Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 992: His friend is my friend

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On weekdays, Yang Cheng was in contact with Richard Debin. Yang Sen didn't know much about Richard Debin, so he had to ask Yang Cheng's opinion.

Yang Cheng thought for a while, hesitated and said, "I can test it out. I think Richard Debin is very likely to know. After all, it is impossible for such a big plan to bypass him, but the specific executor may be the zipper. Mrs. Don, you know how tough that woman is. Few people can change her opinion about what she believes. Obviously, Richard Debin is not on the minority list."

Yang Sen rubbed his temples, "Just ask, and if the Zhao family contacts you again, try to delay as much as possible. I'll think of a way when I go back. It's best to get Gina Hespel's black material."

Yang Cheng’s eyes lit up, "This is a good idea. Gina Hespel should have served as the head of the Middle East Section of the Covert Operations Division. This is a position that every director must pass. After all, he has the intelligence of the Middle East. Master the channels for C~I~A to make money."

But then the eyes were a little sad, "No, even if we get the evidence, we can't do anything. Once we expose the shady behind Gina Hespel's collection of black money, it is equivalent to cutting off the source of the secret operations department, which is equivalent to following The C~I~A real power department has a vengeance, and we can't afford it."

Yang Sen laughed, "Sometimes you don't have to publish the evidence if you have it. The threat you hold in your hand is much greater than the one announced!"

It's not that Yang Cheng didn't know the truth, but he just slipped into a dead end and didn't come out for a while. Yang Sen understood this right away.

. . .

The night that was not a peaceful sleep passed. Early the next morning, Yang Sen and his wife took a private jet back to New York, while Yang Cheng returned to Hawaii with the Luo family of three, with Hansen, Andrew, and the family who had just arrived. Craig Harrison converged and has not yet decided whether to return to the UK or go elsewhere.

Not long after they arrived in Hawaii, in the exclusive suite of the Hilton Paris in New York, three strange Asian faces were ushered in. If Yang Cheng and Situ Yanran were there, they would have recognized them at a glance. It was Ito Koji and his party who met "by chance" on Oshima before.

Paris Hilton’s as usual sao, even knowing to meet three unfamiliar guests, still did not change the'cool' dress, a light pink silk nightdress, but a nightgown of the same style on the outside , Came out barefoot and opened the door to greet the guests, seeing her wet blonde hair, she must have just finished the shower, and her hair had not had time to blow.

Seeing her in this Xiangyan dress, Aso, who was originally a hungry ghost in se, almost couldn't hold back and rushed forward, so Mitsui had expected it and grabbed the eager Aso, so that no worse things happened. Paris sao belongs to sao, but it doesn't mean that anyone can go to her chuang.

In fact, not only Aso, but Ito and Mitsui did not get much better. They unnaturally loosened their ties and looked green but did not dare to look directly. Paris has long been used to this, and not only has no dissatisfaction. Instead, she feels very proud. What she likes most is that men watch her swallowing saliva, wanting to do it but can’t do it.

With a charming smile, she said in her charming voice that was born that day, "Welcome three, please come in, tell the servant what you want to drink~"

After that, he turned around and twisted his waist and returned to the living room, bringing a gust of fragrance along the way, and the person with his white and smooth calves was dizzy.

Aso is just like a drug ~ addiction. After grinding his molars, he makes a cough~cough~ and squeezes a Japanese sentence from between the teeth, "bitch~ son~"

Mitsui ignored him and said to Ito in a whisper, "This sao is definitely intentional."

Koji Ito did the most formal dress up today. I didn't even talk about the meeting scene like this. Is it normal last time?

I regret that he has worn so much today, which made him feel hot and hot, and a layer of fine sweat appeared on his back, making it itchy!

"Can't lose our family members, hurry up and adjust." Ito was finally the most normal of the three, and he whispered, and took the lead and walked into the door.

When passing by the servants, I did not forget to ask for a glass of ice water for each of the three of them. They are in urgent need of cooling.

However, the water has not yet come. It may be because Paris just took a shower. The steam in the room has not yet dissipated. The temperature is a few degrees higher than outside the door. There is still a strong aroma in the air, which seems to be With the effect of urging qing, the little brothers of the three people did not consciously stand up to pay their respects. For fear of the embarrassment of the three people, they did not pay attention to the etiquette. Before Paris took the initiative to invite them, they quickly sat on the sofa to hide their embarrassment!

Paris was sitting on the single sofa with Erlang's legs folded. After the three of them sat down, she smiled and said, "I don't know what the three gentlemen will talk about during the visit? I have definitely refused your previous request, right?"

As Paris said the three of Ito visited her before to discuss the acquisition of shares in the Hilton Group, but Paris sent them away on the grounds that they had no right to be the master.

Ito took a sip of the ice water handed by the servant, suppressed the heat in the lower abdomen, and waited for the temperature of his brain to drop, and then replied, "Don't hide it from Miss Hilton~"

Paris waved his hand and corrected, "Call me Paris~"

Ito changed his name accordingly, "Paris, maybe you don’t know. I have a good relationship with your friend, Mr. Yang. We met by chance in Hawaii and we just chatted with you. He also suggested me about my last proposal. Don't give up easily, and show more sincerity to talk to you in detail. If you are presumptuous, please Parris forgive me."

Even after killing Yang Cheng, he met Koji Ito and became good friends.

Koji Ito’s act of using Yang Cheng as a cover did not arouse Paris’s suspicion. In her opinion, this is normal. Every member of a large family has its own social circle. No matter how strange the relationship is, he finally went around. There are traces to follow, including Paris herself. She also has many relationships that seem impossible to meet, but are really good friends.

In fact, Koji Ito was still a little nervous after he finished speaking, for fear that Paris's little calculation of pulling the tiger's skin and the flag would be punctured by Paris, so he also left room for his words, but symbolically said that he has a good relationship with Yang Cheng, but did not say clearly. He was a good friend, but obviously his worries were useless. His strategy succeeded. Not only did Paris not doubt, but his attitude changed drastically. He was no longer treated like a joke before, and his expression became solemn.

"Are you Jason's friend? That's my friend. If you say it earlier, maybe we can eat together in Hawaii."

. m.

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