Iron Powder and Spellcaster

Chapter 49 Negotiation

Winters had nothing to do with this unreasonable madwoman. This time, the fingers of the woman in black were tightly tied by Winters to ensure that she would not secretly break away from her bonds for the second time.

Pushing the door open, Winters found Elizabeth lying at the door and eavesdropping.

You are too courageous. Winters felt a sense of fear, what if he had failed to subdue the woman in black and let her touch Elizabeth.

Let me talk to her? Elizabeth said confidently: You and her are just shouting at each other. I will definitely be able to ask more things than you.

Then Elizabeth was grabbed by Winters' arm and locked into her own bedroom.

Antonio, who sent the sheriff away, listened expressionlessly to Winters' account of what had just happened and the ins and outs of the whole thing. How to deal with the woman in black ultimately depends on the parents' decision, and this matter has been separated from Winters' personal affairs.

You mean she could be Lavoisier's daughter?

There are indications that it is, but there is no real evidence.

What do you think? Antonio asked for no reason.

If she is really Antoine Laurent's daughter. What happened to the Lavoisier family is too tragic, and Antoine Laurent's orphan should be treated kindly. But now... she is just a lunatic, completely unreasonable. Winters' mind is also in a mess now. He instinctively wants to rely on his trusted adoptive father: I don't know what to do. I listen to you, uncle.

Listen to me? Antonio's eyes were cold: Then let's take her to the suburbs now, shoot her to death, and then dig a hole and bury her.

Isn't it like this? Winters was stunned.

Antonio is a gentle husband and kind father in Winters' eyes, making people subconsciously forget his other identity. This was the first time Winters saw his ruthless side.

My child, this is the solution once and for all. Do you know how much trouble Antoine Laurent's daughter and notebook will cause? If someone knows that you hold this notebook, then Kesha and your sister will live in We are in danger. Regardless of whether she is Antoine Laurent's daughter or not, we must first put her to death to find out, and then silence her. Only a notebook is left for us to deal with. Antonio sighed: But you don't You will agree, your sense of justice has not been polished yet. Let’s go and meet this lady together.”

After saying that, Antonio walked up the stairs.

Winters recovered from the shock, followed Antonio and whispered softly: As long as you give the order, Lieutenant Colonel, I will prepare the horse immediately.

Let's meet her first, I hope we don't have to go that far. Antonio said without looking back.

Pushing open the door to the guest room, there was an unexpected person in the room. Elizabeth was sitting by the bed chatting with the woman in black.

Seeing her father and brother enter the room, Elizabeth explained to them: Her name is Sophia, and she wants her father's relics.

Winters was shocked. He even knew his name? Is there any special way of communication between women?

Ella, go back to your room. Antonio ordered his daughter slowly.

Although Elizabeth never listened to Antonio because of his doting, at this moment she could also see that the atmosphere was becoming serious, and she walked out of the room in silence.

Antonio sat on the chair next to the bed, and Winters stood behind his adoptive father, holding a steel awl in his hand - the pointed one.

I am Antonio Serbetti, how would you like me to call you? Antonio greeted politely.

The woman in black, who seemed to have a good chat with Elizabeth just now, snorted coldly but did not answer.

Who are you, General Antoine Laurent? Antonio got straight to the point and got straight to the point.

What does it have to do with you? The woman in black said in a very rude tone.

Because if you are the daughter of General Antoine Laurent, you are a guest here.

It seems you like tying up guests?

Let me loosen your bonds. Can you promise not to use force again?

I'm not crazy.

Antonio said to the woman in black solemnly and seriously: Madam, please listen carefully. Antoine Laurent is a soldier and scholar whom I admire. His family still has some blood relationship with my wife's family. It's true. That's why I treat you as a guest.

I understand your hatred, but please remember that there is always a debtor, and it was the Republic of the United Provinces that executed Monsignor Antoine Laurent. This is the Republic of Veneta, and our family is Veneta. Antoine Laurent's unjust case has nothing to do with us Veneta people.

I've finished explaining the truth. This is my home and I will not tolerate any threats to my family. So if you act violently against my family again, no matter whose daughter you are, and I don’t care what your hidden agenda is, I will kill you immediately.

Antonio's tone was not menacing, but as calm as an old shepherd counting his sheep, but no one in the room would doubt his threat.

After saying that, Antonio pulled out a knife and first cut the rope on the woman in black's leg, and then cut the rope on the woman in black's hand.

Winters held the steel awl tightly in his hand and did not dare to let down his guard for a moment. He had made up his mind that if the woman in black made any move to hurt Antonio, he would use the flying arrow technique to drive the steel cone into her skull.

Fortunately, the worst-case scenario did not materialize. The woman in black just moved her wrists and silently removed the remaining bindings on her own. The woman in black, who had regained her freedom, did not get violent or hurt anyone again, but just sat quietly on the bed.

Winters was angry and funny. He couldn't help but wonder: Is this woman a tough guy but not a softie? Or had Elizabeth cast some spell on her?

It seems that we have reached an agreement for the time being. The woman in black did not take the opportunity to hold him hostage, which seemed to make Antonio feel a little regretful: Can you please explain why you came to the humble house in this way tonight?

The woman in black pursed her lips and said nothing.

Antonio also stared at the other party closely.

Elizabeth opened the door again: Dad, you can't ask like this. You speak the same language, but it seems like two languages. Sophia wants her father's relics and doesn't want the person who killed her father to occupy her. Father’s property, that’s what she’s after.”

Is that so? Antonio asked the woman in black.

The woman in black, whom Elizabeth called Sophia, nodded.

That's very simple. As long as you can prove your identity, the notebook can be returned to you immediately. Neither Winters nor I have any intention of occupying your father's property.

I have a birth certificate, a baptismal certificate, as well as letters, seal rings, jewelry, and documents I brought from home to prove my identity. The woman in black finally relaxed and no longer dismissed the request to prove her identity. Gu. But she pointed to Winters and said, But my father's notes have been burned by him.

Ms. Sophia, you are thinking too seriously. It is actually difficult to ignite the book. Even if it is ignited, it will only burn the outermost part in a short time, and the inside will not be burned through. The content recorded in your father's notes has not been lost. Too many. I burned mostly the leather covers. Winters felt compelled to defend himself.

Wrong, brother. Elizabeth gently pulled Winters' sleeve: The notebook itself is a precious relic of her father. I think...Sofia shouldn't care about the content...

The content of Antoine Laurent's notes has no value, but Antoine Laurent's notebook has value. This strange idea left Winters speechless.

However, Antonio on the side asked coldly: Ms. Sofia, don't you think you are also responsible for the burning of this notebook?

Why should I be responsible? Sofia laughed angrily.

If you hadn't sneaked into my house tonight with weapons, wouldn't that notebook have been burned? You threatened Winters' life, so any reaction he would make would be reasonable. I wouldn't blame him if he killed you directly. If you had asked him for it openly with documents that could prove your identity, would this still be the result?

Will he give it to me if I ask him for it? Sophia was furious.

I will. Antonio replied lightly.

Sofia was speechless for a long time by Antonio.

But as the person who burned the notebook, Winters has to bear some responsibility. As compensation, I have a proposal. Antonio changed the topic and said in a deep voice: I can help your father rehabilitate and help the Lavoisier family recover. Honor, hold those responsible accountable.”

Sixteen years ago, Antoine Laurent was executed for treason after a secret trial. His property was confiscated, his statue was torn down, and his contribution was silenced in the war history books. Until today, this is one of the most powerful casters of the Alliance. The father's reputation was not restored.

Antonio's words stunned Sofia, who was originally in a state of anger, but she quickly regained her composure and asked with a sneer: Help my father restore his reputation? Is it just you?

Of course I can't do it alone. Faced with Sofia's rude question, Antonio was not angry: But your father's research notes can. The Military Council and the Supreme Five will be happy to provide General Antoine Laurent with Restoration of reputation in exchange for this notebook.”

Sofia screamed: I would rather die than let the Alliance claim my father's work.

I have already said that it was the United Provinces who executed your father and have not rehabilitated him to this day, but this is the Republic of Veneta. Your enemies are the United Provinces, not us Veneta people. You should not bring the Alliance to justice. To hate as a whole, if you regard human beings as a whole, wouldn’t it mean that all human beings are the murderers of your father?”

You already said this is Veneta. Why does Veneta overturn the verdict of the United Provinces? Sofia softened her attitude a little, but still refused to believe Antonio.

Antoine Laurent was charged with treason by the United Provincial Republic, but we can overturn this verdict at the alliance level. After all, the Seiners Alliance has five member countries, and as long as the three parties vote in favor, it can be overturned at the alliance level. Restore the honor of General Antoine Laurent. The United Provinces may refuse to accept it, but Antoine Laurent will no longer be regarded as a traitor outside the Republic of the United Provinces. Please believe this. We Veneta people can still do it.”

Sophia seemed a little moved.

Antonio was persuasive: And we don't need the original of this note, we only need the contents. The original remains in your possession as a precious relic of General Antoine Laurent.

I want to think about it again. Sophia shook her head and made no decision.

Ms. Sofia, this is just a proposal, you can consider it yourself. Antonio said softly: But our previous commitment is still valid. As long as you produce documents that can prove your identity, the original copy of this note can be returned to you. . But Winters should not bear any responsibility for tonight's accident. It is your own fault that the original was burned. If you really value the commemorative significance of the original, even the burned original is still a precious relic.

After a long silence, Sophia opened her mouth and asked: Then how do I get the documents proving my identity? Will you let me go?

I'm afraid not. I won't let you go, but I won't leave you in my home either. I hope to ask you to go to the Third Army Station for a break. Give me an address for the documents you need, and I can send someone Go get it, Antonio replied politely, regaining his tone of voice when attending a party.

Sofia snorted dissatisfiedly: What if I can only pick up my documents? What if my documents are in Guitu City?

Then I can let you go, but I have to hand this note to the Military Commission before I can let you go. The rest is a problem between you and the Military Commission. Antonio's answer was impeccable: I'm sorry. , this note is of great importance, even if outsiders know that this note has appeared in this house, it will be a threat to my family.

Antonio paused and said seriously: Please understand that it was you who involved us, and I have maintained the utmost respect for you.

Sofia looked at Antonio and then at Elizabeth, her fierceness dissipated. Sofia said a little discouraged: I have to consider your proposal again. The documents that can prove my identity are at St. Jeanne's Convent. You go to Mother Teresa to get the personal belongings I left with her.

St. Jeanne's Women's Monastery is located on a hill southwest of Hailan City, about half a day's journey from Hailan.

You can't stay here. I want to invite you to stay at the Third Army's station. Is that okay?

Sophia nodded silently.

Before the soldiers escorting you come, your freedom of movement needs to be temporarily restricted, because neither of the two ladies in this house is your opponent, please forgive me. Antonio stood up and announced the end of the conversation: Wen Tes, please tie up Ms. Sophia again, but please try to make Ms. Sophia as comfortable as possible.”

Antonio promised Sofia: As soon as I get the documents, I will release you immediately.

Sofia didn't resist or sarcastically say anything. It seemed that she easily accepted Antonio's reason for protecting her family. Her body language was submissive, but her eyes remained glaring at Winters.

Winters did not expect to tie up a woman three times in a row. He nodded apologetically, but the steel awl was confiscated and was still held in his hand.

It was true that Sophia had such a heavy psychological shadow on him that he did not dare to let down his guard for a moment.

This time I didn't tie my back, I just tied my hands. Then Antonio took Winters and Elizabeth out, leaving Sofia alone in the guest room.

Antonio was still worried, so he asked Kesha to take Elizabeth and Sister Marita to a neighbor's house for temporary shelter.

There were only three people left in the house: Antonio, Winters, and Sofia who were alone in the guest room.

Do you think she is Antoine Laurent's daughter? Winters asked Antonio.

Before meeting her, I was only 30% sure.

What now?

Now? Eighty percent now! That Sophia is eighty percent Antoine Laurent's daughter. Antonio poured some strong drinks for his nephew and himself: If she wants to get the certification documents by herself, it means she doesn't care at all. This notebook. She chose to stay, which seems to be very confident. However, it may also be a deception tactic and should not be taken lightly.

I stay in the guest room and watch her?

No, there are still things for you to do. You also go to the neighbor's house now to protect your sister and Kesha. Bring a pen and paper and copy down the rest of this note. I will go to the legion station to mobilize troops now. Antonio calmly assigned Winters the task.

Shouldn't I return the notes to her? Winters said bitterly.

The original document can be returned to her, but Antoine Laurent's research notes are an important asset to the Republic of Veneta. Your and my personal honor are not worth mentioning in the face of Veneta's interests.

Just leave her alone in the guest room?

It would be best if she ran away!

Thank you to book friend Yan Yunsan for your recommendation vote, to book friend 20181013204343295 for your recommendation vote, and to everyone who has voted for me before. Thank you.

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