Chapter 466

The inter-Korean summit was a global concern.

After the first day of the meeting, questions from domestic and foreign media poured in, but government officials kept their mouths shut. Me, Taek-gyu, and Han Byung-sun, president of Eunseong-Geumgang, also did not respond to any interview.

The reason I was more interested compared to the previous meeting was because I attended. Everyone was keen to see what the outcome would be.

The negative outlook prevailed. In particular, Japanese media, such as NHK and the Sankei Shimbun, reported the breakdown of the talks as if they were established facts.

Taek-gyu said in the car on the way home.

“They seem to be desperately waiting for a breakup.”

“That’s the Japanese wind.”

Prime Minister Okazaki has ambitions to break away from his image of a war criminal country and make Japan a normal country.

In order to do this, the peace constitution, which forbids holding an army and engaging in warfare, must first be abolished. For this reason, Japan made a fuss whenever North Korea conducted a missile test, emphasizing that Japan’s security was being threatened.

You wouldn’t want inter-Korean relations to improve as much as you want to continue to maintain a hostile symbiotic relationship.

It was almost midnight when I got home.

Ellie in pajamas greeted us.

“I wasn’t sleeping,” she said.

“I was watching the TV debate.”

When I glanced at the TV, lawmakers from the ruling and opposition parties appeared on the panel and had a heated discussion. When it comes to North Korea, they seem to have a lot to talk about.

“How was the meeting?”

Taek-gyu explained what happened at the meeting, and Ellie couldn’t hide his surprise.

“70 billion dollars in claims against Japan? No way! Do you think Jinhoo will be able to afford that amount?”

“Um, that’s… … .”

Taek-gyu said in a voice like he was about to collapse.

“I want to eat some rice first.”

I haven’t eaten anything since lunch because of the talks and meetings going on.

Ellie raised her hand.

“Ah! I want to eat too!”

We poured water on the cup noodles and sat around the living room together. I wonder if the diet is too simple compared to the wealth.

While waiting for the ramen to cook, we talked.

“The gas pipeline construction and railway connection project will have a big economic effect, right?”

“of course. It will probably change the relationship between the two Koreas completely in the future.”

First, Korea, which relies entirely on foreign fossil fuels, can receive Siberian natural gas cheaply and stably. North Korea will also be able to greatly reduce its dependence on China for energy through gas pipelines.

“It is the railroad that has a bigger effect than that. Transportation infrastructure is the cornerstone of the industry.”

Once the railroad is connected, Korea, which has been nothing but an island country, will have a foothold to expand into the Eurasian continent.

Road transport can significantly reduce time compared to sea transport.

Products produced in Korea can be sent to Russia and Europe via rail, and vice versa.

North Korea doesn’t end with just charging tolls.

If I had an idea, I would build an industrial complex in the area where the railroad passes. Rosatom even thought about building a TWR along the east coast. Since it is a small reactor, the construction period is short, and it can be built as needed in the required area.

Ellie opened the lid of the cup noodles and asked.

“But what if we eat everything from above even if we receive compensation?”

Indeed, in the case of underdeveloped countries, it is not uncommon for politicians and bureaucrats to harm even international aid from NGOs.

“There is nothing to worry about. North Korea is a rogue state recognized by the world, so the international community will monitor the money received as reparations from being diverted to nuclear or weapons development.”

Taek-gyu stirs the noodles with his chopsticks.

“Still, those who will harm you will not harm you, will you?”

That’s right.

“Well, if you’re going to get hurt anyway, wouldn’t it be better to get hurt at billion than to get hurt at billion?”

Assuming that supreme dignity and the humans around it are harmed by 20 percent each, the former leaves $16 billion and the latter $56 billion.

“And more than half will be given in kind.”

Even $20 billion is a burden. If the $50 billion increase here, even if it is paid in installments over 10 or 20 years, the burden is not too high.

Therefore, more than half of them will be received in kind, such as materials, parts, machinery, and food, and this will inevitably be used for economic development.

Ellie tilted her head.

“Can you afford this amount in Japan’s current financial situation?”

Currently, Japan’s GDP ranks third in the world.

The national budget is also the third largest in the world as it is proportional to the size of GDP, and the amount is almost 2 trillion yen.

However, much of the tax already exists, and the amount of additional money that can be used is limited. In addition, Japan is running a deficit finance that spends a lot of money compared to the tax it collects every year.

As a result, the accumulated deficit is at an astronomical level.

Currently, Japan’s national debt exceeds 1100 trillion yen. This is the highest among all countries, and is more than double Japan’s GDP.

Taek-gyu rubbed his eyes and asked.

“Then it doesn’t matter if you increase it by 7 trillion yen more. The debt is 1100 trillion yen, or 1107 trillion yen.”

“It’s not wrong, but… … .”

How’s this different from saying it’s okay to get one more shot at someone who’s been beaten to death?

It will be a crazy burden for Japan, which is already sitting on a pile of debt. However, that is the case in Japan.

Again, Japan is the third largest economy in the world. And North Korea is one of the poorest countries in the world.

It boasts a level of poverty that is comparable to that of African countries suffering from civil war.

It’s not that the mouse thinks of the cat… … .

“Well, there is no need to worry about their circumstances. It’s not that I’m asking for money that I don’t have, it’s that I’m compensated for what I’ve suffered in the past.

Taek-gyu rubbed his face and nodded his head.

“A common enemy is bound to be of great help to cooperation.”

* * *

Another meeting was held at Panmunjom.

It was a much more friendly atmosphere compared to yesterday. Vice Chairman Ri Hae-ryong, who shook my hand and grabbed my hand, felt warm.

The same goes for North Korea that went back and held a meeting. To come back to the meeting point means that the highest dignity has accepted my proposal.

Vice Chairman Ri Hae-ryong said.

“Chairman said that he sympathizes with the opinion of CEO Kang Jin-hoo, who thinks about the future of our people. But he was concerned about how he could change Japan’s position.”

The Claims Agreement with Japan was being negotiated at about $10-20 billion. Of course, the more money you get, the better.

Why would you not want to receive more money from North Korea?

However, considering the relationship between North Korea and Japan, equity with other countries that have already received compensation, and the power of North Korea and Japan, it would have been judged that more than that was unreasonable.

Well, even this is a huge amount for North Korea. But now that I have offered to raise the amount to more than $50 billion, I have no choice but to be interested.

“As I said, money is money, but shouldn’t a sincere apology for colonial rule and war crimes come first? It’s worse than not making the wrong agreement. North Korea intends to obtain a clear apology by discussing the issue of forced labor and the comfort women from the beginning so that something similar to that of South Korea does not happen.”

Japan’s intention is to quietly conclude the Claims Agreement with Japan if possible. But if I step in, the matter will be international news.

Whether Japan admits it or not, various war crimes committed by Japan throughout the negotiation process will become a global issue.

“This will be of great help in eradicating the mistakes of the past and deterring Japan’s efforts to build up its arms, and in strengthening North Korea’s position in the international community.”

Vice Chairman Ri Hae-ryong looked at me and asked.

“No matter how good a plan is, isn’t it important that it be realized?”

“If things go wrong, you can blame me for everything.”

I smiled and added.

“But have you ever failed in anything I’ve ever done?”

In this case, your reputation as an investor will be of great help.

Following my story, Unification Minister Yoon Je-hoon announced plans to resume tourism to Mt. Geumgang and to build gas pipelines and railroads through cooperation between South and North Korea.

The meeting continued until the third day.

Now, it’s a friendly atmosphere, like meeting an adult in a neighborhood. We chatted over coffee and tea together.

Taek-gyu’s hand moved busily.

Stop eating chocolate pie! What kind of North Korean worker are you?

The important discussion was already over on the second day. In today’s meeting, there were talks about future inter-Korean exchanges and cooperation.

Unification Minister Yoon Je-hoon brought up the story he had been preparing for.

He said, “The President asked me to convey that he would like the reunion of separated families to be a top priority. As you know, all the survivors are old, so we have little time left.”

Vice Chairman Lee Hae-ryong nodded his head.

“We will review and respond to that quickly. You can expect a positive response as the Chairman agreed to it at the last inter-Korean summit.”

In addition to private sports and cultural exchanges, there was also talk of a joint position at the Olympics and a unified South and North Korean team.

The atmosphere is getting out of hand.

Money enriches human relationships. That’s why people have to have a lot of money.

Towards the end of the meeting, Vice Chairman Ri Hae-ryong spoke to me personally.

“I think this event will increase the number of exchanges between the North and the South. The Chairman said that he would like to meet him once, so why not visit our republic in the future?”

The supreme dignity of North Korea wants to meet me?

I was reminded of a man in his thirties with a belly that often appears on the news. He’s not much older than me, but he’s already made a name for himself as the world’s worst dictator.

At the very least, the CCP has grown the economy, which is a reason to justify the system. But North Korea is not like that.

It’s not as bad as it was during the arduous march, but the situation is still so bad that we have to worry about making a living.

I don’t think it’s going to be easy to shut down the economy like this, even if we are determined and put our best effort into it.

I’m a bit curious as to what you’re thinking.

I nodded willingly.

“We will visit North Korea as soon as we have the opportunity.”(Read more @

* * *

after the end of the meeting.

Unification Minister Yoon Je-hoon and Vice Chairman Ri Hae-ryong released photos and videos shaking hands, and a spokesperson for the Ministry of Unification briefed the press.

“… … The inter-Korean representatives have reached an agreement on the above issues, and we plan to hold an inter-Korean summit as soon as possible.”

Immediately, articles from domestic and foreign media poured in.

[(Breaking News) North Korea accepts South’s request and puts it on hold to demolish the Mt.

[As there is a safety concern, permission of the person in charge to inspect the facility!][Chairman Kim, if not demolished, the South takes responsibility and instructs to repair it as soon as possible][Is there a way to resume tourism to Mt. Kumgang?][North and South Korea’s request is accepted and separated family reunions are promoted within the year!][What is the decisive reason for North Korea to change its attitude?]

The Pink Lady, who appeared on the Chosun Central TV news, delivered the words of supreme dignity.

“Chairman Kyung Ae pointed out that the appearance of the facilities on Mt. Kumgang was old and ugly, and said that if they are not to be demolished, they should be repaired as soon as possible to protect the spiritual mountain of the nation! He instructed them to submit a plan, and the South also agreed to respond.”

If the building is not going to be used, there is no need to repair it. Therefore, it was practically a signal for the resumption of tourism to Mt. Geumgang.

There was also talk that the Geumgangsan facility could be used as a reunion place for separated families. This was even more positive news for the resumption of tourism.

Eunseong Geumgang and officials from the Korea Tourism Organization decided to immediately set up an inspection team to visit North Korea. Shares of North Korea-related stocks and Eunsung Group stocks jumped sharply on anticipation for the resumption of Mt. Kumgang tourism and future inter-Korean economic cooperation, and some companies hit their upper limits.

– Wow! Did Jinhoo Kang make something that wasn’t possible?

– Tired! What the hell did you do?

– Jinhoo! Jinhoo! Are you so deceived and deceived?

– But how did you do it? Have you ever poked back money in North Korea?

– After all, this was a Jongbuk. Lick the asshole of the best bastard!

– When is it after a strong earthquake? He has a taste now.

– Haha, how much money are you worried about after the earthquake? Do you earn 200 a month?

-If the general hits you in the head and throws money away, you will remember the lyrics of the torch of destruction that you forgot after being discharged from the army~

– The OTK Company didn’t put any money into Mt. Kumgang, so what else is there to do other than blow it up?

Many people were surprised by the unexpected result. Opposition parties and conservative A-Tubes, who were pouring out criticism for saying that it was a meeting for the sake of a meeting, were at a loss for words.

Inter-Korean relations, which had been blocked for a long time, seemed to be opened in an instant.

But there was something else that really surprised me.

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