Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 2721: source of sin

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The soft words of the lustful king came from his ears, and Rhode subconsciously wanted to refuse, but when the words came to his mouth, he couldn't utter a word, lingering in his ears, like a distant voice, which bound his sanity. , making it difficult for him to maintain his usual calm.

The severe pain that ripped through his chest forced Rhodes to regain some willpower. He insisted: "What Moriel wants is a Vatican-style wedding, and the witness must be a priest. I already have a candidate... …”

"Oh? If you give me the priest's robe, I can be a priest too... Do you want to see me dressed as a priest? I can show you now~"

Cecilia smiled slightly, and there was an irresistible magic in her smile, just like the sunlight that dispels the darkness, the ice and snow will also melt away.

Rhode was sweating coldly, and the secret in his heart was not good. Compared with the previous encounters with the Lust King, the ability she showed in her gestures became stronger and stronger, and Rhode could only rely on her strong will to barely maintain her sanity. Others here, I am afraid that they have already been controlled by Cecilia.

Rhode stared at Cecilia, thinking about the way to get rid of control, the power of Wisdom was running fast, Rhode quickly saw the doorway, are those abilities on her body related to her current clothes?

When she first greeted the King of Lust with Moriel, she wore gold and silver, and her slim dress was adorned with all kinds of finely crafted jewelry. A pair of pure white hands were also wrapped in delicate silk and satin. It is luxurious and elegant, not like a demon in the depths of hell, but like an aristocrat of Erathia.

When Rhodes finalized the matter of the Strangler's puppet and bid farewell to Moriel, when she saw the Lust King again, her long skirt was shortened, and the satin wrapped around her arms disappeared, only the exposed fingers on the palms of her hands. Gloves are thought provoking.

At this time, her gloves disappeared, and the original long skirt had become a short skirt, which was difficult to conceal the beautiful figure that belonged to the king of lust.

Rhode finally discovered the problem. It seems that every time he sees the **** king, the clothes on the **** king will be reduced. On the contrary, the charm of the **** king will be more terrifying.

Thinking of this, Rhodes also had a little more enlightenment in his mind. The sin of **** is one of the deep-rooted sins of human beings. The king of **** in front of him, as the ruler of the sin of lust, her body is the best embodiment of the sin of lust.

If the elemental monarch is used as an analogy, the clothing on Cecilia is like a seal that suppresses the power of the elemental monarch. As the seal is gradually broken, the power of the elemental monarch will gradually increase, and the same is true for Ceccia. The most terrifying sin of **** in the world is sealed under Cecilia's clothes. When the seal on her body is completely broken, I am afraid that even the gods will fall completely.

Even Rhodes couldn't escape her influence.

At this moment, the most intense and degrading sin of **** in the world just appeared in front of Rhodes' eyes, as if he only needed to stretch out his hand to lift the seal of the sin of lust, and discover the true nature of that sinful karma. Allow.

Strong emotional conflicts arose in Rhode's heart, yearning, craving, fear, fear, all kinds of interrelated emotions almost tore Rhode's heart, and even his tenacious will could not resist the **** king at this moment. temptation.

Rhodes finally realized that he was wrong from the beginning. When the **** king appeared in front of him, he just glanced at the **** king and fell into the love network woven by the **** king. Rhodes had already been in the most tragic battlefield, but he was unaware of it. He didn't realize the danger until the axe approached.

Looking at Rhodes who was struggling and struggling, Cecilia just let out a chuckle. The knife-like laughter penetrated into Rhodes' mind, easily shattering all his sanity, and the will that Rhodes finally brought up is falling apart at this moment.

Fortunately, Rhodes still had his back, and when his soul fell into hell, he stayed in the body of the treasure house in the cloud, absorbing the source of karma left in the depths of the treasure house, thus allowing him to acquire various unique abilities.

Among them, the ability that Rhode values ​​most is to consume sin karma points to obtain the power of the **** king and even the stigmata.

It is said that the source of the karma originally belonged to the power of the stigmata. The stigmata bears the karma of all the Erathians, and the karma of all the Erathians will eventually be borne by him.

With the fall of the stigmata several centuries ago, the source of karma also fell into hell, and those karma belonging to human beings became the nourishment for the king of hell, catalyzing all kinds of powerful kings of hell. For example, the **** king in front of him has the source of **** in the source of sin.

Rhodes also has the source of karma. The source of his karma is not as single as that of the King of Lust, but a complete set. The same is true for the former stigmata.

Under the blessing of many sources of karma, Rhodes also acquired all kinds of peculiar abilities. The Burning Domain that originally belonged to Flam, Rhodes obtained from the source of karma.

With the blessing of the Burning Realm, Rhode also defeated the powerful enemies in Brakada, and even defeated the domain of Yin Lai, the former president of the Magic Guild, conquering Brakada for Rhodes, and established a glorious credit.

Why are there two sets of sources of karma? For this question, Rhodes also consulted the Prophet Messika, and finally got an answer that surprised him. Someone once copied the source of the karma of the stigmata, that person's power is enough to copy everything in the Even the source of the karma can't escape this power, that person is the success God.

The source of the karma in Rhodes came from the gods. With the death of the deity, the source of his sinful karma was left in the depths of the treasure house in the cloud, and was finally inherited by Rhodes unintentionally.

The source of sin karma is absorbing free sin karma all the time. Under the system's digitization, sin karma that was difficult to measure has also been unified into sin karma points. Rhodes does not need to collect karma points specially, karma points are automatically accumulated all the time, but the accumulation speed is relatively slow.

According to the presentation of the system log, each source of karma can provide Rhode with an average of 200 karma points per day, and the seven sources of karma are 1400 points in one day, and Rhode obtains a total of 1,400 points by absorbing the remnants of the stigmata. Over 1200 sin karma points, which is worth the accumulation of the source of sin karma for decades.

In exchange for Flam's Burning Realm, Rhode spent 700 sin karma points, leaving about 500 sin karma points, just enough to exchange for the love realm on the King of Lust. As long as there is a realm of love, Rhodes can escape the control of the **** king.

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