Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1179: marcjacobs

To be honest, tonight is not suitable for outdoor activities, the temperature is freezing, let alone wearing a light dress, even wearing long clothes and trousers will easily freeze through.

Fortunately, Yang Cheng wore thermal underwear before leaving, and the distance from getting off the bus to entering the stadium was just a few tens of meters away.

But Elizabeth Olsen was not so lucky. There was only a single layer on her body. The breathable and smooth material basically did not provide the effect of keeping out the cold. She shivered when she got out of the car.

It is said that there is no red carpet, but many celebrities and celebrities in the cultural and sports circles gathered together tonight. Hundreds of journalists and paparazzi who heard the wind came firmly on both sides of the entrance passage. The uneven shutter sound and The shouting frantically tested the hardness of the eardrum.

"Miss Olsen, look here, look here~"

"I love you~ you are so beautiful tonight~"

"Elizabeth, I want to have a baby with you~"

Okay, this must be wishful thinking of the fans, but Olsen heard it anyway and smiled in the direction of the call.

Yang Cheng was not surprised by her indifferent way of handling, but she was already trembling with cold, but when facing the camera, her ability to pose perfectly was shocking.

It would be nice if she could not use too much force when holding herself.

While she was not looking at the camera and lowering her head to adjust her skirt, Yang Cheng leaned into her ear and asked, "Do you need me to lend you the coat?"

Olsen smiled, "Thank you, it doesn't matter, this is my job."

Yang Cheng shrugged. In fact, he was also very cold. Since the other party didn't need it, he didn't force it.

It may be because of the relationship between the two men. The speed of this road is very fast. It is not like walking on the red carpet in the past. The distance of 10 meters can walk out the sense of sight of 100 meters.

But when they stepped up the steps, they found that the star walking in front of them hadn't even entered, and still turned around on the steps and waved to the camera, regardless of whether the shots captured him.

"Who is this Nima?" Yang Cheng muttered in her heart as she looked at the strange woman who was overlooking the audience.

This strange flower is wearing a black cake skirt, which looks amazing, and the wrinkles of the cake are very obvious. He is also stepping on high heels of up to 30 cm under his feet. With the makeup of snake essence, it looks like a "Performance artist", costume is always difficult to understand. . .

After Yang Cheng and the others passed by the strange woman, Olsen asked, "Look at your expression, don't you know her?"

Is this a big star? Yang Orange shook his head.

"Oh my god, she's ladygaga, and I like her songs, she has a lot of personality."

Yang Cheng was taken aback, and then looked back at her, her attire seemed to be less exotic.

"She's ladygaga? I've heard of it, but the first time I saw a real person."

Entering the party scene while chatting, the high-power air conditioner is delivering heating, Olson finally no longer trembles, just a few tens of meters just like being in the North Pole.

"Jimmy, where are you going?" Yang Cheng saw that Jimmy Jones was ready to act alone as soon as he entered the door, and suddenly asked with dissatisfaction. This uninteresting friend called himself but ignored it.

"Man, you know, I will be very busy on such occasions, let Liz accompany you, I have to go busy." hurriedly explained to Yang Orange, and then went into the crowd and disappeared.

Olsen held Yang Cheng with a smile, "You should understand."

Yang Cheng was still unhappy, "Hey, Liz, understand, understand, but favors belong to favors. It is not a polite thing to call a friend but ignore it."

"Comeon, am I still there?" Olsen clenched Yang Cheng's arm tightly as if coaxing the child. The soft touch caused Yang Cheng to lose consciousness in an instant. There was no kung fu to blame unreliable friends.

"OK, you won. I hope you don't leave with the same excuse later." Yang Cheng smoothly took two glasses of champagne from the waiter's tray that shuttled through the crowd.

Olsen took the cup and touched Yang Cheng's cup lightly. The ding sound was very pleasant, "Don't worry, no one except Mr. Lagerfeld can drag me away from you."

The two people seemed to be suffering from autism. They seemed a little out of place on such occasions. They found a place with few people. Olson provoked the topic and asked, "You said that you invested in "Reunion 3" in the afternoon are serious? "

Yang Cheng looked at her in surprise. Compared with the softness of light makeup, Olsen, who painted heavy makeup and curled up his hair, has lost at least 20% of her appearance, but this is a lot of European and beautiful stars who fit the oriental aesthetic. A common problem is that once this sweet actress has put on heavy make-up, she will have a facelift completely changed.

Settling down, he replied, "Why do you ask? Of course it is serious, and the investment agreement has just been signed."

Olsen held the wine glass in both hands and twirled his fingers on the wall of the glass, "I am not questioning you, just strange. You must know that the Marvel series is a diamond in the eyes of countless people. Many people, including my sister, want to get a share. But without exception, it was strongly rejected by Disney."

"This is not the same. After all, you are just laborers, and I belong to the management camp, so I am naturally qualified to talk to Disney on an equal footing." Yang Cheng's words were a bit harsh and cruel, but Olsen understood and agreed with this. Kind of argument.

"This is also the sadness of the actor. In the eyes of fans, we are glamorous and high above. We are the object of envy of countless people, but they don't know that we are just a humble chess piece in front of capital, and we don't even have the ability to jump out of the board."

Olsen suddenly thought about it and looked discouraged. However, she is now very popular. With the corner of Scarlet Witch, she can barely squeeze into the lineup of first-line actresses. Although this position is not stable, once she leaves Marvel, she will immediately return. She fell to the second line, but no one can deny her current status and achievements.

"Everyone has their own suitable position, and only in the right position can their talents be used, otherwise they will become useless. Make an assumption. If you are in charge of Disney, are you confident that you can manage it?"

Olsen stared at Yang Cheng blankly, and shook his head mechanically for a long while.

Yang Cheng said, "Look, this is what I said. The most suitable position for you now is to be the little girl of the Olsen family, to play your own role, and to continue to gain a foothold in Hollywood. This is enough.

Oh, yes, your position tonight is to find Mr. Lagerfeld's side, and then confidently tell him that you are the most suitable spokesperson for Chanel, and then leave everything to God to choose. "


Someone clapped behind Yang Cheng, looked back, couldn't help but smiled and gave out a hug, "Mark, you are really getting handsome."

Hugged by Yang Cheng, a middle-aged man with short hair, gray beard, and a charming smile, patted Yang Cheng's back fiercely, "Your opinion of life is beyond my expectation. ."

"Unexpectedly, you are here too. Did the organizers of this fashion week take out all their old books?" Yang Cheng didn't mind taking the organizers off.

Mark let go of Yang Cheng, took a step back, and made gestures on himself, "Look at my dress, I'm just here for a drink."

Yang Cheng looked at it, and it was true that the simple white t-shirt accompanied by white trousers, a pair of casual brown leather boots, and his own brand of belts did not look like dresses for formal occasions.

But for Marc Jacobs, visiting the Metropolitan Museum of Art is no different from visiting the bar downstairs.

Mark Jacobs, who has been the art director of LV for 16 years, has a very good relationship with Liu Yun as colleagues and friends. Naturally, he also has a lot of hypocrisy with Yang Cheng. However, he has pursued his own design path and created his own name. After the marcjacobs brand, Yang Cheng rarely sees him.

"You absolutely deliberately wanted to show your figure in front of beautiful women." Yang Cheng also took a step back, gently hugging Olsen's waist from behind, and said in a fresh manner.

"This is Elizabeth Olsen, a good friend I just met this afternoon."

After introducing Olsen, he pointed to Marc Jacobs again, "This old man with sao style is called marcjacobs."

Before the introduction, the two interrupted him one after another. Jacob was dissatisfied with being called an old man.

Olsen looked at Yang Cheng absurdly, "Jason, how old do you think I am, do you know Mr. Jacob? You know I am a big fan of this brand."

Yang Cheng raised his hand to sue Rao, "Well, this is my sin."

"By the way, does your brand lack a spokesperson? Why don't you consider Leeds? Her current popularity in Hollywood and her surname should match the style of the brand, and she herself is more in line with your design philosophy." Thinking of Olsen In the pursuit of endorsements, Yang Cheng also took advantage of the trend to help mention that he had a good impression of this girl, and he did not hesitate to do a little effort.

Who knows that he just mentioned it, even Olsen himself only glanced at Marc Jacobs with but did not hold much hope, but the master took it seriously, holding his chin. , Blatantly used radar-like gaze at Olsen's figure, and deliberately stayed in the most prominent position for a few seconds.

Half of the champagne in the glass was slapped and he said, "You gave me a good proposal, I think we can talk about it in detail."

Olsen really did not expect to have this kind of gain today. Although marcjacobs is not a super first-line luxury brand, and it has been a bit lonely in the past two years, but at the peak, it was also a stable first-line big name, and it was made by Jacobs. The high-definition series has made countless celebrities vying to pursue it, and it can be favored by a man who makes all of Europe crazy. No woman can refuse this temptation.

Shengsheng suppressed the excitement and ecstasy, raised his glass and said, "Mr. Jacobs, I am very grateful for your appreciation. It is a lifetime honor to endorse your favorite brand."

Of course, she hadn't forgotten Yang Cheng, her greatest hero, and the eyes that looked at him almost dripped water. At that moment, Yang Cheng was handsome in her eyes!

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