Chapter 465

No one would have expected that the issue of the Settlement Agreement with Japan would come up at the time of discussing the demolition of the Mt. Kumgang tourist facility.

For this reason, everyone in the meeting room, both North and South Korea, had complicated and subtle expressions on their faces.

Vice Chairman Ri Hae-ryong and the North Korean delegates, who were about to leave the meeting room, were seated again. He still had a hard expression on his face, but it was clear that his ears were wide open. And the same goes for South Korean representatives, including the Minister of Unification.

Everyone is looking at me with curious eyes.

Even when I was educated in the military that North Korea is bad guys, I never imagined that the day would come when I would get attention at the inter-Korean ministerial level meeting.

Anyway, I kept saying.

“In the past, Japan invaded many countries in Asia, including Joseon, and paid compensation for them after the war. At that time, South Korea received only $600 million, including loans and private support. This is less than even the Philippines, which received $800 million. It’s an unbelievable amount of money for being expropriated under colonial rule for over 30 years.”

Of course, that money helped tremendously with the post-war economic revival. That is, the seed money of $600 million was multiplied by a hundred times.

That doesn’t change the fact that I got less. What’s even more absurd is that these are not reparations, but grants and loans.

The Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, and Myanmar are the only four countries that Japan actually paid in the name of reparations.

“It may have been best at the time, but the problems with this agreement continue to this day.”

Contrary to South Korea’s position that only the issue of reparation between countries has been resolved, Japan’s position is that everything is over with this agreement. Therefore, it is rather shameless to say that there is no more apology or compensation.

The expression on the faces of the people in the government side was not very good when they pointed out the faults of the Korean government. But what if it’s true?

I didn’t care and kept talking.

“Since we can’t undo what has already been done, shouldn’t North Korea receive it properly? Japan seems to be thinking up to $20 billion, but I think it should be at least $70 billion.”

In other words, it means that we will fry it three times more.

Even though the unit I roll is getting bigger these days, billion is really a ridiculous amount. Especially considering North Korea’s GDP.

Even taking into account the inflation rate, it is ten times more than the compensation received by Korea.

Vice Chairman Ri Hae-ryong looked skeptical.

“Do you think that would be possible?”

“We have to make it possible.”

It’s natural to not believe it. I probably wouldn’t have believed it if it wasn’t for wisdom.

This is the prediction I saw.

Realistically, it is unlikely that the amount will suddenly jump like this. Besides, it’s not a grant, it’s a restitution!

Paying money in the name of reparation is like reversing Japan’s existing position as it acknowledges an act of aggression against Joseon.

How is this possible?

Therefore, it can only be seen that a variable that did not exist before intervened.

What are the factors that could make Japan receive a large amount of compensation and even an apology?

“… … .”

No matter how much I think about it, it’s only me, isn’t it?

Vice Chairman Lee Hae-ryong maintains a sober expression, but in his head he must be pounding the calculator fiercely.

“Politics doesn’t end with words, it’s something someone has to take responsibility for.”

If you believe in my words and proceed with the negotiation, if it doesn’t go well, it will be difficult for him to retain his position. I’d have to be so careful.

“The same goes for the economy. If the negotiated amount does not reach $70 billion, OTK Company will cut off all future transactions with Japan. If this is enough, I think I am prepared to take responsibility.”

There was silence in the conference room for a while.

As if they were fighting a spirit, everyone stood still without a single posture or expression disturbed. Except for Taek-gyu, who was yawning next to him.

If you’re sleepy, just go home… … .

In the end, Vice Chairman Lee Hae-ryong broke the silence first and opened his mouth.

“What are the demands of the South?”

Unification Minister Yoon Je-hoon said while coughing.

“First, I would like to withdraw the request for removal of the Mt. Geumgang facility.”

He nodded his head politely.

“I will try to convince the Chairman about that.”

You have gained momentum, but what are you hoping for so simple?

“The chairman said that he was dissatisfied with the old facilities, so how about resuming the tour of Mt. Geumgang with a modern refurbishment?”

President Han Byung-sun quickly responded to my words.

“I think it would be nice to do that too.”

The resumption of Mt. Geumgang tourism is nothing less than Eunseong Geumgang’s longing.

I went on to say

“And I would like to proceed with the railway and gas pipeline business in connection with the Rajin-Hasan project, which was discussed in Vladivostok the other day. I think it is a project that will be of great help to both Koreas and Russia.”

As if he didn’t know that the story would suddenly progress so quickly, there was a look of embarrassment in the eyes of Vice Chairman Ri Hae-ryong.

Originally, the agenda for this meeting was the Mt. Geumgang facility. But that problem was no longer in my mind. How much money should I make when tourism resumes?

What has become important now is the claim to Japan and the railway and gas pipeline projects. You may have already noticed that I’m trying to tie these two together.

North Korea is doing its best to call for self-reliance, but everyone knows that its foreign currency is almost depleted. In this situation, economic cooperation and the right to claim against Japan are both appealing to North Korea.

I looked at my partner and said.

“Again, billion in damages. I think the blood of the people is heavier than a thousand gold, what do you think of the Vice Chairman?”

“… … .”

Vice Chairman Ri Hae-ryong did not say anything.

A light of conflict flashed across his face. He probably didn’t know that he would receive such an offer when he came out to press the South.

It’s like, ‘Genga is trying to buy me with money! You mean insulting me!’ I want to shout, but… … .

Taek-gyu still yawned and muttered in a low voice.

“… … It was too much money to scold.”

* * *

Negotiations on the first day ended there.

We got back in the car and drove back to Seoul. As it turns out, it is just a short drive from Panmunjom to Seoul. The fact that North Korea is so close comes to mind.

If there was a real war, it would be a big deal.

When I searched on my phone, various articles were already pouring in. The tone differed sharply according to political orientation.

Foreign media were also deeply interested in this inter-Korean summit. However, everyone is only arguing over the possibility of demolishing the Mt. Kumgang facility and resuming tourism.

No one would have thought that the right to claim against Japan and the railroad and gas pipeline business would have been talked about here.

After returning to Seoul, I couldn’t go home right away.

Foreign Minister Kim Seong-cheol joined the meeting, and the meeting continued until late at night at the government building.

Unification Minister Yoon Je-hoon asked.

“Did you intend to bring up the right to claim against Japan from the beginning?”


He said as if frustrated.

“Didn’t you say something in advance?”

The government is not stupid. It was closely watching the North Korea-Japan Claims Agreement. It was just that the Korean government kept its mouth shut as it was not a matter of interfering.

“South Korea and Russia have long hoped to build a gas pipeline and railroad, but the project did not proceed because they did not trust the North Korean side.”

At a dinner in Vladivostok, it was said that supreme dignity should guarantee the progress of business, but in fact, it is true that it is not reassuring by itself. It is because North Korea is overturning even inter-state negotiations with a single word of the highest dignity.

Even the demolition of the Mt. Geumgang facility, which is now a problem, didn’t it start with a single word of supreme dignity?

“Negotiation for the right to claim with Japan will serve as a safety device for the progress of the project.”

The Claims Agreement is not something that can be finished overnight. Since there is a big difference in the amount, it will take several years even if the negotiations start now.

Enough time for South Korea and Russia to complete the construction of railroads and gas pipelines in North Korea.

In the meantime, if North Korea breaks down its business again because of a threat to the regime, then it is enough for me to withdraw.

“Then North Korea will lose 50 billion dollars.”

Unification Minister Yoon Je-hoon said.

“North Korea is not afraid of its own harm. If North Korea had pursued its interests, it would have opened up sooner and developed its economy.”

“The reason North Korea has overturned economic cooperation several times so far is because it feared that attracting foreign capital would itself be seen as a failure of the regime. However, the right to claim against Japan is a different story. Human psychology is a strange thing, so you can turn down $50 billion from others depending on your mood. If you think it’s someone else’s money anyway, there’s nothing to be sad about. But if it’s the money they deserve, they think differently.”

As North Korea receives the money it deserves, there is no problem with the stability of the regime. Rather, getting more money is a way to promote the regime’s legitimacy.

The pictures are pretty good too.

From the North’s point of view, it can take the form of using South Korea to pressure Japan rather than unilaterally receiving aid from Russia and South Korea.

Taegyu said.

“If we get a lot of compensation and apologies that can’t be compared with Korea, we will be able to promote it as the leader’s achievements.”

“I don’t think it’s a bad thing for Korea either.”

Regardless of liberals and conservatives, South Korea wants North Korea to give up its nuclear program and engage in economic development. However, economic development requires money and has to pay bills somewhere.(Read more @

The country that has to pay the most on this bill is Korea. Therefore, it is in South Korea’s interest for North Korea to receive maximum compensation from Japan.

The inter-Korean issue is not just a problem between the two countries, but the interests of neighboring countries are sharply intertwined. If you look at only the related powers, the US, China, Russia, and Japan are.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Kim Seong-cheol said.

“This issue requires close consultation with the United States.”

“I have already told President Ronald.”

Everyone looked at me in disbelief. Who can have a conversation like this directly with the President of the United States?

The United States offered North Korea a guarantee of regime stability and economic development in return for giving up its nuclear weapons. But who is Ronald? He made an offer, but had no intention of spending a penny of American money.

President Ronald said openly that “economic aid to North Korea should not come from the United States, but from South Korea, Japan, and China” and that “Japan is very interested in investment.” Japan expressed displeasure at this.

If the amount of claims increases significantly, the Japanese side will lobby the Washington government, but as long as I am involved, the United States will not be able to organize traffic for Japan.

“The Russian side… … ?”

“The last time I met President Vysotsky, we talked about this issue, and I will tell you again about the progress. As you know, President Vysotsky wants to break free from Western sanctions and make Vladivostok the central city of the Far East. As you desperately want this project to happen, I think you will naturally support my position.”

Government officials were again at a loss for words. I am probably the only person who can have direct contact with the Russian President.

Either way, the US and Russia agree. China will not welcome it, but it will not oppose it either.

The problem is Japan, where it stayed still and was beaten.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Kim Seong-cheol said cautiously.

“Japan will not stand still. We will protest vigorously diplomatically against the Korean government, and maybe even take retaliation like last time.”

In international law, South Korea and North Korea are completely different countries. If South Korea is involved in negotiations between Japan and North Korea, it is highly likely that this will become a diplomatic issue.

Therefore, South Korea has refrained from commenting on this issue.

“What does that matter? I am just an investor.”

Taek-gyu nodded next to him.

“Well then. There is only one citizen who does not listen to the dirty words and is behaving in his own way.”

Foreign Minister Kim Seong-cheol said as he wiped the sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief.

“Even so, the Japanese side will strongly demand that the Korean government sanction the representative’s actions.”

I nodded.

“Then you will do it. But when did I ever hear from the government?”

“… … .”

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