Immortal Asura

Chapter 1291: Law enforcement guardians come forward

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Xuanyuan Mountain was furious and looked at the people of the opposite Zhuge family with a murderous look, yelling loudly: "A group of old and immortal things, even relying on their own strength and strength to bully the junior, what are you fucking? Come here? You do n’t feel ashamed, I all feel ashamed. "

The people of Zhuge Family were scolded by Xuanyuan Mountain. Although they were very angry, they could not do anything. Now they are not the opponents of Xuanyuan Family, and even everyone is a little afraid of the Xuanyuan Family's shots. If they really shot them, It is difficult for them to survive.

Zhuge Lang, the old man headed by the Zhuge family, snorted and said coldly, "Xuanyuan Mountain, killing is not the point, is it too much for you to insult our Zhuge family?"

Xuanyuan Mountain snorted and looked at Zhuge Lang coldly, gritted his teeth and said, "Insult? You Zhuge family did such a thing, dare you want a face? What other faces do you have? You still need me to insult you guys?"

"That's all your family's words, but it's you who maliciously planted us and framed us. Before we, the Zhuge family always thought about the face of the three major families, and then they showed mercy and let these juniors, but now you actually bite a bite, in Here we frame us, maliciously discredit our family of Zhuge, can't you be all stupid people? "Zhu Gelang whispered loudly.

"It's amazing. The elders of the Zhuge family of the Tang Tower will not blush when they lie. I have a thorough understanding of your Zhuge family's skin today," Zhang Yan stood out and sneered at this time. "Since you say Before, it was your mercy, so if we compare it now, let the world see how powerful your heirs of the Zhuge family are. "

When Zhuge Qingfeng saw Zhang Yan coming out, he stepped back two steps subconsciously, and looked at Zhang Yan with some fear in his eyes. He was really frightened by Zhang Yan. Zhang Yan was too strong.

Zhuge Lang heard a snorted voice and said, "How can you be compared to our family of Zhuge, an unknown soldier? Besides, when is the dialogue between our family, it's your turn to intervene?"

"Is it ineligible, or are you afraid?" Zhang Yan asked sarcastically.

Zhang Yan's words stunned everyone in the Zhuge family, and Zhuge Lang didn't know how to refute.

Zhugeshan snorted and said, "No matter what, if you dare to attack the people of our Xuanyuan family, that is to be against us. Don't want to leave here alive today."

Xuanyuan Mountain wanted to do something when he was talking, but was stopped by Nangong He on the side. Nangong He said with a smile: "Brother Xuan Yuan, how can we say that we are all from the three great families? If the swords face each other in the face of the world, wouldn't it make us laugh at us? "

"How? You Nangong family want to be on the side of Zhuge family?" Xuanyuan Shan snorted and asked.

Nan Gonghe said with a smile: "I'm not trying to stand by the Zhuge family, but things haven't been really investigated. Isn't it inappropriate for your Xuanyuan family to do this? So many people are here, you If the Xuanyuan family insists on doing something, then our Nangong family has to stand up and maintain justice. "

"Justice?" Xuanyuan Shan snorted coldly, looked at the people of the Zhuge family and looked at the people of the Nangong family, and questioned loudly: "What is justice? What do you teach me is justice? I live in Xuanyuan Mountain After so many years, I did n’t understand. I do n’t even know what justice is. You teach me? ”

In the face of Xuanyuan Mountain's interrogation, everyone was silent for a while, and there was a silence all around. Everyone was silent. Nangong He smiled awkwardly and looked at Xuanyuan Mountain. Passionate, how can we say that we are also the three great families, what ca n’t we sit down and talk about? Besides, it ’s the Zhuge family that is losing, and they have lost a lot of people. On the contrary, the people in your Xuanyuan family have nothing to do, why is it so? What about fighting? "

"I'm excited? People in the Zhuge family, knowing that our Xuanyuan family are there, have to do it. They are obviously not giving me the Xuanyuan family's face, and they want to kill my Xuanyuan family. If this is the case, our Xuanyuan family If it doesn't matter, wouldn't that make the world laugh at our Xuanyuan family for being timid and afraid of things? "Xuanyuan Shan said very loudly.

Nangong Crane also did not know what to say at this time. After all, if things were really as Xuan Yuanming said, this Zhuge family relied on their family status to bully men and women, and wanted to grab the two men around Zhang Yan. This beauty is really disgusting, but he ca n’t watch the Xuanyuan family conflict with the Zhuge family. Now it seems that the Xuanyuan family is very powerful. If they do n’t join the Zhuge family, their Nangong family ca n’t compete. Xuanyuan Family.

That's why Nangong He has always spoken for the Zhuge family. He just doesn't want to see the Zhuge family be destroyed. At the same time, he really doesn't want to see the three major families become disabled. Although it is said that there is competition, they have not reached the point of being disabled. .

Nangong He looked at the silent Zhuge Lang and said, "What the **** are you talking about? If you are not intentionally targeting the Xuanyuan family, then let your juniors come out to apologize to Xuanyuan Ming, don't let things happen It ’s getting worse. "

Zhu Gelang also understood people and heard the meaning of Nangong He's words. He couldn't help but laugh and said, "Brother Xuanyuan Shan, don't be so upset. At the time, we had no way of discipline. This allowed the young people in the family to do something extraordinary, but After that, we also reflected, let alone I scolded him. Besides, we are not targeting your Xuanyuan family, and I also ask brother Xuanyuan to calm down. "

"You go and apologize to Xuanyuan Ming. Things have arisen because of you, so don't hurry up," Zhuge Lang stared at Zhuge Qingfeng angrily.

Zhuge Qingfeng also knows that this Zhuge Lang is doing this to protect him. If he really turns his face with Xuanyuan's family, they will have to fold here today. Now for them, it is the most important thing to save their lives. Facially, that can only be found again later.

One hundred Zhuge Qingfeng was unwilling. Who is he Zhuge Qingfeng? That is the arrogant Lord, the one who doesn't put anyone in his eyes. Now, in order to survive, he can only grit his teeth and stand up to Xuan Yuanming's presence, arrogantly saying: "Brother Xuan Yuanming I was wrong before. Please ask Brother Xuanyuan to see that you have nothing to do with it, just forget it. "

Xuanyuan Ming snorted and said, "It's no use telling me that Zhang Yan is my brother. If you move him, you will move me. You should talk to Brother Zhang Yan and see if he can let you go."

As soon as Xuanyuan Ming's words came out, everyone in the Zhuge family frowned. Zhuge Qingfeng was also angry, and made him apologize to Xuanyuan Ming. It was nothing. After all, that was also the Xuanyuan family, but it was for Zhang Yan. Little people with no influence background apologize and be soft, then it's different, but it's shameful, even if you want to live, but Zhuge Qingfeng can't say.

Zhuge Qingfeng said coldly, "Let me apologize to Zhang Yan? That is impossible."

"That being the case, there is no need to speak," Xuanyuan Ming snorted.

At this time, Zhugelang stood up and said, "Brother Xuanyuan, since your Xuanyuan family is so indifferent to me, if you have to kill everything, then my Zhuge family can only stay with you to the end, otherwise others really think that my Zhuge family is bullying. "

"All of you, who can help me with the Zhuge family, when we go out, we will give him a holy artifact."


Everyone around them heard the words immediately, and they talked about it. After all, it was a sacred weapon, a weapon that many warriors dreamed of. If such words were spoken by others, they might not believe it, but the people of Zhuge family said it, they were absolutely convinced. Yes, after all, the Zhuge family is known as the family of refiners, and it is easy to take out a holy soldier.

The people around me suddenly felt eager to try. Although facing the Xuanyuan family, it was dangerous to offend the Xuanyuan family, but they offended. After they went out, no one knew who they were. Besides, they had weapons in their hands and strength. After ascension, they may not be afraid of their Xuanyuan family.

These people could not help but take a few steps forward, standing there waiting to see the situation, if they really did, then they would have to stand on the side of the Zhuge family.

Xuanyuan Mountain also saw the intentions of the crowd, but as a family of God of War, they have never been afraid of fighting. Xuanyuan Mountain snorted and said, "Call a helper? So what? Since you are looking for death, then don't blame us No more romance. "

"Since you don't listen to persuasion, if you insist on fighting, then my Nangong family will not intervene," Nangong He sighed helplessly, and then took the people of the Nangong family to the side, preparing to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, They will not intervene in this kind of thing. After all, it is not easy for the two families to offend. If they really fight for your life, their Nangong family may still be able to take advantage of the fishermen.

Zhang Yan and others immediately stood up and stood beside Xuanyuan Ming, looking at Zhuge Qingfeng with a murderous look in his eyes, and said coldly, "Since we are fighting, how can we be less of us?"

"Yeah, the last time you were lucky to run away, this time you don't want to leave here alive," said the fat man, rubbing his hands there.

And Hu Meier also stood up, and the heart of molten fire in her hand showed up. When she saw the heart of molten fire in Hu Meier's hands, there was a hint of greed in the eyes of everyone in Zhuge's family, and at the same time there was a hint of fear.

The old man next to Jian Wuchen looked at Jian Wujian and asked, "Master, do we also want to take a shot and help the people of Zhuge Family, this time is the best moment to attract Zhuge Family, and we can also take the opportunity to kill Zhang Yan. "

Jian Wujin shook his head and said, "No hurry, we are still unclear. Although we say that our shots can help us win the Zhuge family, but that will also make us hostile to the Xuanyuan family. Now it seems that this situation, The strength of the Xuanyuan family is probably above the Zhuge family. It is not easy to offend the Xuanyuan family. After all, it is the God of War family, a group of guys who fight to death, we are not easy to provoke. "

The people on Ling Tian Ge are also watching Ling Feng and are waiting for Ling Feng to speak. If Ling Feng does not speak, they will not act lightly, but everyone does not know what Ling Feng thinks.

Ling Feng did not mean to shoot. Now it is a battle between the families. Ling Feng is not willing to stand in haste. After all, the strength of these two families cannot be underestimated, and it is difficult to offend either one.

Just when the situation was tense, watching the Xuanyuan Family and the Zhuge Family were about to go to war, suddenly a group of ten people rushed over to this side, flew directly over the heads of the people, and fell directly in the center of the two parties.

The people around looked at this group of people who didn't know them well, and said with some confusion: "Who is this? And which hidden power cannot be seen?"

"I don't know, just look at it," the warrior on the side said.

This group is a group of middle-aged men. The old man is headed by an old man. This old man also looks very domineering. He has a strong momentum and glanced at the people of the Zhuge Family and the Xuanyuan Family, and set his sights on Zhang Yan's. On his body, Zhang Yan carefully looked up and down, and frowned.

Zhang Yan was also looking at the group curiously there. I do n’t know which force these people are, and who is it. After all, from this group of people, Zhang Yan felt a strong momentum, and they were hiding The breath of writing is very strong, and we can see that these people are masters.

The old man headed directly showed the tokens around his waist and said coldly: "We are the guardians of the law enforcement of Zhongtian Realm. We are here to maintain the order of the test of immortal stones. How to say, don't influence the trial of the immortal stone this time. This is a big thing that concerns our people and cannot be affected in the slightest. "

Everyone was shocked when they saw the token in the hands of the old man. They did not expect that the guardians of law enforcement came. This is a group of mysterious organizations and a group of people who safeguard the security of the human kingdom. The military people also respect them, but On weekdays, they are hidden in the dark and rarely show up. I didn't expect that so many people were sent to maintain order this time. It seems that they also attach great importance to the trial of immortal stones.

Xuanyuan Mountain also frowned when he saw this. Other people's face might not give it, but the law enforcement guardian's face, Xuanyuan Mountain could not help it, otherwise it would provoke public anger, and the strength of the law enforcement guardians was also It's scary.

Xuanyuan Mountain snorted and looked at Zhugelang coldly, saying, "This time it's your luck, but this account is on our Xuanyuan family."

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