Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 943: Messi's request

I don’t know if Yang Cheng talked about Messi’s heart, or if Messi wanted to go downhill, he just heard him suddenly ask, "If I join Liverpool, what kind of support will the team give me?"

Ian Al nearly called out excitedly behind him. Does this mean Messi nodded? He almost rushed forward to give Yang Cheng a passionate kiss. The boss was still very charming.

However, Yang Cheng didn't think it was a success, because Messi's expression didn't look like the expectation of facing a new environment, but a bit of resignation.

I didn’t discuss it with Ian Air in advance, but he is the boss and he can be the boss. “You can rest assured that you have the same treatment in Barcelona, ​​and Liverpool, which Barcelona does not have, can also give it to you.”

Messi is not satisfied with this general answer, "I want to hear something more specific~"

Yang Orange twisted her eyebrows, "It's better to say, as long as it doesn't affect the overall structure of Liverpool, I can promise you."

This can be considered a blank check, and Messi fills it out casually.

Messi adjusted his sitting posture, "What if I ask for the captain's armband?"

Yang Cheng didn't hesitate to think, "Gerald is about to retire or switch to the American Major League. After you come to the team, you will be the best candidate for the next captain of the Red Army."

Messi finally smiled, "Well, I just want to see Liverpool's sincerity, not really want the captain's armband, now I don't need the captain's armband to improve my status."

This sentence Messi changed his modest style and said that he was domineering and could not be refuted by others. In today's football, who would dare to challenge Messi except Ronaldo? No! Neymar, known as the third in the world, can't.

"If nothing happens, I will ask the team to leave the team at the end of the season. I hope Liverpool can give Barcelona enough in return." Messi finally let go.

Recently, due to the farce of the transfer, his condition on the court has been greatly affected. He has not scored a goal in several consecutive games and only has an assist. Not only that, he himself deeply feels that he is on the court. Running is as heavy as a plumb of dozens of kilograms, not to mention losing the agility of the past, the important thing is that he does not have the motivation to play at the Nou Camp.

Part of this is because the club’s attitude towards him makes him feel chill, but why not want to go out and venture out? Over the years, whenever someone compares him with Ronaldo, he will always compare him with nothing else. I have proved myself on the field, and it is true. Leaving Barcelona, ​​even in the star-studded national team, it always ends in failure.

Messi, who is full of self-confidence in his bones, has had enough of such rhetoric. He wants to prove that he is the omnipotent king even in the Premier League.

Now the opportunity has come. He had the persuasion of his family and friends, who was nostalgic, and Yang Cheng personally came to the door, condescending to lobby, and his inner balance completely fell to Anfield.

However, he does not want to be scolded for treachery. Everything Barcelona has brought him is irresistible. Since he has decided to leave, he must leave something to his old club. At least he can have a clear conscience.

Yang Orange nodded affirmatively, "Of course, I will write a check that matches your worth as the number one person in the world. With this cash, Barcelona can not only repay all debts in one fell swoop, but also buy many powerful stars to fill up. The blank after you left."

Messi smiled bitterly and shook his head. Jorge on the side also showed a helpless expression. Yang Cheng is not clear. So, is there something wrong with his words?

But Ian El thought for a while and said, "Boss, you may not understand that Barcelona's current financial situation is far from as good as expected.

When Laporta left the Barcelona chairmanship, he left a huge debt of about 430 million euros.

Recently, Barcelona passed a new charter stipulating that if the club falls into a loss for a season, the board has only two years to reverse the situation. After two years, the situation has not improved and the board will be disbanded. This is to prevent Rapol Set by the reoccurrence of the tower event.

Now Bartomeu and his board of directors are currently in trouble. He can't control the debt. In the past year, Barcelona's debt has risen from 280 million euros to 330 million euros. This is just a rough estimate from the outside world. .

In the past few years, Barcelona has done a good job in controlling the debt amount, and the debt amount has also fallen from 430 million euros to 280 million euros. In other words, Barcelona has reduced its debt by 150 million euros in 4 years, but the 2014-15 season , The debt increased by more than 40 million euros, which happened when Barcelona won the triple crown last season and the club received a lot of bonuses. "

Yang Cheng is not a professional and can't understand the core issues, so she can only ask, "How could this be?"

This time Jorge took the initiative to answer, "For me, I know more about Barcelona than Mr. Ian El, which is why Leon made this request.

One of the main reasons for the Barcelona club’s out-of-control debt is the signings in the recent two summer transfer markets.

In the 2013-14 season, the team's performance was poor, and Barcelona was determined to renew the lineup. According to the agreement between Barcelona and the bank, Barcelona's signings were 50 million euros per year plus the funds from the sale of players. However, Barcelona suddenly invested 160 million euros to introduce Suarez Barcelona, ​​Matthias, Rakitic, Vermaelen, Ter Stegen, Bravo and Douglas and other stars and capable players, Barcelona originally wanted to spend two seasons of money in one season, but this One hypothesis is not established.

Barcelona entered the transfer market this summer and spent 58 million euros to introduce Turan and Vidal. However, due to FIFA penalties, Barcelona has not yet been able to register these two players. Despite this, the expenditure has already occurred. Barcelona 2 Over the summer, 220 million euros have been invested in the transfer market, which has caused the club's debt to increase greatly.

In addition, the increase in team salary expenditure is also one of the reasons for the huge increase in Barcelona's debt. UEFA has been implementing a fiscal fairness policy in these years, and La Liga has also followed suit and introduced a salary cap system. Barcelona's salary ceiling is 421 million euros.

But now, Barcelona's total salary has reached 419 million euros, the total salary is too high, but also affected Barcelona's contract renewal action, Neymar's contract renewal issue was therefore shelved.

According to the information I received, Neymar hopes to raise the salary by 10 million euros per year. If Barcelona meets its salary requirements, it will exceed the salary cap and will be punished for it. "

Speaking of Neymar, Jorge showed obvious disgust on his face. It is understandable that Messi is the well-deserved King of Camp Nou. The king’s treatment should be reflected in all aspects. Neymar asked for a raise. West’s salary is bound to rise, and it will overwhelm Neymar no matter what. This has put tremendous pressure on Barcelona’s capital pool. Neymar’s request has been agreed. Messi cannot refuse in any case and refuse to agree. , Neymar will definitely ask to leave, maybe it will affect the record.

However, the appearance of Yang Cheng gave Barcelona a better choice, selling Messi, in exchange for a large amount of cash to offset the debt, but also left Neymar as the head star. Of course, all this can only be passively accepted by Barcelona.

Jorge took a breath and continued, "I heard that Neymar's contract renewal negotiations have not progressed, but have stalled, but if Leon takes any action, negotiations with Neymar will definitely begin immediately. Barcelona cannot afford the cost of losing Messi and Neymar at the same time, and fans will ignite the Nou Camp.

But in any case, excessive debt is a real problem, which also frustrated the Nou Camp Stadium renovation project.

Originally, Barcelona had been planning to renovate the Camp Nou stadium. However, the club members’ assembly stipulated that as long as the club’s debt exceeds 200 million euros, the stadium renovation project cannot be started. Now, Barcelona’s debt exceeds 300 million euros, and obviously cannot get the membership meeting. Agreed. "

Yang Cheng pondered for a while and asked, "So, what price do you think can allow Barcelona to release people?"

This is also to save face to Messi, did not say how much money you are willing to join Liverpool.

After all, Messi was not a businessman. He returned to his shy and introverted appearance again. He scratched his head and looked embarrassed. After hesitating for a while, he said, "I hope it will be 400 million euros. Of course, I don't have to ask for a high salary, as long as it matches me. Now the Barcelona contract is enough."

Yang Cheng was taken aback, and he sighed fiercely. What he thought it was, he hadn't reached his psychological price. You must know that his bottom line is 500 million euros, and he is ready to pay 50 million euros a year. It’s a super contract. This 50 million euros is an annual salary after but he didn't immediately agree, which would make his money very worthless. How could he have done such a stupid thing since he was a child.

Acting Online, after showing incomparable entanglement, embarrassment and desire for Messi, he gritted his teeth and nodded, "I agree. As for your annual salary, how do you feel about 30 million euros after tax? Although it is better than your current one. The contract doesn’t go up much, but you don’t have to worry about your position as the world’s number one salary being shaken. As long as you show good performance in the past, a raise is not a problem.

And if I remember correctly, it's almost twice to three times higher than Rooney's actual annual salary. You know, Rooney can get the most expensive contract in the Premier League today. "

Messi was very touched, and the look of helplessness made Yang Cheng amused for a while.

"Thank you, no matter what, Mr. Yang, I have to thank you for your appreciation and support for me."

Yang Cheng pretended to wave his hand generously, "I have always admired talented people, not to mention that I believe that your arrival will make me earn more, and the work now is worth it. You don't have to worry about it. Then, if you There is no problem here, I just asked Ian El to make an official offer to Barcelona?" ()

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