Invincibility Starts with Full Attributes

Chapter 315: Everyone present is garbage!

Inside the clock tower, everyone was a little cramped, looking at the surrounding environment, feeling a little chilly.

Yang Zhen looked at the surroundings boldly and asked Xue Zonglin next to him, "What is this comparison every month, and how do you make a name?"

Xue Zonglin stayed there and looked around, whispering, "The monthly comparisons are not limited to works. As long as they can condense Wenhua's works, they can be submitted to let Su everyone judge, and the judgment process is unknown. , Are the words of the Su family."

"The words of a family?" Yang Zhen froze, asking: "Will the words of a family be unfair?"

Xue Zonglin was about to speak, and next to Yan Hua said with a smile: "The way of talent is not like the imperial examination papers, whether it can cause talent, how much talent can be gathered, it is clear at a glance, only some very special works, it is difficult to judge ."

Yang Zhen sighed, and suddenly understood that Su everyone must have a special method to attract the Wenhua of these works.

At this moment, Gan Bailin suddenly came over and looked at Yang Zhen and said: "Yang Kang, every month the big comparisons are competitions of people with real talents and learning, can you understand the reputation of the people like you?"

Yang Zhen smiled and didn't speak. Xue Zonglin was anxious and stared at Gan Bailin and said, "Gan Bailin, don't be mad at Yang and Yang here. You have the ability to find Yang Zhen than you. Yang Zhen is younger than you, but he is a turtle snake. The island caused a tremendous sensation. Tianyin Hongsang let everyone into the comprehension. The Phoenix figure and Huxiao Mountain forest figure made are even more volatile. Can you do it?"

Gan Bailin laughed and said, "Then Yang Zhen is nothing more than a reputation as a fisherman. If he really is so talented, why would he become a cross-street rat and everyone shouts, and hasn't appeared again now?"

Xue Zonglin looked sluggish, just about to speak, Gan Bailin snorted coldly, sneered and said: "Don't tell Gan to those rumors, you will believe things that are erroneous?"

Speaking of which, Gan Bailin smiled at Yang Zhen and asked, "What do you think, Brother Yang?"

Yang Zhen said seriously: "Maybe then Yang Zhen just thinks that you are not worth his shot, and he is too lazy to pretend to be?"

"You..." Gan Bailin snorted coldly, and said, "You have sharp teeth and a sharp mouth. When you meet Su and see what you are like, what else can you say!"

Yang Zhen smiled and didn't speak anymore. He glanced at Xue Zonglin, who kept talking. Xue Zonglin closed his mouth suddenly.

At this moment, there was a sudden disturbance in the crowd, and everyone looked towards the second floor of the clock tower.

Yang Zhen looked up, and his eyes lit up.

At the staircase on the second floor, all of Su's styles in snow clothes came. Every movement was almost full of spirit, but it was soft and sweet, which made people breathe faster.

Su everyone had a full smile on their faces, but it was only a smile, without any emotional color. After glancing at everyone, Liankou lightly said, "Let everyone wait for a long time!"

Everyone suddenly opened their mouths politely and greeted each other.

Gan Bailin moved his feet slightly, blocked Yang Zhen's sight with his body, and said to the people of Su: "For a long time, I saw Su everyone's style. Seeing today, Ganmou suddenly looked like a spring breeze, and everyone in Su was so extraordinary. !"

Su everyone smiled, facing Gan Bailin Yingying as a gift, said: "Gan Gongzi has won the prize!"

Gan Bailin looked delighted, and just about to speak, Su suddenly turned to Yang Zhen and said, "It must be Yang Kang and Yang Kang!"

Seeing Su Dajia no longer ignore him, Gan Bailin's face was cold, Yang Zhen glanced sideways, sneering again and again.

If Yang Zhen is here, with his wild personality, Gan Bailin might be jealous, but Yang Kang is not Yang Zhen after all. Compared with Yang Zhen, this Yang Kang is too low-key.

Gan Bailin sneered, just about to forcibly join the conversation between Su everyone and Yang Zhen, and suddenly there was a cry of exclamation: "Brother Yang Zhen!"


Hearing these four words, everyone suddenly shuddered and looked at the direction of the sound with a horrified expression.

Even Yang Zhen was startled, looking at the sound source in surprise, his eyes suddenly widened!


No wonder I heard the name somewhat familiar, and when I saw the little girl coming down the stairs, Yang Zhen thought of it.

"Yang Yang Yang Yang Zhen?" Xue Zonglin was startled, even jumped up, and jumped across Yang Zhen. He looked up and down and looked at Yang Zhen suspiciously and asked, "Yang......Brother Yang, don't you Called Yang Guo?"

Gan Bailin looked at Yang Zhen dumbfounded, a ridiculous look flashed in his eyes, and said in disbelief: "Impossible, how could he be Yang Zhen!"

"What, Yang Kang is Yang Zhen, how is this possible?"

"How is it impossible, how can Keluo girl lose her words, there is a fake, did not expect Yang Kang is Yang Zhen, this **** broke into here unconsciously?"

"No, you can't let him hurt Su everyone, everyone will take down Yang Zhen!"

A group of people's faces gradually changed, and many people have even started to surround Yang Zhen, staring at Yang Zhen and scolding, "You are Yang Zhen who talks wildly?"

Among the crowd, the most surprised were Advantech and Su. After looking at each other, they all saw a surprised look in each other's eyes.

For a time, the entire bell tower became silent, and everyone stared at Yang Zhen in amazement, his expression trembling!

"Brother Yang Zhen, why are you here?" Kuang Rou jumped up to Yang Zhen and asked, looking up at Yang Zhen.

Yang Zhen laughed, rubbed Kang Rou's head, and said, "Little girl, I didn't expect you to come here, why didn't you go to that spiritual school?"

"Spiritual Palace?" Gan Bailin snorted coldly, and said, "So you are really Yang Zhen. Doesn't it make sense? Do you think that the Linguistic Palace is so easy to enter?"

Yang Zhen shook his head and said, "It seems a little difficult for you, but it is not difficult for the little girl!"

"Extreme arrogance!" Gan Bailin sneered and said aloud: "Everyone heard this, Yang Kang in front of him, that is Yang Zhen, who spoke arrogantly. He was so embarrassed that he actually insulted everyone, and Gan suggested that everyone take Yang Zhen together. Let him pay what he deserves!"

Speaking of which, Gan Bailin took a peek at Su's face and saw that Su did not have any objection. He suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Yang Zhen's expression and became gloating.

At this moment, Yang Zhen's mouth suddenly showed a weird smile, looking at Gan Bailin and said: "This is a bit strange, you said that I insulted everyone, but what did I say?"

"You said..." Gan Bailin's voice was stagnant and he stared at Yang Zhen with an ugly He couldn't always be in front of everyone, especially Su everyone. Yang Zhen dared to say that Su everyone even made him a bed Not worthy?

At this moment, Yang Zhen laughed suddenly, staring at Gan Bailin and said: "How is everyone like Su, Ben Sao Sheng does not know, and Ben Sao Sheng is not aimed at a person present..."

Yang Zhen looked at the crowd and said with a smile: "Ben Sao Sheng just wanted to say that all of you present are actually rubbish!"

Hearing Yang Zhen's words, everyone on the scene was stunned, and then angered, accusing Yang Zhen one after another, shouting again and again.

Gan Bailin laughed even more, pointing at Yang Zhen and said, "Yang Zhen, anyone will say big things, do you dare to compare with the next?"

"Compare with him!"

"It's ridiculous, there are still such rampant people in the world."

"Yang Zhen'er, Mo is going to be rampant, you have the ability to compare with Master Gong!"

Listening to the crowd screaming, Yang Zhen suddenly felt a little puzzled. What the **** does that **** cat want him to do?

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