Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 993: Hilton's picker

Genius remembers this site address in one second: []https://fastest update! No ads!

"Are you Jason's friend? That's my friend. If you said earlier, maybe we can eat together in Hawaii. I believe we must have a lot of common topics to talk about."

Ito dare not pick up these words, for fear of revealing stuff~

He took advantage of the trend and brought the topic back to the Hilton Group. "Paris, it’s no secret that the Blackstone Group wants to sell shares in the Hilton Group. Basically everyone who can take over knows it. It’s not necessary to hide it now. I just I would like to hear a word about whether the Hilton family has a repurchase plan. If there is me, I will go home immediately. Otherwise, please give us Ito Corporation a fair competition opportunity!"

Using Yang Cheng's name to dispel Paris Hilton's concerns, and at the same time bluntly express his attitude, this is what Ito Koji had planned before he came.

Paris Hilton is no longer the look of desire and dissatisfaction, but full of skill, even though she is wearing an extremely seductive nightgown at this time.

"Mr. Ito, I must thank you for your concern for the Hilton family. This is our supreme honor. But whether the family repurchases shares is beyond my control. I am not the management of the Hilton Group, nor is it a family. The person at the helm, so, I think you may have asked the wrong person. It is more appropriate to ask the person in the Blackstone Group directly."

At this moment, Mitsui murmured impatiently from the side, "If I can get in touch with the Blackstone Group, why are you still looking for?"

Fortunately, he said this sentence in his native language. Although Paris Hilton can speak a few words in Japanese, he certainly does not understand Mitsui's meaning, but this does not prevent her from expressing dissatisfaction, "Please speak English, this is a gentleman's performance. "

Ito glared at Mitsui, then apologized, "Paris, don't get me wrong, Mitsui is just depressed at not being able to get a satisfactory answer from you, and doesn't have any disrespect."

Paris is too lazy to pursue it. So far, she has not revealed her true intentions. At that time, as the representative of the Hilton family, she found Yang Cheng, hoping that Yang Cheng would take over 25% of the shares in the Blackstone Group. Of course, the purpose was not so pure. In fact, Hilton The family has been making efforts to buy back the shares of the group, and Yang Cheng is their chosen middleman.

The original plan was to encourage the Blackstone Group to sell 25% of its shares to Yang Cheng to help Yang Cheng win the position of the major shareholder of the Hilton Group. The Hilton family took advantage of the trend to regain control of the board of directors from the Blackstone Group. After that, the Hilton Group would pass terms and restrictions. Repurchasing the 25% of the shares from Yang Cheng. In this way, it not only gives the Hilton family time to raise funds, but does not delay them from regaining control of the Hilton Group. This plan will kill two birds with one stone.

It’s just that the Hilton family miscalculated one thing. Yang Cheng is not so friendly. He didn’t know how to be a good idiot when he saw Qian’s head. He was very smart and cautious. The Hilton family set him up. May not see it, but it does not prevent him from avoiding the trap.

But it doesn't matter, Yang Cheng is not fooled, and naturally there are fools who are willing to do it. This is like those Green Hat receivers who only care about women's beauty and don't care about their past love history.

It is very likely that this picker will eventually be taken to the Z State Haihang Group. The two sides have been in secret contact for several months, and the approximate cooperation framework has been discussed.

Lang Youqing concubine intentionally, if nothing else, the century-old hotel empire is about to change hands again.

Since the establishment of the first hotel in 1919 by Hilton, after a long period of development, the Hilton family has been holding the world’s largest hotel group. At that time, no one expected this peaceful years to be broken by the Blackstone Group. .

In 2007, the Blackstone Group announced the privatization of Hilton Hotel Group for US$26 billion at a purchase price of US$47.5 per share. After this news came out that year, it can be said that it shocked a lot of people's attention. The family business that has lasted for nearly a hundred years has just fallen off. ?

However, just when everyone thought that the Hilton Group would be able to take the next step with Blackstone’s intervention, the financial crisis that swept across the world followed, and the global hotel business ushered in a low ebb. At that time, financial institutions expected the Hilton Hotel The market value has evaporated a full $6 billion out of thin air.

However, after the privatization, with the help of Blackstone's management and finance, Hilton's operating and financial conditions continued to improve.

Until the end of 2013, when the Hilton Group relisted in the United States, it became the largest IPO in the global hotel industry at that time. After the successful listing, the Blackstone Group, which is already Hilton's largest shareholder, also became the biggest winner.

But the matter is not over. The Blackstone Group is the representative of the speculative circle. They are not even prepared to operate the Hilton Group as a century-old company. Making money is the kingly way. After Hilton goes public, Blackstone, which integrates and handles the hotel business, embarks on it. On the road to profitability, he began to continuously reduce his shares for cash out. The Blackstone, who was in desperate need of taking over, and the Hilton family, who wanted to redeem the glory of their ancestors, coincided with each other, and began to look for suitable takers.

The first to be targeted by them are naturally the speculators. They have the ability to leverage large sums of money to acquire shares in the Blackstone Group. They also have no interest in operating a hotel, in order to choose the most suitable and best controlled receiver. , Blackstone and the Hilton family conducted a lot of investigation and screening of potential targets, and finally determined the Yuanshan Capital of the Yang Cheng family as the preferred target.

Yuanshan Capital is backed by the Chinese world and has strong funds. There have been several cases of investing in hotel real estate in the past. The most important thing is that Chinese people are bullies in their eyes. As long as the Hilton family is willing, they can always get from the hands of Yuanshan Capital. Recover equity.

It’s just that there are often accidents. On the eve of looking for Yuanshan Capital, the Blackstone Group received a call from Mrs. Zip Dun. Faced with this powerful competitor in the future, who is also one of the ZZ backers of the Blackstone Group, the Blackstone Group will naturally not Reject the other party's request.

As a result, the Blackstone Group's temporary change goal directly approached Yang Cheng. While being able to teach him a lesson, he could also purchase a share of New Era Media along the way. This was definitely a surprise for the Blackstone Group.

However, none of them expected Yang Cheng's toughness, and in the end this matter could only be left out.

Of course, Blackstone and the Hilton family will inevitably have unhappiness. The Hilton family believes that Blackstone has dragged their feet. In turn, Blackstone believes that it has not fully cooperated with the Hilton family's obligations. During that time, the relationship between the two parties fell to a freezing point.

Fortunately, both parties were capitalists, and the Cold War did not last long when profit was at the forefront. After they calmed down, they once again embarked on the path of finding a successor.

At this time, the Haihang Group, which is sitting on the Z market and rich in wealth, did not know where to receive the news, and unexpectedly came to the door to request the acquisition of shares in the Hilton Group.

The overjoyed Blackstone and the Hilton family conducted a full investigation of Haihang. Although compared with Yuanshan Capital, Haihang’s rise time was too short and the foundation was slightly insufficient. In the eyes of Westerners who attach great importance to integrity, Haihang is not a Excellent receiving object.

However, the other party is too rich. Facing the crazy offer of up to 7 billion US dollars, he barely frowned. After only contacting several times, the two parties reached a tacit understanding at the price of 6.5 billion US dollars.

After that, the three parties conducted more detailed negotiations. Haihang Group, Blackstone Group and Hilton Hotel have also signed a memorandum agreement. The agreement stipulates that Haihang Group will acquire approximately 25% of Hilton’s shares from Blackstone’s affiliates. Equity transaction After that, Blackstone's shareholding ratio will be reduced from 45.75% to about 21%. Haihang will replace the Blackstone Group as the largest shareholder of the Hilton Group and will obtain 2 board seats.

As part of the transaction, the three parties also agreed on some restrictive clauses. Of course, this is mainly for the receiver. For some reason, Haihang Group very happily agreed to most of the restrictive clauses, including the two-year period. Dump any Hilton stocks it holds; without permission, the proportion of Hilton's outstanding shares cannot exceed 25%, etc. If this is replaced by Yuanshan Capital, it will absolutely turn against them, and bullies will also score targets!

Of course, in order for Haihang to agree to these harsh terms, the Hilton family promised to actively repurchase up to 16.5 million shares at market price within a certain period of time, accounting for approximately 5% of the total shares. It was a loss, but it was all planned in advance. If it weren’t for the Hilton family’s lack of free funds ~ ~ needed to obtain bank loans or sell bonds, this proportion would directly rise to 25%.

Has Haihang lost? Of course not, no one in this world is a fool. Haihang has so easily passed through the sinkhole jointly laid by Hilton and Blackstone, Haihang really can't see it?

The answer is naturally no. Hilton and Blackstone are foreigners after all. They don’t understand the inside story. Haihang not only successfully transferred assets overseas through large-scale acquisitions, but after successful cash out in the future, the funds will become Haihang’s internal free funds. No longer under supervision, spend whatever you want.

So, in the final analysis, the three parties have achieved their goals in this transaction, and all of them are big winners.

However, things have changed again. Before the final agreement was signed, another desperate taker came to the door. While feeling the charm of his hotel, Paris also hesitated whether to overthrow what was negotiated before. Conditions, introduce another competitor to create greater benefits for the Hilton family!

It shows that no one can see that in fact, Paris's heart is tangled to death.

From the perspective of profitability, the introduction of fourth-party competitors to put pressure on Haihang to obtain more favorable conditions is completely reasonable and in line with the facts.

But Paris doesn’t know much about the Ito family. Even though she does not doubt the other party’s financial strength, she still has reservations about the purpose of Ito’s purchase, because from the past cases, RB people seem to have a different kind of long-term operation of a company. Persistent.

Just look at Sony Columbia in Hollywood. In the hands of RB people, one of the Hollywood giants has successfully branded RB. Even the public has become accustomed to it. No one thinks it is abnormal. This is what makes Paris hesitate the most. Part~

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