Infinite reincarnation of glory

Chapter 36·Seventh Night·Not Ordinary

Unlock the genetic lock, the first level.

Jiang Yu, who was sitting in the co-pilot, activated his ability to fight efficiently the moment he realized that the challenge of fate was coming - his spirit was highly concentrated as a result, and his sense of time stretched with the concentration of his will. extension. He clearly saw the elite infiltration team, numbering around fifty in total, with more than a dozen people firing firearms. There are still several people who carry weapons that can kill vehicles and are about to use them.


Without hesitation, he pressed a big red button on his side, and all the external door panels of the armored vehicle popped out at the same moment. And at the same time, Kasumi, who had a close connection with him, also pulled the brakes of the off-road vehicle and a certain special function button to the end!

"Abandon the car! Combat Plan No. 1! Smoke screen!"

Jiang Yu's voice was accompanied by a roar - Zheng Zha's roar, and the roar of the guns in the hands of the Umbrella team. When the shrill sound of braking tore through the night, Zheng Zha jumped off the armored vehicle without hesitation. And at the same moment, the projector placed on the top of the armored vehicle also took effect!

Heat-masking smoke grenades, ten in total.

Jiang Yu was half a step behind Zheng Zha, and when his feet also touched the ground. The large-scale smoke screen that popped up from the projector also exerted the corresponding effect at the same moment.

‘Bang——! ! ! ’ The gray mist suddenly exploded, blocking the view of the enemy units and the Umbrella satellite that must be there and definitely watching here. But at the moment when his feet were firmly planted, Jiang Yu's action was to release the dimensional ring he was carrying on his finger!

Thunder Cloud Armor, released.

Its role is not to be ridden at this moment, but to act as a strong enough bunker. Because Zhan Lan and Mou Gang's reaction is a little slower, and at this time, a strong enough black technology bunker is needed to buy them some time!

'boom--! ’ exploded, causing fragmentation impact. The thick structural defense of the Thunder Cloud Armor actually does not have much advantage against heavy rocket launchers that can easily penetrate the equivalent of hundreds of millimeters of homogeneous steel. So what works is the wide-area EMP mounted on the surface of the Thunder Cloud Armor.

Rockets are inherently unable to hit armored vehicles. Because Kasumi made an inducement operation while braking, the amount of advance that the opponent would inevitably calculate became a mistake. No matter whether the other party made a mistake or not. This wide-area EMP will also inevitably destroy the guidance function of the rocket.

The explosion occurred five meters away. When the blazing wind mixed with fragments swept in, the Thundercloud Armor that activated EMP had already returned to the dimensional ring - Jiang Yu had no intention of using era-changing items or supernatural powers against the spy satellites in the sky. Unless his sense of crisis when he turned on the gene lock told him that doing so was necessary.

He did not perceive such a crisis, so he did not take such action. The Tesla coil built into Thunder Cloud Armor can certainly greatly amplify his supernatural interference power. But it also prevents him from exerting sufficient mid-range and short-range combat capabilities.

He has the ability.

After putting away the Thundercloud Armor, he made a powerful dash toward the outside of the smoke coverage area - several blind bullets across the smoke hit the Kashezin armor on his body. The impact of thousands of joules exploded into clusters of bright sparks on the surface of the plastic steel structural layer.

The steps were slightly delayed.

A giant python revolver with infinite bullets and a steel warhammer faintly wrapped with lightning. Being held by both the left and right hands simultaneously.

And when the smoke zone was breached in front of them, the Umbrella team of dozens of people was only ten meters away from them. The first thing Jiang Yu heard was a scream.

The scream of a person being cut apart.

Zheng Zha, who rushed faster than himself and had already broken into the enemy's formation. The giant battle ax in his hand, which did not activate heat energy according to the battle plan, had already chopped off the heads of two Umbrella soldiers - blood sprayed like a bright red fountain toward the top of the fracture. And when the headless remains fell to their knees, the chopped-off head, which still had some vitality, was roaring like a ghost and soon stopped.

There is no doubt that these soldiers have gone through many rounds of screening and are physically strong.

Not surprisingly, although Zheng Zha took the first drop of blood, he was delayed for a moment in that terrifying dying roar.

This should be - should also be his first murder. And this first experience of similar killing was so bloody and cruel. After all, killing monsters is very different from killing humanoid intelligent creatures. As living beings that live in groups, the human species has an aversion to killing its own species deep in its genes.

Zheng Zha hesitated for a moment. This moment was enough for several Umbrella soldiers around him to react, turn their guns and shoot him full of holes——

They failed to do so.

Because Kasumi's support has arrived - explosive sniper rounds with strong charges. The formation of this group of soldiers can be easily exploded. But it does not cause any damage to the reincarnations wearing heavy armor.

'boom--! ’ Explosion, air wave. Zheng Zha suddenly woke up, raised his hand and shot quickly, smashing the other soldier who was pulling the trigger on him who could not dispose of the explosive bomb in time, all the parts above his neck were blown to pieces.

"You rushed too fast." Jiang Yu's voice sounded on the communication channel. Maybe it's because the gene lock is turned on, or maybe it's because the pistol doesn't stain too much blood when it kills from a distance. When he broke into the front line at the same time and quickly killed a machine gunner and a rocket launcher, he didn't have much impulse in his heart.

Zheng Zha smiled back in the communication channel.

“Someone has to be at the front and draw the fire,” he said, seeming to have adapted. The driving body rushed deeper into the enemy array like a ghost, firing continuously.

Jiang Yu was noncommittal about this.

"Grenade," he told others on the channel. When he discovered that ordinary bullets could not penetrate the plastic armor, he simply focused on long-range kills of heavy firepower holders. The powerful hunting revolver can easily penetrate the helmets or body armor of those soldiers at such a distance, bringing them quick death. And Jiang Yu also suddenly realized that he was responding to the modern soldiers who were extremely vigilant. In the case of insufficient numbers and insufficient organization, they are actually no more threatening than those biochemical monsters.

A brave soldier swooped out from behind holding several grenades. He wanted to use this method to defeat this sudden and well-equipped 'humanoid monster'.

He was very brave, but Jiang Yu had already sensed his actions. And swung the huge hammer head violently.


The electromagnetic energy is gathered in the war hammer.

When Jiang Yu swung it, a large-scale magnetization phenomenon occurred. It followed his movements.

The steel warhammer turned into a powerful electromagnet. Almost all the weapons equipped by this team have a certain proportion of metal inside.

Indeed, if it weren’t for the army dedicated to defeating ‘Magneto’. Naturally, when preparing weapons, the metal components on the equipment will not be deliberately reduced. And when this 'electromagnet' operates, these carried weapons will naturally be affected to varying degrees.

The reincarnators are not worried about this kind of thing, because neither Zheng Zha nor Jiang Yu need to care about the magnetic field pull which is at best equivalent to the vigorous promotion of strong young people. It's easy to overcome them with brute force. Moreover, even if it is a little off, the melee weapon wielded can still kill.

However, for these Umbrella soldiers who have never seen this strange power. It is no exaggeration to say that this is the manifestation of a nightmare.

The muzzle of the aimed gun was tilted.

The dodge maneuver he was about to perform was transformed.

The moment after the instantaneous magnetization ended, several rifle grenades broke through the air from behind the bunker in the distance, and generated continuous large-scale explosions among Umbrella's soldier array.

‘Boom—boom—boom—! ’

One round of rifle grenades is another round. After turning on the gene lock, the accuracy will be improved to a high-efficiency killing level that does not need to consider friendly fire. Zhan Lan, Mou Gang and others fired five rounds of long-range grenades, all of which landed in the formations or bunkers of Umbrella soldiers.

Flesh and blood were everywhere, and corpse marks were everywhere.

After the bombing, there were few survivors left in this elite team - the lucky ones and snipers who had hidden far away had already been dealt with by Kasumi in a low-key and efficient manner. Only a few unlucky ones who were seriously injured and dying were left, before they had time to take their last breath and die.

The brave soldier who tried to die with Jiang Yu fell less than two meters away from Jiang Yu's feet. His hands and legs were blown off by the falling grenade bombs pulled by the war hammer - the lethality of offensive grenades was ultimately insufficient. If what he was holding was a thermite bomb, then Jiang Yu was digging his own grave just now.

However, who in an extremely close encounter would subconsciously use thermite bombs that would most likely kill him and his comrades?

——It is a flaw after all, please remember to pay attention next time.

Jiang Yu thought that he had closed the genetic lock in his body.

The cruel and bloody sight appeared in his eyes... He originally thought he would be frightened, nauseated, and vomited. However, in the end, he found that he only had a slight depression in his heart, and it was quickly eliminated by his own will.

It turns out...slaughter monsters and annihilate humanoid creatures. The difference is not as big as I expected. He is not as shameless as he expected, and he will not hesitate or even make impulsive mistakes just because he is fighting the same kind of people.

——I am no longer an ordinary person... It turned out that I was not an ordinary person a long time ago.

he thought. He saw the frightened soldier at his feet looking at him with fear on his face while struggling hard. While making an inarticulate wild roar. This man's spirit has been destroyed. Even if he is sent to the hospital, he is destined to become a waste of medical resources - not to mention, the hospital in Raccoon City will soon become a devil's cave.

——Ten seconds ago, this soldier was so brave... Will I become like this when encountering the same situation?

Jiang Yu lowered her gaze and stared into the soldier's frantic eyes. His answer to himself was, 'I don't know, but I think I will struggle until the end.'

So, he raised his feet that were covered in thick armor.

‘Ba Chi——’ He stepped down hard.

[Complete the side mission - reversing the death fate of the priest, sister and brother. All participants in the Zhongzhou Team will receive a D-level branch plot and 500 reward points. 】

The task was simpler than expected, and the reward was naturally less than expected.

The seventh night of return ends here.

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