me to return to the ground without delay.

Hal and Caro had him run to the village with a dragon horn.

The villagers who were anxious about the dragon would be relieved by this.

And we're treasure hunters.

The shallow water part of Lake Landau has tons of sioux, but the center part is deeper and there is not a single head. We board the boat that Pioneer made us in My World and move to the center of the lake.

Like earlier, we used eagle eyes and explored the bottom of the lake - finding a horizontal hole.

"It's Sheena III's turn to die from here!

"Oh, when it comes to salvage, it's your eighteenth! I asked you, Sheena III! Find me a treasure."

"Death entrusted to you! You'll be king of pirates, Death!

Say things that don't make sense again.

This is a lake, not a sea.

Well, if you're motivated, okay.

Sheena III, bracketed with rope, jumped into the lake.

And - they sent me a signal, so I pull.

"Gotcha Dodes! Master, so many shellfish picked Death!

Sheena III, who had taken a large quantity of shellfish like rock oysters, proudly showed it to me.

"... you went looking for the treasure, didn't you?

"Treasure...? Oh, I only heard the first half letters, Death."

"Don't say that the first half letter of the treasure is shellfish, something you won't know unless you write it in letters. At least listen to one letter."

This kind of interaction can never be done with Hal or Caro.

Unconsciously, I thought it would be a little fun to play with these Japanese words.

In the meantime, let me grow this oyster in My World.

If it's a freshwater oyster, should I grow it in a spring?

"Well, now it's time to find the treasure."

"Okay, Death!

Sheena III dives into the lake.

And now, five minutes later, a signal was sent.

Pull the rope.

Pull up.

"Gotcha Dodes! Master, this is the Death taken."

And Sheena III showed me - right wrist!?

No way, there's a torn body in this lake!?

"What? This is your hand, isn't it?

"Yes, Taken Death"

"You got it, you got it! Look, I'll set you up, so stay still."

Fit Sheena III's right wrist. That's a good fit.

"Are you all right? If you can't, I'll dive in and get it."

"Leave it to me, Death! There are no impossible letters in Sheena III's dictionary, Death!

"Your dictionary function seems to be missing a lot of characters"

I tell you to leave it to me, so I'll leave it to you.

Sheena III dived into the sea again.

And five minutes later.

"Gotcha Dodes!

"Does that have to be said every time?

"Master, take this, Death!

"This is - turtle! It's a turtle! You, come on."


"Do - say Adaman Turtle!?"

I saw the black turtle in the metal appraisal.


... Yes, the armor was undoubtedly made of adamantite.

In time, I wonder if Orihal Turtle will also come out......

In the meantime, I got one of my purposes.

"All right, let's go home!

That was when I said.

A green gem was seen sandwiched in the midst of the armor of Adamanturtle.

Use a gem appraisal to appraise the gem.


Job deprivation jewels

By giving the name of the other person, he shall deprive himself of his profession and shall be his own.

I can use the skills of the profession I took as my own.

Gems can be shattered when a person taken away dies.


... There it is.

Ha, I'm glad I didn't find you.

Sheena III then dived into the lake several times to investigate.

As a result, bags filled with gold coins and jewels were found, but there was no second jewel of job deprivation.

If I had more than one jewel of job deprivation, I would have thought I could quit unemployed when I felt like it.

"Hehe, Sheena III is a great Death!

Knowing or not how I felt, Sheena III bragged about her accomplishments with her chest stretched.

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