Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 942: Plum King to London (2)

The interview lasted for a full hour. The crew was disassembling the props. Jorge, who asked about Messi’s status, suddenly spotted Yang Cheng. He didn’t care too much and hurried forward, “Mr. Yang? When did you come? I'm really sorry for not being able to go down to meet him in person."

Without the legendary rigidity, Jorge's respectful attitude is no different from that of ordinary star agents.

Yang Cheng smiled and shook hands with Jorge, and said politely, "Jorge, you are a great father, you have cultivated the 21st century king."

Speaking of his son, Jorge was full of pride, undisguised and disdainful of modesty, "Leon is indeed the best."

At this moment, Messi, who saw all this, took off the microphone with the help of the staff, walked over hesitatingly, and said with a complex expression, "It's nice to see you Mr. Yang."

Yang Cheng laughed, "I guess you don't want to see me, because I messed up your peaceful life."

This is a disguised confession that he had been doing a ghost before?

Messi and Jorge didn't expect Yang Cheng to be so straightforward, and they couldn't speak anymore.

The staff hasn't been withdrawn yet. Seeing what they mean, it is estimated that Yang Cheng will not speak, and they will be able to linger. After all, Yang Cheng and Messi's conversations are just unforeseen.

But how could Yang Cheng follow their wishes, winking at Ian Al, making him touching, and patted Messi on the shoulder and chatted, "Speaking of which, I am a year younger than you. I heard that you like animals very much?"

When Yang Cheng was just looking around, he glanced at the cover of a magazine with a picture of Messi and a goat together. In front of the camera, Messi was like a professional model, and he seemed very close to these animals.

Therefore, Yang Cheng used this topic to get closer to each other. Finding the topic that the other party liked was a kind of rhythmic conversation technique.

Unsurprisingly, Messi suddenly relaxed and smiled, "I really like small animals, especially those domestic animals that are gentle and willing to get along with people. After all, when I was growing up, I often interacted with them. They are together, and they have taught me a lot.

Now I have a dog named Hulk at home. It has really become a member of our family. We have always treated it as a family member. My children also learn from Hulk. After a lot, the love between it and the children is eternal. "

Yang Cheng could feel that when he mentioned family, the softest part of Messi’s heart was touched. His eyes flashed with love for his family. Generally speaking, this kind of person is more nostalgic. He used to listen to others. She said she hadn't had such a deep feeling yet, but seeing it with her own eyes, Yang Cheng knew that the rumors of Messi's love for the past were never groundless.

This is not easy.

I don’t know if I saw Yang Cheng’s thoughts, Messi said intentionally or unintentionally, “Now I only need to return to Argentina except for the national team games. I live in Spain most of the time and I am used to everything there. My hometown is even more emotional than Argentina, where I left when I was very young.

Of course, I miss everything in Argentina when I was a child. Whenever I want to fill myself with energy, I can return to Argentina. I hope that when I get old, I can return to life in Argentina one day. Sometimes you will pay attention. So, the good side of your country is that it can give you the greatest happiness, and the bad side is that it makes you feel great pain. "

Yang Cheng frowned in confusion, but carefully savored this sentence. If he realized something, Messi seemed to be implying something. Barcelona is his second hometown. He is nostalgic and does not want to leave home for the second time. He loves My homeland, even if the homeland will bring myself pain, but also has a happy side.

The meaning is obvious. Messi is expressing that even if Barcelona hurt his heart, he still does not want to leave there easily, because it is his home.

Messi's eyes suddenly sharpened, as if he was staring at the goal on the field, trying to shoot the **** ball in, and said loudly, "I have some Argentine qualities, such as the determination to do one thing well. , We will give everything we want to achieve what we want. This trait may be a mixture of ambition and loyalty in my body. It has always been a part of my body."

Yang Cheng subconsciously answered, "That's why you should go to a wider world, don't you? Instead of staying in your comfort zone forever and remembering the glory of the past!"

These words are not unimportant, but Yang Cheng still said it. He felt that the introduction of Messi would be a knock-on, and he could not shrink back because of Messi's few hypocritical emotions.

Messi frowned, "Mr. Yang, you probably don’t understand my feelings for Barcelona. Because of a natural illness, no one was optimistic that I could play football. Barcelona gave me a chance and I was able to be on the green field today. People can’t forget what they have achieved."

Yang Cheng felt that this was just Messi’s instinctive resistance. It wasn’t that he really knew that he didn’t want to leave. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have expressed to the media that he might leave. "I just heard what you said in the interview. Answer, I think there is a saying that is right, football has developed into a business, a game of capital, and players have become pawns in the hands of capitalists.

Of course you have the right to choose to say no, but you have to think clearly, the consequence of saying no is to be kicked out of the chessboard. A chess piece that has lost the battlefield is just a piece of waste wood. Any value, do you understand what I mean? "

Don’t give Mesido time to think, speed up his speech, “Barça is one of the capitalists in charge of chess pieces, and I am the same. We are playing chess, of course, for the ultimate victory and maximize the benefits. If you become Those who play chess may be able to understand Barcelona's approach.

Including that when they brought you from the Pampas to La Masia, they were not doing charity, they were just gambling with no loss at all. You were looked down upon by everyone because of your illness. Barcelona may have discovered you. If you have a bright spot on your body, then you will be signed with a very small price. If you win the bet, you will make a lot of money. If you lose, you will lose nothing. You would not think that the operation fee of hundreds of thousands of euros is for the wealthy Barcelona. What's the price?

Now, it is obvious that Barcelona has won the bet. The honor and money you have won for Barcelona over the years is enough to repay the original kindness. Now it is time for you to step out to challenge the higher sky and at the same time leave a lot of money for your old club. Enough funds to sign dozens of young geniuses. This is a win-win, no, and triple win situation. "


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