Infinite reincarnation of glory

Chapter 35·Seventh Night·Vaccination


A sound.

Then there was another sound.

Kasumi strikes quickly and her force is accurate. What was used was the powerful sedative with no side effects from the Lord God Card, instead of a simple stun technique like hitting the back of the neck. Therefore, there will naturally be no tragedy of preparing hard for a long time and then punching the mission target to death on the spot.

The fat priest and his sister fell down. Mou Gang and Xia, one by one, held them firmly before they fell. Xia then handed over the person she was responsible to Zhan Lan, and then she quickly left and went to the parking place of the modified armored vehicle. After confirming the safety of the route again, a message was sent in the communication channel.

"everything is normal."

"Then we proceed as planned."

Jiang Yu nodded, and she and Zheng Zha escorted the temporary porters to complete the transfer. Zhang Jie, who was on the other side outside the church, also gave a safe signal. With a series of rapid and coordinated steps, both targets in the church were moved to the inside of the armored off-road vehicle. The reincarnators immediately followed the previously planned route.

Plan B is more troublesome than Plan A. If it was Plan A, the two priests were successfully persuaded. Then the reincarnators only need to secretly protect them as they approach the checkpoint, which has gradually become a bit strict, and then only need to watch the two people, who have no unsafe factors, leave, and the escort is completed. However, if it is Plan B, crossing the defense line becomes a problem.

It's not that the car can't fool around with two people hiding. It's because once they want to pass through the checkpoint, the reincarnators must remove the Kashezin armor equipped on their bodies. Even had to switch to a less eye-catching vehicle. This means that once the reincarnations are unfortunately exposed, they will fight in a very bad environment. likely is the exposure?

The answer is 100%, because the fate that the priest originally encountered will become the destiny challenge of the reincarnations. And it was hard to tell whether he and his sister were killed by zombies or bullets. And challenges will always come when the reincarnations are not fully prepared - in other words, if the reincarnations take the initiative or are forced to go to an area that is destined to be unprepared, then the Lord God will most likely Let them face their fate there.

——Unfortunately, there is no wise man in the team yet. I can rely on the prophet to take advantage of the layout, but using the main god's mechanism to make complex operations is completely powerless...

——You still have to place your hope on Chu Xuan who will come to the next game... Tsk, there is no point in playing tricks with Chu Xuan. But before that desperate man who wanted to die regained his fighting spirit, he still had to increase his importance as much as possible.

Jiang Yu thought that in addition to using foresight, the way he increased his importance basically came from Xia's support. For example, this is the current path to complete Plan B.

A tunnel.

One has been abandoned for a long time, and there have been many landslides inside. A tunnel that is theoretically completely impassable.

Umbrella employees discovered this place early and inspected to verify its sealing degree. Umbrella therefore did not fortify this area. Xia discovered this area a day ago and used instruments and experience to check the thickness and stability of the blocked area.

The tunnel is very strong, and the area that collapsed is less than three meters thick. If not for considerations of labor and safety, and new directions in urban planning. It will take Raccoon City's city government up to two weeks to get the tunnel functional again.

The armored off-road vehicles of the reincarnations quickly stopped in front of the tunnel blockage.

"We're here." Jiang Yu got out of the car. He regretted that he didn't encounter any sudden monster attacks along the way.

"Aside from going over the mountains, this road is the most reliable way to leave Raccoon City." He explained: "Of course, bombs won't work. We have to use some other means to open a way out - And if my attempt fails, we may have to spend the next day or two in the hills and jungles.”

Raccoon City is built in a mountain nest. Because there are water veins, passenger traffic is usually smooth. However, all it takes is to block the pass and the sluice at the same time, and the city will be isolated from the civilized world. Fortunately, due to various conflicts within the company, even now, Umbrella still has not been able to completely block the security checkpoint.

And since they can't even get to the security checkpoint, there is naturally no movement here. Soon, the reincarnators arrived at the collapsed and blocked area of ​​the tunnel. Several overlapping huge rocks blocked the road to the outside world.

"What are you going to do?" Zheng Zha jumped out of the car first. He turned on the searchlight and looked around at the dark blocked passage. He stomped his foot lightly again, and then stomped it hard. The empty echo resounded, but the surrounding area was motionless.

There was no roar of falling gravel, no unsettling distant crackle. Xia never shut down the off-road vehicle. She would quickly evacuate with the reincarnations the moment something unexpected happened.

"Do you still remember your blood powers? Can you now put them outside the body?" Jiang Yu asked.

Zheng Zha let out a soft sigh, stretched out his hand, and took off his gloves. His attention immediately focused, and the surface of his palm turned a bright red.

Jiang Yu glanced at the blocking boulder.

Zheng Zha raised his eyebrows and pressed his palms up. Along with a slight puff of smoke, the stone in front of him was immediately corroded to create a handprint of several centimeters.

"Corrosive." Zheng Zha looked at his hands - he originally had to learn some rudimentary use of blood energy in World 2.

And he immediately discovered the advantages and disadvantages of this method.

"You can use it when you are surprised or when you need to shape a temporary tool. But if you want to erode through this boulder...even if I use up my blood energy reserve every time, it will still have to last for more than ten cycles."

"So, I prepared a more effective alternative."

Jiang Yu nodded and took out a somewhat rough but strangely sci-fi style container from the dimensional ring. It looked like a fire extinguisher and had a delicate spout.

"Powerful acid solvent?" Zhan Lan couldn't help but ask.

Jiang Yu nodded.

"To be precise, it's the active biological acid in the alien's body. A full fifteen liters are compressed in this jar. I originally planned to use it for other purposes."

Alien - Jiang Yu has been thinking about how to hint to his companions that the next battle they will face is an alien. At the same time, you can’t do it too deliberately. So as not to arouse Zhang Jie's vigilance or suffer the fate of being slapped in the face by the butterfly effect. After repeated consideration, he decided to exchange for some items that could effectively show the alien threat. The most difficult weapon for aliens is the acid in their bodies.

Use it and show your power. Others will naturally think about how to prevent it. And even if his companions were not so alert, at least they had inoculated themselves in advance of their decision to exchange for anti-acid equipment.

The next moment, Jiang Yu put the container on the ground. He stepped away and gave Zhan Lan a hint.

"Use your telekinesis to drive it, and we hide behind the temporary bunker. We just need to create an intersection that allows us to walk through. There is no need to consider the problem of cars."

He can actually do it himself, but he just wants Zhan Lan to handle it for him. Training or urging Zhan Lan to practice her telekinesis skills is the next best thing. The main goal is to empower everyone on the team.

Demonstrate certain abilities under your own leadership.

Zhan Lan just gave him a blank look - he didn't quite understand why he was given a blank look - and the next moment, the container containing the alien acid began to float. Under Jiang Yu's explanation, the nozzle was aimed at the collapsed stone wall directly in front.

‘Poof—’ Acid mist sprayed. Xia prepared a small fan in advance to spread the acid mist.

‘Tsk——’ The mist burst out. The huge boulder in front of me was quickly ablated to create a circular pit as high as a person. The potholes continued to spread deeper.

The surrounding environment is very stable - the ablation point chosen by Kasumi can avoid secondary collapse in the tunnel to the greatest extent. But within a minute, there was a counter current but was blown away by the fan. The several-meter passage leading to the outside of Raccoon City appeared in front of the reincarnators.

The acid consumption is less than about one third.

After tens of seconds of ventilation stabilization time, the more troublesome part of Plan B was properly solved.

Zheng Zha looked at the armor on his body. It was obvious that he was thinking.

And next...

Just move people over and see if the absolute volume of this off-road vehicle has reached the dimension ring storage limit of four cubic meters.


Everything is going smooth.

The absolute volume of the armored off-road vehicle is not four cubes. After the collapse, there were no more blocked areas. With only a few more trips to the storage container, the reincarnators, the off-road vehicle, and the two comatose mission targets all successfully crossed this newly opened path. The next thing to do is to find a safe place and settle these two mission targets with innocent backgrounds.

This was not difficult, and it took the reincarnators an hour and a half. Then he drove to a relatively peaceful town dozens of kilometers away. Churches are everywhere in America and are easy to find. All you need to do is put the two fat priests who have not yet taken off their monk's uniforms to the door, and a reliable person will naturally accept the rest. Considering the possibility that the two people had a grudge against each other, the reincarnators spent an additional half hour observing, and it only ended when the fat priest was awakened by the other party and received a warm reception.

What the reincarnations planned to do, the reincarnations have already done.


When the reincarnator returned to the original route, disguised the alarm system and potholes that were not triggered, and successfully drove the off-road vehicle out of the abandoned tunnel entrance. What was supposed to come finally appeared where it was supposed to appear.

An elite team came over the mountains, obviously belonging to different factions in Umbrella, and must be performing some secret special mission. When they were gathering on the ground, they happened to see the lights of the armored off-road vehicle as it drove out of the abandoned tunnel.

The challenge of fate arrived as expected. Even if they have never met, only one party can leave this battlefield alive.

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