With Centaur at the forefront, we go down the cave. Inside the cave is like a maze, and I thought I'd gone underground, and now I climb. The road is getting narrower and narrower.

"That's complicated. I have no idea how."

I may have to return home from base.

"Don't worry, Caro remembers the way"

"I don't get lost, either, because we still smell us."

- Yes, I was, my people were reliable.

This is reassuring.

That's what I thought - it was then.

One sign of getting caught up in detecting signs.

Besides, the signs - from directly below!?

"Centaur, stop!

Activated the eagle's eyes.

It also activates dark vision.

Eagle eyes are usually the skill you use to look down at the surface from above, but this skill moves up and down the viewpoint. In other words, you can also shift your perspective downstairs.

And I found it.

Big space, and--

"There he is, the dragon! Pretty big!

"Is it true!? But where the hell did it come from? I can't imagine a dragon going down such a narrow road."

Caro says.

Yeah, sure, this space is huge, but the entrance and exit to that space are critical for Centaur and us to get through. No, if you're gonna say that, you can't even get through that giant dragon at the entrance to this cave.

Where the hell did it come from - and I looked closely into the underground space, and there it was.

Underground lake.

"Underground lake...... yes! Lake Landau! That's where I got through."

"It was a detour. Carol and the others should have known better."

Caro is right.

Me and Caro once discovered a hidden passage from a fountain to a dungeon on a deserted island.

If I had remembered that time, I would have realized that Lake Landau was the only entrance where giant creatures like dragons could enter.

"But your husband. If the dragons are coming in and out of Lake Landau, why didn't the Sioux guys in the lake escape? If you see a dragon jump into a lake, everyone, be they people or demons, should escape."

"It's Sioux Gew's disease."

I finally remembered.

Sioux Gew's Disease - A disease that infects only the Sioux Gews, which was endemic in Goats Rocky. It seems that Sugie, who suffers from the disease, has an effect on her brain and loses the emotion of fear.

For this reason, they will not escape if the dragon appears or, on the contrary, if its fangs are imminent in front of them.

It's just big to find that out.

If the dragons are going to get away with it, they'll never get away with it if they freeze the lake.

We were led by Centaur and dived further underground, he said.

"Dear Ichino, I think you understand"

"Oh, you can't use ancient purifying flame (Enchantnova) underground like this."

Using the magic of such a big explosion in a place like this really buries us all alive. Of course, you can escape with a base return (home return) before you are buried alive, but in that case, only the non-registered Centaur will be left behind.

In this case, wouldn't it be okay to leave him alone? I think, well, that's it.

"Is there a story about a weakness or something that a dragon can take down if he puts a sword between his eyebrows?

"I think you can kill most creatures as well as dragons if you stick your sword between your eyebrows."

"Sure, Caro's right."

When I said that, I pulled out my white wolf fangs.

"Let's go!

When I said that, I let go of the slash first.

He said it was an unexpected blow, but he said the dragon he noticed my presence was in such a narrow place that he flew through the sky to avoid it, and he flew toward us.

Don't do it!

The dragon's sharp claws approached me.

"Stone & Shield"

The stone of the earthly attribute creates multiple large rocks, and the object protection of that rock is greatly increased by the object protection rising magic.

The dragon may have been meant to have torn a normal rock apart, but my magic increased my physical defense. The rock did damage to the dragon's nails in reverse, and a further remaining rock pierced the dragon.

The dragon sounded loud, but apparently it wasn't the extinct roar. When we land, we jump up again and try to escape into the underground lake.

"Stay alive for hundreds of years and don't run away now!

That's what I said, I cast my magic.

"Boost Fine Ice Great Storm (Diamond Dust)!"

Huge amounts of ice grew from the underground lake. Now you can't run anymore!

"All right, get ready - old dragon!

I produce a raw sword, white wolf teeth and two - settle with old dragons in duplicity...?

The face of the old dragon that was about to jump into the lake was frozen.

"............... oh, forget it"

Skills, Instant Use! Physical Attack triples for one second only. And

"Cut ten characters!

The high-speed cross slaughter used in the duplicitous stream prevented the old dragon from showing a good spot until the end and closed the curtain in its long life.

[Blacksmith Skill: Got a random dream]

[Blacksmith's level won't increase any more]

[Title: Got Blacksmith's Extreme]

[Occupation: Senior blacksmith released]

[Occupation: Magician blacksmith freed]

[Samurai Admiral Skill: Accommodation upgraded to Accommodation II]

[Samurai General Skill: Flash upgraded to Flash II]

[Samurai Skill: Got Dragon Dots]

[Samurai level won't increase any more]

[Title: Got Samurai Extreme]

[Advanced Alchemist Skill: Disassembly upgraded to disassembly ii]

[Recipe Retrieved]

I was able to acquire multiple skills again.


Bullshit Dreams: Production Skills [Blacksmith Level 60]

By consuming half the MP, it has a random effect on the product.

The more MPs you consume, the easier it is to come with good effects.


This is good.

That's the blacksmith's final skill.

However, I guess the fact that it is easy to have good effects doesn't always mean that it will have good effects. Maybe a bad effect - that's what a cursed sword can do.


Dragon Dots: Combat Skills [Samurai Level 60]

When used when the opponent's HP cuts the remaining 20%,

Can do twice as much damage as normal.


Is this a skill to make ends meet?

If used with Instant Kill, it will cause six times more damage.

Now there will be no enemies that cannot be defeated.

"Phew, instant kill - you can use it more than I thought. I choose to spend 72 hours of cool time."

I erased the sword made of the raw sword, and I delivered the white wolf fangs to the sheath.

Have you also liberated two professions?

Senior blacksmiths may be considered an extended profession for blacksmiths, but magician blacksmiths are slightly different.

It is a profession in which magic weapons, protective equipment, like demonic swords, can be made even in the same blacksmith, a profession that Canon has extremed.

If it's a demon sword like the Xkaiser she struck, I can make it now. But I have no idea how to make a demon sword that would change the weight of the slashed opponent that Milli saw.

Speaking of which, I've heard from Caro that magician blacksmiths are professions in which those who excel in blacksmiths, alchemists and magicians can change careers. I see, is that why you were freed at this time?

Nevertheless - and I see a dying old dragon.

Somehow, that was a hell of a fight.

I thought it would be a little more hassle.

"Your husband, you were brilliant. I could only hurt the wings of a dragon trying to avoid your husband's magic."

"Caro also used fascinating (charm) magic, but I think it was only used to the extent that the resistance was harsh and it slowed the movement down a bit"


If you look closely, there was a new wound on some of the wings of the dragon.

Well, wasn't I the only one capable of defeating you?

- Rather, I was a little happy to find that out.

"Thank you, Centaur, too. See, the reward of the promise."

That's what I said, I gave Centaur twenty tomatoes.

"Master, what do you do with Centaur?

"Well, I can't keep doing this - uh, Centaur. Do you know where Joffrey and Elise are? Nod twice if you know what I mean."

When I ask, Centaur nods twice.

Right, you know what I mean?

"Then I'll give you five carrots specially, so you join Joffrey, Elise, down the mountain. Okay? Once you figure it out, snort."

Centaur doesn't snort.

Do you hate carrots? I think, I use thought tracing and see why Centaur doesn't nod.

Apparently, they don't need carrots.

I'm telling you to give me more.

"... Caro, please negotiate"

"This is the first successful negotiation of an animal opponent"

I left it to Caro to negotiate, that I couldn't spoil it too much.

The time lasted more than enough.

I don't know what kind of negotiations took place, but as a result, they came together with seven carrots.

Since the end of the negotiations, Caro had been on the spot.

"… it was not until birth that Caro was forced to make concessions in negotiations so far"

Don't be afraid, you're a centaur.

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