Invincibility Starts with Full Attributes

Chapter 316: Ben Sao Sheng wants to do 1 group!

What the **** is that **** cat doing?

Yang Zhen hasn't figured it out yet. Why did the cheap cat make such a big battle in Tieling City? He had to let him meet this Su everyone.

Or did the cheap cat say such a beating, not to let him see everyone in Su, but purely to let him jump the tortured chicken and dog?

But after the joke jumps?

Yang Zhen is an impatient person, and everyone in Su has seen it, and he hasn't figured out what medicine is sold in the **** gourd, so he simply added a fire and offended the entire Tieling City!

Seeing that everyone around was scolding, Yang Zhen laughed, stepped on a clean and tidy chair, and said, "Why, are you dissatisfied, Ben Sao Sunshine does not change its name, sits or changes its surname, that is Yang Zhen, If you are dissatisfied, just rush to me and see if my talents are dug out to be two pounds heavier than you!"


Someone just drank the tea from the daughter of Cai Wei into her mouth. When she heard Yang Zhen's words, all of them spouted out suddenly, and there were more than one. There was a sound of water spray all over the bell tower.

Damn, why don’t you change your name and sit or change your surname? Who just said that you called Yang Kang just now? If Kang Rou didn’t know you right now, would you admit that you called Yang Zhen?

Shen Erjin is still talented.

A young man next to him was trembling with anger, and said, "Okay, okay, a arrogant man, who can't be a good man, I would like to try a poem with you!"

Yang Zhen sneered while paying attention to Su's expressions, glanced at the young man, and said, "Bishi? When the poetry of Bensao Shengyin is right, I am afraid you are still playing mud!"

Hearing this, everyone has a ridiculous feeling. When you sing a poem, the son is playing mud. You two are about the same age. If the son is playing mud, wouldn’t you be playing mud? Is the poem right?

Everyone's face was ridiculed, just about to ridicule, and suddenly heard Yang Zhen said: "Ben Sao Sheng randomly sings a poem, such as falling red is a ruthless thing, turning into spring mud to protect flowers, and then like the moonlight in bed, suspected to be Frost on the ground, looking up at the moon, looking down at your hometown, such verses sent by Ben Sao Sheng when playing with mud


Everyone was shocked to hear the poems sung by Yang Zhen casually, and even many of the tea cups in their hands fell to the ground.

Everyone looked at Yang Zhen in amazement, all stunned, as if they only saw Yang Zhen's true talent.

Especially the young man who wanted to compare with Yang Zhen's poem, his face turned red, his mouth opened and closed again and again, and his face gradually changed, but in the end he didn't say a word.

Tan Rou's eyes shone with admiration, and the role-play of a little fan was vividly displayed. Su everyone murmured to himself, repeating Yang Zhen's one and a half verses, and looked at Yang Zhen in surprise.

Yang Zhen glanced at the people, stepped on a chair, put his arms on his knees, and asked the people, "Does anyone want to compare poems with others? Come here, Ben Sao Sheng will do a group!"


A soft hum came, and everyone immediately looked at the source of the sound and exclaimed: "It's Wei Gongzi, Wei Gongzi was the top of Wenhua's list last month, but I didn't expect him to come!"

"Very good, with the son of Wei, Yang Zhen may be ashamed."

"That's for sure. No one can distinguish Wei Gongzi's attainments on Tao Ye. One sentence can make Yang Zhen speechless and ashamed!"

That Wei Gongzi is also very young, only in his twenties, staring at Yang Zhen and saying, "It will be great to know the two poems. You can use the poems that you accidentally obtained as a facade. You can't really learn it!"

Hearing this, Fang and Yang Zhen looked slightly better than the son of the poem, and looked gratefully at Master Wei.

Wei Gongzi turned a blind eye, staring at Yang Zhen and said, "The Buddha said that all creatures in the world are treated equally, why are you so superior?"

It started, everyone looked at Wei Gongzi with excitement. When Wei Gongzi confessed, he always had a strong spirit, especially handsome!

Why is it superior?

Yang Zhen laughed, blinked and said, "Buddha, don't say!"


Wei Gongzi stepped back two steps and looked at Yang Zhen in surprise.

Everyone on the scene looked suspicious. I didn't know what Yang Zhen really meant. Why was it impossible to say a word, but he changed Wei Gongzi's face greatly.

Su's eyes were brightened again, and he looked at Yang Zhen deeply and muttered to himself: "A good one can't be said, Yang Zhen is not bad at what he says, but he can't say anything wrong, and he can't be said at all. People with great wisdom!"

Better than Ye?

I did not grow up in the Soul Chicken Soup, whether it is fresh chicken soup or poison chicken soup.

Yang Zhen looked at a group of glaring people and laughed softly. Lang Lang said: "The world slanders me, bullies me, insults me, laughs at me, treats me lightly, cheap me, evil me, deceives me, how to deal with?"

"This this……"

Wei Gongzi backed up again and again and was forced to the edge of the crowd, looking at Yang Zhen with a look of uncertainty.

Since Yang Zhen came, there have been people who sneered at him. Although it was affected by Xue Zonglin, what Yang Zhen said at this time is also true, but no one thought that Yang Zhen would say all these things at this time. Come out, and so sharply!

Wei Gongzi's face changed, and he tried to stop talking several times, but he was speechless, and he looked so ugly.

Yang Zhen looked around for a week and said disdainfully: "Just bear with him, let him, let him, avoid him, bear with him, respect him, ignore him, stay with you for a few more years and look at him."


A thunder came out of the sky above the bell tower, rumbling spread all over the city of Tieling, stunned and deafened, and made people look terrified, Qi Qi looked towards the bell tower.

"what happened?"

"It's the direction of the bell tower. It must be that Su everyone said the warning again. I didn't expect this thunder to be so shocking."

"Quickly, it is said that Yang Zhen appeared in the clock tower. This thunder was made by Yang Zhen!"

"What, that **** appeared, or in the clock tower?"

"Not good, protect Su everyone!"

More and more people rushed in the direction of the bell tower. Soon, hundreds of people surrounded the whole bell tower, and more and more people rushed towards this side, looking at the air in horror. The thunder that faded away.

Inside the bell tower, everyone looked at Yang Zhen in amazement, with a shocking light flashing on his face. Who would have thought that Yang Zhen actually had such an accomplishment on Tao Ye, two words, ask yourself, not only the forced son of Wei I couldn't even say a single word of retreat, and even caused a warning thunder, which was really terrifying.

Su everyone was shocked and muttered to himself, as if comprehending Yang Zhen's words, the color of worship in Khan Rou's eyes was more intense.

A group of people all looked at Yang Zhen in horror. For a time, everyone's eyes gradually fell on Gan Bailin.

Gan Bailin's complexion sneaked a glance at Su everyone and saw Su everyone staring at Yang Zhen with a staring expression, and suddenly his face was blue, and he gritted his teeth out of the crowd and said to Yang Zhen: "Yang Zhen, you As arrogant as arrogance, can you compare it to painting?"

The way to paint?

Yang Zhen looked at Gan Bailin blankly for a moment.

When Gan Bailin saw Yang Zhen like this, he suddenly settled down in his heart, and he laughed and said: "If you dare not compare, just admit that your skills are not as good as others, you can rest assured that Ganmou will not be too embarrassing for you, after all, you It is also a personal talent, but specializes in strengths, there are people, and in the future you will be so rampant in the eyes of no one...What are your eyes?"

Yang Zhen looked at Gan Bailin oddly and said curiously: "Did no one ever tell you that Ben Sao Sheng's best is not to sing poetry and to confess the truth, but to paint?"

"What?" Gan Bailin looked shocked, looking at Yang Zhen in surprise.

Hearing the two words of painting, Su everyone and Khan Rou looked at each other, and they all showed a look of surprise.

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