Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 2720: sin of lust

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In the gloomy and damp dungeon, the temperature is rising little by little.

Rhodes, who was keenly aware, discovered abnormal changes in the vicinity. He knew that the source of all the changes came from the **** king who looked like the girl in front of him.

Cecilia's body was extremely hot, but standing there caused the temperature to rise. If you want to know how hot her delicate body is, you can only feel it completely by hugging her completely.

Although the world has fallen into darkness, the silence of the flames has made lighting very troublesome. Although the Titan plan is very effective, there are still only a small number of lamps for some places in the city that have no time to take care of.

This was the case in the dungeon where Serena was imprisoned before. The depths of the dungeon were extremely dark, and only the faint light above his head dispelled the darkness. In the darkness that surrounds people, the only person who is unaffected is Rhodes. The scarlet eyes from the vampire heroes enable Rhodes to see through the deepest darkness. Even if the world is dark, his sight will not hindered.

However, in the dimly lit dungeon, there was one thing that was so conspicuous. In front of Rhodes, Cecilia was wearing a thin shirt, and the exposed smooth skin was not enveloped by darkness, even in an absolutely dark environment. Among them, her body is also so conspicuous.

The weak and fair skin is like a seductive jade, enough to make any creature take a look, and never want to look away, sinking beside her forever, even the darkness that engulfs the light, can't take her away. body covered. That is the power of lust, even if she is ranked with all the beauties in the world, everyone will see her first, not others.

Looking at the girl who radiated light in the dark, Rhodes couldn't help but feel a little curious. If the King of Lust was thrown into the shadow field of the thief leader, would she be able to shine like she does now? Is she capable of dispelling the deepest darkness in the world.

Such a thought only appeared in Rhodes' heart for a moment, and was soon forgotten by him. The strength of the King of Lust is really strong, and he has unknowingly affected Rhodes' thinking. In normal times, Rhodes won't think about these boring questions.

"You look very puzzled, am I the one who confuses you?"

Aware of the doubts in Rhodes' heart, Cecilia smiled, and the words were even more pitiful. In front of the King of Lust, it was difficult for anyone to refuse her request. Of course, if she could know why Rhode was puzzled by the boring question, she probably wouldn't be able to laugh.

"What exactly do you want?"

Rhode asked in a deep voice, Cecilia has been entangled with him over and over again, her intention is definitely not that simple, she not only wants to use the shelter of the lazy king to avoid the pursuit of beasts, she also has an unknown purpose, Even Rhodes couldn't see through the girl in front of him.

Cecilia's smart eyes rolled, and then she said: "I just care about the wedding celebration, who is your bridesmaid? Who did you choose to be the best man? And the most important point, you are the strongest in the apocalypse. Kings, who will be your witnesses?"

Listening to Cecilia's question, Rhode couldn't help but stretch out his hand to support his forehead. He and other subordinates had already discussed these matters, and the relevant candidates had already been established. He couldn't help asking, "Why do you care so much about these things?"

"Because I also married someone." Cecilia sighed, with a bit of sadness in her eyes, "My wedding is not gorgeous, there are no groups of bridesmaids, no bridesmaids with outstanding temperament, only me With him, with a priest who is witnessing marriage. That is my biggest regret, you have not made the same mistakes~"

Listening to Cecilia's regretful and somewhat frivolous words, and her pitiful appearance, Rhode couldn't help but feel a deep curiosity in his heart.

Rhode realized that it must be a trick played by Cecilia, and deliberately threw a topic during the conversation, so that he could keep asking. That's not a new scruple, any succubus knows it well, let alone her as the king of lust. In terms of language skills, Cecilia has already reached the pinnacle, and even Rhodes can't compare with it.

Even though he knew that it was Cecilia's trick, looking at the girl who put her hand to her mouth and looked like she was about to cry, even Rhodes couldn't restrain the impulse in his heart.

The girl in front of her is the most beautiful **** king in the world. Any beauty in front of her is as insignificant as a wisp of dust. Her appearance is enough to make the calmest wise man crazy, and this is the power of the **** king. A frown and a smile are enough to flirt with the feelings in the heart of the creature.

Looking at Cecilia, Rhode seems to be beginning to understand why **** is an ancient sin. In front of such a beautiful woman, no one can bear the impulse in their hearts, and they will sacrifice everything for her, even if they will fall. Going to **** is worth it.

In the end, Rhodes still couldn't hold back the urge in his heart. Even though he put his back on the palm of his back in order to struggle, his nails were deeply embedded in the tough palm that was difficult to cut with a knife, but in front of the beautiful girl in front of him, All his struggles seemed to be in vain. Driven by the most ancient sin, Rhode spoke with difficulty and asked the girl the question that deeply troubled him:

"Tell... tell me, Lord of Lust, what was your wedding like?"

Listening to Rhode's question, the King of Lust gave a giggling chuckle, her crystal clear nose twitched slightly, and in the eyes of a slit in the lost city, it was also crystal clear under the light of the lights: "That's a secret, rashly exploring this secret, But a rude She did not answer Rhode's inquiry, but ended the topic just right, which made Rhode even more curious, as if there was an infinite hunger The ghost, gnawing at Rhodes' heart in his chest, made him in awe, wanting to find out the answer to this question.

"What do I have to do to know the answer to that question?" Rhode asked uncontrollably with a painful expression on his face. Now he can no longer control his body, and everything he does is for the sake of Know the answer to that question.

Cecilia showed a triumphant smile. She came to Rhodes and asked quietly, "As I asked before, have you chosen a witness for this wedding?"

Rhodes replied immediately: "It has been selected."

Chessia put her mouth close to Rhode's ear and asked in a lower voice: "As the king of lust, I am the ruler of all love, who is more qualified to witness the marriage for you than me? I will be Chessie. Ya, come to put on the shackles of marriage for you and Moriel."

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