Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1180: Brand dilemma

Elizabeth Olsen feels that Yang Cheng decides a luxury brand spokesperson with just one sentence. Such a handsome move is tragic, but it is not the case in Yang Cheng's eyes.

As long as the big coffee designers who can make their heads in the fashion industry are all individuals with full personality, they are unwilling to be restrained, which will inhibit design inspiration, no matter how good the relationship is, they cannot make decisions for them.

The same is true for Marc Jacobs, who has always been known for his bold and radical style. Yang Cheng has never seen him compromise with anyone.

Originally, he mentioned it happily, only to sell Olsen a favor, and did not think that Marc Jacobs would seriously consider the matter, but who would have thought that he not only considered it, but also made a final decision in such a short period of time. Not so normal.

Sure enough, Yang Cheng's hunch was verified. The next second, Mark Jacobs smiled at Olsen, "Liz, can I call you that? I want to have a good chat with Jason."

The implication was that Olson needed to make room, and the smart girl immediately reacted and said, "It just so happens that I also meet some new friends."

Yang Cheng smiled apologetically, "I'll look for you later."

Olsen returned a relieved look, took the skirt corner and left here, but didn't go far, he chatted with some familiar and unfamiliar people nearby.

"It seems you have hope to go further~" Jacob quipped.

Yang Cheng just smiled formulaically, "Say Mark, you should need my help if you have something."

Jacob smiled bitterly, "You are still so smart. That's right, it is God's guidance to meet you today. I would like to ask you to save arbsp;jabs."

Yang Cheng's heart was shocked, "What's the matter? You used such serious language."

Jacob sighed deeply, "Anault might give up arbsp;jabs."

Yang Cheng couldn’t hide his shock, “How could it be possible that arbsp;jabs is one of the most important brands under lvh. I remember that the sub-line brand has also created good sales results. In the past few years, it was not planned to raise arbsp;jabs for listing. Why? Why are you shutting down suddenly?"

Jacob took a sip, "Arbsp;jabs has been in a negative state in recent years, and sales performance is deteriorating. At the beginning of last year, the sub-line brand arbsp;byarbsp;jabs has ceased operations. At the end of last year, several flagships located in New York, Los Angeles and London. The store was also closed, and its designers were transferred to other brands. Now I am the only one who cannot support arbsp;jabs.

If, I mean, if there is no improvement this year, the next step is to shut down the menswear product line. In the end, it is very likely that the entire brand will become history. You know, this is my painstaking effort. I still want to build it. Hundred-year-old brand is available now. . . "

In the end, the man who had created countless legends began to choke.

Yang Cheng sighed and patted him on the shoulder, then comforted, "There are some things that we can't control, so what do you want me to do?"

Jacob is waiting for Yang Cheng’s words, "At present, I have the equity of arbsp;jabs80 in the hands of lvh, and the remaining 20 in the hands of me and my partners. If possible, I hope you can help me to separate the brand from lvh. come out."

Yang Cheng didn't even think about it. The first reaction was, "You know Arnott better than I do. He would not agree. He would rather destroy the brand."

Jacob shook his head, "No, in fact I have obtained his verbal guarantee, as long as the price is right, the brand can complete the separation, but lvh must guarantee at least 30 holdings."

"In other words, I need to buy another 50?"

"40, I pooled a sum of money with my partner, so I can buy 10." Jacobs seemed to have settled everything, and waited for the "destined person" to appear.

There was no change on Yang Cheng's face. He felt that Jacob's first goal was not himself, because it was purely accidental that he accepted Jimmy Jones' invitation.

But now that he had spoken, he had to seriously consider the matter, not to mention the relationship between his mother and Jacob, only the brand value is worth buying.

In the past, Yang Cheng helped Beckham and invested in the fashion brand of the Beckham family. It can be said that he has penetrated the fashion industry with one hand. Now if he wins the arbsp;jabs brand, it would be an option.

But what he worries about is the overall environment. Even arbsp;jabs, which has the most top designers, is facing the dilemma of declining performance. Is it really good for him to rush into this industry?

In fact, from a commercial point of view, the current general predicament in the global high-end luxury market is that there are too many brands and stores. In addition, the number of tourists in the country of Z that is currently the only supportable ultra-high consumption has suffered sharply. As a result of the terrorist attacks, the prices of luxury brands were forced to start to lower, while at the same time, mid-to-high-end light luxury brands whose price range was lower than that of luxury goods showed an upward trend.

Under the double pressure, the performance is good.

For the current major consumer groups, the price of high-luxury brands is beyond reach. Buying one in a year or a few years will not help the performance of high-luxury brands. On the contrary, those whose positioning is slightly lower than that of high-luxury. However, brands that have a distinctive design and first-class quality, and the final purchase price does not cost thousands of dollars, are currently the mainstream in the market.

In order to increase passenger flow and promote online sales, retailers have responded to this trend. Light luxury products have both creative and commercial benefits, and they also have the ability to attract consumers and promote sales.

For luxury brands, it is a wise move to shift to the mid-to-high-end market, which can reduce the price while protecting the brand image. If Yang Cheng finally agrees to acquire arbsp;jabs, he will force Jacob to do so, even if he is not willing.

Of course, now Marc Jacobs has no other choice. It is difficult to balance business and art You must make a trade-off, just like movies. If you want to make money, don't emphasize the artistry, otherwise the final result will be It will only become a failure.

I told Jacob about my worries, but he unexpectedly got his support, "Jason, I didn't expect you to have insights on fashion brand operation. It seems that you are destined to become arbsp; the **** of jabs."

Yang Cheng’s ugly words have not been finished yet, “The most important point is that the world knows where the current main consumer market is. I believe you know it very well, so I need you and the entire brand to let go of prejudices and ignore the strangeness of your peers. Keep your eyes on the Z country market. As long as you successfully pry open the door of Greater China, arbsp;jabs will regain its glory, and it will be just around the corner."

Mark Jacobs solemnly said, "I am not a species, race, or discriminator. Believe me, I have always had a strong curiosity and inquiries about that distant country and the mysterious and long-standing Eastern culture, not to mention that it is a matter of brand life and death. I will not be stupid enough to kill myself."

Yang Cheng sighed, "If this is the case, I think we can talk about the shares."


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