Iron Powder and Spellcaster

Chapter 50 The Nature of Magic

The next two days were uneventful.

What made Antonio very regretful was that although he gave "Sophia" many opportunities, the other party not only did not take the opportunity to escape, but instead calmly accepted the life of house arrest in the military camp.

Mother Teresa of the Convent of St. Jeanne personally delivered a small box, which contained, as Sophia said, her birth certificate, baptismal certificate, and some other belongings of the Lavoisier family.

Sophia's eye color, hair color, and birthmark on her birth certificate can all be matched. At this point, Antonio has basically believed Sofia's identity.

Next, you need to go through church channels and get copies of the birth certificate and baptism certificate from the church where Antoine Laurent's daughter was baptized, and compare them. If the two sets of documents match, they will be able to completely prove her identity.

Respected guarantors, birth documents, tokens, these are the ways in this era to prove that "a person" is "a person".

In other words, no matter who it is, as long as she has a complete set of documents and can match the description of the documents, she is legally Antoine Laurent's daughter.

Although there are many loopholes that can be exploited, this is the most rigorous method that people in this era can have.

Sofia agreed to Antonio's proposal to use the research contents in the notes as a reward for the Republic of Veneta to restore Antoine Laurent's reputation. It's the best of both worlds, and Sofia inadvertently protects Antonio and Winters' reputations. Because Antonio has made up his mind to keep the contents of this notebook in Veneta even if he breaks his promise.

The Military Police Division of the Army Headquarters has also been extremely busy these two days. Lieutenant Colonel Field has carefully confirmed that none of the caster officers in the Veneta Army have taken leave of absence, disappeared, or died in recent days.

At the second general meeting of the military police officers, Winters raised the possibility that the man was indeed a spellcaster, but not from the Veneta Army. Instead of returning to Veneta, the man headed to Veneta, where he was a spellcaster of the United Provincial Army.

However, the three people from the Military Police Department now have no means to confirm this. They can only send an official letter to the Federal Provincial Army. However, considering the current tense relationship between the two parties, it is estimated that this letter will only sink into nothing.

However, the salvage operation yielded some unexpected results. Hailan Port is a natural deep-water port. The bottom of the pier is mainly coral reefs and stones, and the silt layer is not thick. Four good sailors fished out the guns and swords in one day.

But the problem is that there is no mark or heraldry on either the gun or the sword that can prove the identity of the assassin, so it is basically meaningless.

The biggest reward was actually that several salvage sailors also fished out Major Moritz's sword. Moritz also lost his sword on the day he drowned. Recently, he had been using a simple old sword. It was an unexpected surprise to find the original expensive and gorgeous ceremonial sword.

However, Winters's mind was not on the assassination case these days, but on Antoine Laurent's notes.

In the military academy, all spell casters have heard their seniors mysteriously tell such a story: Antoine Laurent, the father of the Alliance spell casters who was executed more than ten years ago, was engaged in a project in the last stage of his life. Research that could subvert the magic system, he touched the essence of magic. After his death, his manuscripts were lost, and so were his results.

No one knows where this story came from, but what is certain is that the story is becoming more and more like a myth. Because Winters experienced two iterations of this story firsthand during his three years at the Officers Academy alone.

The contents of Antoine Laurent's research became more and more mysterious, and his manuscripts were passed down by word of mouth among spellcasters and became an artifact that could make the spellcaster become the legendary great magician who destroyed the world. .

As a spellcaster, Winters certainly didn't believe that anything could increase a spellcaster's spell ability out of thin air. As he said to Ike: "If you give a child a good sword, will he become a top swordsman?"

However, being influenced by such stories for many years still gave him a mysterious imagination about Antoine Laurent's research manuscript: although it was not as magical as the story said, it must have recorded very important information.

But when he actually finished transcribing this note, he had very mixed feelings.

The things recorded in this notebook are very confusing. This notebook is somewhere between a diary, a collection of inspirations, and a record of experiments.

A lot of the content seems to be written wherever I think of it, some are scattered ideas, and some are the results of experiments. Check, delete, modify, and there are some sketches with vulgar content in the corners. It seems that they were drawn casually when the idea reached an impasse.

Do Antoine Laurent's notes contain important information?


But for the Veneta Republic, the most useful thing recorded in this notebook is probably the sketch of the "Fire Spell Potential Testing Instrument."

Although the drawing was crude, Winters figured out what it was. The entire instrument is essentially a delicate balance. Two glass spheres are placed at both ends of the balance, connected by a glass tube.

The drawing is crude, and the glass ball in the sketch seems to contain some kind of liquid.

Winters speculated that the two glass spheres and the glass tube connecting the two spheres should be a closed whole, and the liquid in the glass spheres should be some kind of extremely volatile liquid.

As a spellcaster, Winters quickly figured out the principles of this testing instrument. Simply put, this test instrument can detect the weakest magical abilities.

An untrained spellcaster's spells are as weak as sparks from a fire sickle, and this ingenious instrument can detect the presence of small sparks.

First, adjust the scale to balance it. If the subject has the ability to burn fire spells, even the weakest ability, as long as it can slightly vaporize the liquid in the glass sphere, the balance of the scale will be destroyed.

Even Winters couldn't help but applaud the whimsy of the design. You know, the most difficult thing is not to train a spell caster, the most difficult thing is how to find people with spell talents from the vast sea of ​​people.

Like normal people, spellcasters also have two eyes and one nose. Before testing, even the caster himself is not aware that he has magical talent. Their magical ability is so low that even if they use magical power unconsciously, the effect is so weak that neither others nor themselves can detect it.

In this way, people with magical potential were buried in the crowd. A sudden headache or an unexplained chill in their lives was actually phantom limb pain caused by the unconscious use of magic. But these signs go unnoticed even by themselves, and are quickly forgotten.

And through this testing device, even weak magical abilities can be detected.

The selection of those with magical potential has always been a closely guarded secret in the United Provinces. By exclusively mastering this technology, spellcasters from all republics, regardless of gender, are sent to the United Provinces for training.

Obtaining this blueprint means that the Veneta Republic can get rid of the United Provinces Republic and independently screen spellcasters. You can even kick out the United Provinces and train your own spellcasters independently. After all, the content of spellcaster training is not a secret. Venetta has hundreds of spellcaster officers, all of whom have undergone a complete training course in the military academy.

As for the rest of the notebook... it subverts Winters' understanding of magic.

But what level of spell ability Winters had before he read it, and what level he still had after reading it.

However, the content caused Winters to lose sleep for two nights in a row.

In this casual note, Antoine Laurent wrote:

"People in ancient times believed that the entire world was composed of four elements: fire, air, earth, and water. People in Celica believed that the world was composed of metal, plants, fire, earth, and water. Naturalists divided everything in the world into plants, Animals and inanimate objects. But I think the world in their eyes is not beautiful, too chaotic, too disordered. So I went a step further and divided everything that exists in the entire universe into two categories: matter and energy.

All tangible things are matter, water, gas, and stone are matter.

All intangible things are energy, such as light and heat. "

On this basis, Antoine Laurent put forward a hypothesis: conservation of matter.

That is, magic does not create matter out of thin air, nor does it annihilate matter out of thin air.

Vaporization does not annihilate water, but turns water into gas.

"Water Making" does not create water out of thin air, but condenses water vapor in the air into liquid.

Antoine Laurent recorded an experiment he designed: In an extremely dry room, the spellcaster could only "create" a few drops of water by using the water creation spell with all his strength. However, in a humid outdoor environment, the caster can quickly "create" a glass of water by using the water creation spell with all his strength.

In addition, he also conducted another experiment, a metal powder combustion experiment, and finally confirmed that the reason why metal powder becomes heavier after burning is because substances in the air enter the metal, and the metal powder is heated in a closed system. Although the metal powder becomes heavier, the mass of the entire system does not change.

Antoine Laurent wrote on the first page of his notes: "What is magic? Is magic a trick? Conjure an apple? Conjure a rabbit?

If magic can create matter, will magicians around the world continue to create water and one day be able to submerge all land?

Definitely not. The essence of magic should be summed up in a beautiful and poetic sentence: it can and can only change the energy state of matter.

But I don't have enough evidence to confirm this yet. "

The rest of this notebook is devoted to verifying this conjecture. Antoine Laurent overturned the magic system he established and reconstructed the three major categories of spells.

In the section "Identification of the Essence of Sound Magic", Antoine Laurent confirmed that the essence of sound is a vibration. The so-called "sound" means that the vibration of the sound source spreads into the surrounding medium.

The essence of sound magic is the ability to change the vibration energy of matter. Sound magic was renamed vibration magic by Antoine Laurent. He also proposed a new magic concept called "Resonance Technique".

When thinking about acceleration magic, the father of spellcasters in the Alliance believed that accelerating objects are just the appearance of acceleration magic. He believed that the state of motion of matter was essentially a kind of energy, which he called kinetic energy. Acceleration magic was summarized by Antoine Laurent as the ability to change the kinetic energy of an object.

As for fire spells, there is nothing subversive about them. However, the father of spellcasters still had new thoughts. He believed that fire is the release of energy stored within matter. Light and heat are both forms of energy release. Fire spells realize the transfer of energy instead of flames.

Later, Antoine Laurent felt that a mathematical system should be established for magic, but the content of the notes stopped abruptly, as if some unexpected event interrupted his research.

Winters read and copied the notebook with confusion.

To be precise, the contents recorded in this notebook should be classified as magic philosophy and magic principles. Most of the content is Antoine Laurent's conjecture and exploration of the nature of magic.

There is no mention of practical content, such as how to improve a spellcaster's spell level and what training methods are more effective.

However, this may not be blamed on Antoine Laurent, because the father of the Alliance's spell casters is not a spell caster and has no spell ability. The research direction is all focused on theoretical research, and there is almost no practical research at all.

In the entire notebook, the most practical value is probably the sketch of a magic talent testing instrument drawn by Antoine Laurent.

"The essence of magic is to change the energy state of an object."

After reading the entire notebook, Winters remembered this sentence. He didn't know whether this sentence was right or wrong, but even if it was right, his spell level would not improve by leaps and bounds because he knew the "essence" of magic.

Winters burst into tears: "General Antoine Laurent really didn't lie. 'The power of a spellcaster comes from knowledge and practice.' There is no shortcut. Even if you know the essence of magic, so what? You still have to do it." Practicing the flying arrow technique honestly at night?"

However, Antoine Laurent's analysis of sound spells has benefited Winters a lot. Before that, he originally thought that sound spells only acted on sounds.

Antoine Laurent named the essence of sound as vibration, and sound magic should be called vibration magic, which opened a new door for Winters.

He also tried practicing the "resonance technique" recorded in his notes several times. Antoine Laurent himself is not a spellcaster. "Resonance" is just a spell idea he recorded. It is like the spell that Winters tried to vaporize blood, but it has not been verified in practice.

The so-called resonance technique was inspired by Antoine Laurent from an accident in his military career. Once while marching across a small bridge, the uniform pace of the horses caused the entire bridge to begin to tremble violently, and eventually the bridge collapsed, killing and injuring many people.

After observing and thinking, Antoine Laurent came to the conclusion that the bridge itself was vibrating slowly, and the pace of the war horse overlapped with the natural vibration period of the bridge, just like swinging on the bridge, which eventually caused the bridge to collapse.

Therefore, he proposed a hypothesis that if the caster's magical ability is powerful enough to enhance the inherent vibration of large buildings such as bridges, these buildings can be destroyed. However, the magical ability required to achieve this effect is unimaginable, so this is just an idea that Antoine Laurent has on paper.

Winters certainly didn't have the magical ability to destroy bridges and houses, but he cleverly demonstrated the feasibility of the spell in another way.

He bought some thin glassware for experiments and asked Elizabeth to knock the glassware with a spoon. He tried to use "sound" spells to enhance the sound when the glassware was knocked.

After dozens of failed attempts, the glassware was shattered with a crisp sound that was magnified dozens of times by magic. This means that Antoine Laurent's statement is correct. The essence of sound magic is to change the vibration state of objects. This type of magic should be renamed vibration magic.

Thank you to book friend Yan Yunsan for your recommendation vote, to book friend 20181013204343295 for your recommendation vote, and to my friends who voted for me before. I bow. To a certain extent, this is a low-magic world, and magic has strict rules: it can and can only change the energy state of objects. But please think about it, in a world that follows physical rules, humans can change the energy state of objects by their own will. This is actually a kind of high magic. And as long as it follows the principle of "can and can only change energy status", magic is omnipotent. As long as you follow this principle, everyone can create their own magic.

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